"From the information obtained from the Gonu Kingdom, the Yamatai Kingdom is full of deep mountains and old forests. Once they abandon the 'city' and hide in it, it will be a big trouble for us. Therefore, the queen of the Yamatai Kingdom is going to fight, it is our chance!" Gan Ning Straightforward.

Once the enemy hides in the ravine, Gan Ning has no time to spend here!

Therefore, it is the best choice to take advantage of the gathering of enemies and eliminate them.

"It is rumored that Himiko knows some witchcraft..." Ding Feng said with some concern.

"You believe this?" Gan Ning asked with a smile.

"Of course I don't believe it, but they must have something to rely on if they dare to gather troops and horses to confront us." Ding Feng reminded.

This sentence reminded Gan Ning, at first it could be interpreted as the ignorant fearless.

Fighting on the mainland, the Japanese are more courageous.

However, the successive failures did not frighten the authorities of the Yamatai Kingdom... This is worth pondering.

Want to make a comeback with an army of [-]?

Just kidding!

No wonder Ding Feng thinks about witchcraft...

Is there any way to stop them except witchcraft?

"Is there something I haven't noticed?" Gan Ning couldn't help thinking.

"Whatever his situation is, we can make a quick decision, catch Himiko, and everything will be settled." Ma Chao said decisively.

As long as the beheading operation is carried out, Yamatai will be in chaos.

And Himiko is the culprit who seized the ship. As long as she is caught, there will be an explanation to Liu Ke.

As for what will become of Yamatai, that's none of their business.

"Meng Qi is right, I am confused, and the decisive battle will start tomorrow!" Gan Ning said with firm eyes.

However, what they don't know is that the land seems to be calm, but the sea is rough.

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters are surging

The army of Yamatai Kingdom is nothing more than a weak army.

The so-called fish belly is the part of the fish that is close to the stomach. Compared with the fish head, the fish belly is the weakest part of the fish, lacking defense and no attack power. It is also boneless and easy to eat.

Gan Ning and other generals looked down on Yamatai's army, even Fujiwara, the great Japanese of Yamatai.

Not reconciled, he paid Himiko a worried visit.

"Your Majesty, Yamatai Kingdom, it is time for life and death! You can't..."

"Is the altar ready?"

Himiko interrupted Fujiwara, without impatience, only a faint order, which made people have to obey.

Fujiwara sighed, and said, "Report to Your Majesty the Queen, it is ready."

"That's good, do you have anything else to do?"

"there is none left……"

"If you don't, go down!"

Himiko fell into meditation.

Just when Fujiwara was about to leave, Himiko stopped him again.

Fujiwara looked happy, could it be that Her Majesty the Queen has changed her mind?

"Send someone to Bodo Bay and report immediately if there is any change."


Fujiwara was very surprised, why did he send someone to watch Hakata Bay?

As the name suggests, Hakata Bay is the vast sea outside Hakata Town.

Ma Chao's cavalry landed from Bodo Bay.

However, the Yamatai Kingdom is there without any arrangements, so what can happen?

Fujiwara couldn't understand it, and asked: "Your Majesty, what happened?"

"You'll know when you go." Himiko said mysteriously.

Fujiwara was very curious, but he didn't ask much.Since Her Majesty the Queen wants to keep her secret, then let her do her own thing well.

After going out, Fujiwara ordered his samurai Kuroda to go to Hakata Bay in person.

"Dawa, what are you doing in Hakata Bay now?"

Want to know?

I don't even know, how can I tell you?

"Collect intelligence, if there is an emergency, come back and report immediately."

Fujiwara pretended to be mysterious and unpredictable.

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