On the way, soldiers continued to join in, and soon formed a large group of people, rumbling to kill, with a terrifying momentum.

In the Yangzhou barracks, there were [-] horses, equal to the tiger and leopard cavalry.

If you can make a surprise attack, the elite tiger and leopard cavalry will not be inferior to the Yangzhou army.


Seeing that there are more and more soldiers and horses around Zhao Yun, and fewer and fewer soldiers around him, Cao Chun couldn't help but swear.

"You two generals, it would be too ugly to run away at this moment." Guo Huai said.

"Why don't you stay and resist?" Cao Chun said angrily, even a small captain dared to point fingers at them.

As long as there is a [-]% chance of winning, Cao Chun dares to fight, but now, he can't afford it.

After the team was broken up, he had only [-] soldiers and horses left, plus Xia Houshang's [-] people, he was no match for Zhao Yun!

What's more, this is the Yangzhou military camp, and there might be another army emerging from some corner, which is impossible to guard against.

Xia Houshang knew that Guo Huai was indeed capable, so he said, "What trick do you have?"

"Miao can't be counted, but it can be put to death and reborn." Guo Huai said.


Xia Houshang drew out his personal guard's saber, and took a weapon to stand beside him.

"Don't talk nonsense! You kid likes to talk nonsense!"

Guo Huai was taken aback, but calmed down quickly, and said, "Now when I run westward, I will definitely encounter ambushes. If I run eastward, I will run in the opposite direction. It will be difficult for me to escape the pursuit of the cavalry, and the same goes for the north..."

"I told you not to talk nonsense, where are you going!" Xia Houshang roared, and the rear of the team started fighting.

"Our army should go south and join General Cao Hong! If it is Zhang He's troops who are guarding the South Camp Gate, we can attack back and forth and kill Zhang He!" Guo Huai said quickly.

This suggestion is really exciting!

If you are not careful, everyone will be finished.

"In this case, someone must lead the army to stay and stop Zhao Yun, otherwise everything will be empty talk." Cao Chun analyzed that he is mediocre in martial arts, but he still has a fighting mind, otherwise he would not have been running away without knowing whether he would win or not.

This kind of decisiveness is rare for generals.

"The last general is willing to go!" Guo Huai begged for his life.

A man, a real man, should make a contribution!

Isn't now a great time?

"Damn it! Is I not as good as a school lieutenant?" Cao Chun said fiercely, "Give me [-] soldiers and horses, and I will go to Zhao Zilong to fight!"

Before that, he didn't fight because it didn't make sense.

If you can change Zhang Yun's life, it will be worth it no matter how you play.

Xia Houshang immediately showed emotion.

"I'm staying too!"

"You can't. I don't worry about handing over the soldiers and horses to a school lieutenant. If I fall down, but can't take Zhang Yun, wouldn't it be a big loss?" Cao Chun said.

"it is good!"

Xia Houshang hated nonsense.

"Wait, take care of Zhang He, I'll come to rescue you again! Be careful!"

"Take care of yourself!"

The two did not exchange pleasantries, and Xia Houshang distributed Cao Hong [-] soldiers and horses, making Cao Hong's army reach [-].

Xia Houshang took the remaining [-] people and headed towards Zhang Yun.

As soon as Xia Houshang left, Cao Chun regretted it, MD, why did he take on this job?

Wouldn't it be better to leave it to the little captain?

It's too late to regret now, so I have to bite the bullet.

"Zhao Zilong, your grandfather is here, come if you can!"

Logically speaking, Zhao Yun would not pay attention to Cao Chun's taunt, and then his heart moved, he raised his hand, and stopped the soldiers from charging.

The tiger guards stopped in an orderly manner. Cao Chun couldn't help but feel his heart shrink when he saw this kind of order and prohibition. The tiger and leopard cavalry were still a little bit behind such elite soldiers.

One day, his tiger and leopard cavalry will be so powerful.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Cao Chun, what, you want to surrender?" Zhao Yun said calmly.

"Haha, I, Cao Zihe, are loyal to the lord, how could I surrender?" Cao Chun laughed, mocking Zhao Yun's self-indulgence.

"Then what else is there to say?" Zhao Yun swung the gentian spear in his hand, "I will capture you first and present it to the lord, and see if Cao Cao will pay a large price to redeem you."

Cao Chun's heart shuddered, human nature can't stand the test, absolutely can't try it.

"Zhao Zilong, don't you try to sow discord!"

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