Xia Houshang looked at his empty hands, and the previous heroic spirit disappeared immediately.

"Why are you standing still, why don't you run away!" Cao Chun shouted.


Xia Houshang spat out bad luck, and asked back: "You want me to run away? Are you sure you're not talking in your sleep?"

"That's right, if we join forces, we may not necessarily be his opponent." Cao Chun finally figured it out at this moment, he shouldn't be brave.

His heart beat faster, panting and continued: "This is a trap, Zhao Zilong wants to catch us all."

"Haha!" Xia Houshang laughed loudly and said, "Zihe, don't talk about being discouraged, come and help me."

"Bo Ren, this is not a joke." Cao Chun said urgently.

He felt that retreating was the best choice, even if he lost troops, he still had to preserve the strength of the tiger and leopard cavalry.

Once it is damaged here, it must be a huge blow to Cao Cao.


In the darkness, Xia Houshang raised his sword and gave a low shout. He took the lead and attacked Zhao Yun.

"You're crazy!" Cao Chun screamed, but instead of abandoning Xia Houshang, he went up to meet him.

The two men besieged Zhao Yun for seven or eight rounds, and gradually became exhausted.

Cao Chun turned his head and saw that Xia Houshang was also panting heavily, especially the hand holding the sword was trembling slightly.

Is this Nima still going up?

Is Xia Houshang a fool?

At first Cao Chun thought so, but later, he suddenly came to his senses.

Xia Houshang must have a backup, he needs to delay, otherwise he would not be so crazy.

Thinking of this, Cao Chun gritted his teeth and cooperated with Xia Houshang to hold Zhao Yun back.

Clinking, the three of them fought together.

And Guo Huai brought a group of black-clothed soldiers into one body with the night, and touched them.


Xia Houshang could no longer hold the saber in his hand and flew out.


He drank in a low voice.

Cao Chun felt it and quickly backed away.


The sound of piercing through the air came, and Cao Chun's front was immediately filled with feathered arrows.

The roads are densely packed and blocked.

Zhao Yun waved his long spear to block, and the sound of clanging and clanging could be heard endlessly.

Taking advantage of the gap between the enemy's rest, Zhao Yun set off a cart.

Tuk tuk - tuk tuk -

The sound of bows and arrows embedded in wood echoed in my ears.

When the shooting was over, Zhao Yun put down the cart, which was filled with dense arrows, like a hedgehog.

He looked forward, Cao Chun and Xia Houshang had disappeared into the flames.


With one shot, Zhao Yun knocked down the fire-stained wooden fence in an instant, and took the lead in killing them.

With lingering fears in his heart, Cao Chun, who thought he had escaped from birth, never thought that Zhao Yun would chase them all by himself.

"Damn! I really want to go back and deal with him!"

If you have to go by yourself, I will not accompany you... Xia Houshang silently read a sentence.

After fighting for only a dozen rounds, he felt as if a lifetime had passed.

He didn't want to feel this hopeless feeling again.

"Except for my uncle and a few other people who are his opponents, you and I should forget it."

Suddenly, there was a faint sound from behind.

"General, Cao Chun is running this way!"

"Xia Houshang is here too!"

The Tiger Guards continued to gather small groups to guard Zhao Yun's left and right.

"Hmph! They can't escape!"

Zhao Yun would not let them escape easily, and led the team straight to the direction where the tiger and leopard riders were escaping.

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