"What kind of emergency?"

"You'll know then."

Kuroda was stunned.

Why are big people like this?

After dismissing Kuroda, Fujiwara sighed and came to the altar.

Himiko had already brought her priests and lined up around the altar, while she herself was sitting in the middle, with her head slightly raised, looking at the sky, without saying a word.

This scene is absolutely extraordinary, Fujiwara has never seen it before.

They didn't sing praises to the sun god, didn't dance witch dances to please the gods, and didn't boost their morale. They just watched in a daze.

Fujiwara couldn't figure it out, what's the use of this?

After a long time, Himiko said calmly: "The Han people invaded the country favored by the Sun God. The Sun God is very angry, and He will send down his anger."

Fujiwara bowed and bowed, he remained respectful to the sun god.

However, this is useless, right?

The Han people have already captured Hakata Town. Excluding the naval fleet and stationed in Hirado Castle, there are about [-] troops, plus the [-] from the Dog Nu Kingdom, it is [-] troops.

This is the real threat.

In the eyes of a wise man like Fujiwara, the only function of the Sun God is to make his subordinates fearless of death.

If you want to win, you still have to rely on people.

"Call the army, I have something to say to them." Himi shouted.

Yamatai is still in a primitive society and a slave society. Due to low productivity, they cannot give scientific explanations for the laws of material movement and natural phenomena in the universe.

It seems that there is a supernatural power dominating the world, so the concept of gods and ghosts came into being.

Miko is a person who is believed to be able to communicate with gods and ghosts, speak on their behalf, and carry out their will.

When the army gathered, Himi danced the witch dance in a daze.

She is still innocent like a girl, her eyes are as calm as the sea, and the diamonds inlaid between her eyebrows have not taken away the slightest light.

She is as beautiful as a goddess descending to earth, mysterious and pure, making one wish to hold all the beautiful things in the world at her feet, just to make her smile.

This is the queen of Yamatai!

She is not performing, but pleasing the gods.

The bone flute was played, the snare drum was played, and the singing was sung.

With delicate dance steps, the bells on Himiko's body rang loudly, moving slowly like a light cloud, and whirling like a whirlwind.

The [-] army was stunned!


Wait until the sacrifice is over.

Himiko came to the middle of the army and said softly: "When the sun rises tomorrow, the sun god will send down his anger to punish the self-righteous and arrogant Han people."

For this sentence, no one doubted, they knelt down trembling, and humbly prostrated themselves on the ground.

"Her Majesty has boundless magic power!"

Fujiwara was dubious, but still knelt down.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Fujiwara didn't dare to ask, even if he asked, Himiko would probably not be able to tell.

But the embarrassing thing is that he thinks more than others... and is a little suspicious.

This is very uncomfortable.

After communicating with the sun god, Himiko returned to the king's chariot, served only by the close-knit maiden.

At this moment, she was still staring at the top of the royal chariot in a daze, as if she didn't care about the survival of the country.

Night gradually fell.

Kuroda was ordered to go to Hakata Bay when he was in danger. He bypassed the Hakata Plain and only took the path.

Because the plains were full of scout cavalry from the Han people, Kuroda was not sure how to avoid them, because he was also riding a war horse, and once he was discovered, he would be dead.

"What happened in Hakata Bay that deserves Dawa's attention?"

Kuroda was puzzled.

The former Hakata Bay was a good place for fishing, and many fishermen lived along the shore.

It's just that after the arrival of the Han Chinese fleet, Bodo Bay was no longer peaceful, and the people here were all relocated to the interior.

At the beginning, the resistance policy established by the Yamatai Kingdom was to fortify the walls and clear the country, stick to Hirado Castle and Hakata Town, and wait for the reinforcements from the royal court.

However, Hirado Castle was lost, and so was Hakata Town.

The Hakata coast became a place ruled by the Han Chinese, and it became a dangerous place.

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