-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just as Zhang He was about to attack, his subordinates stopped him.

"General, we are going too!"

At first it was just one person, but gradually it became more and more.

Zhang He hesitated for a moment, and shouted: "Who else can stand up? Let the general follow up!"

Some people didn't have horses, Zhao Yun waved his hand and shouted, "Get off the horse!"

Some cavalry gave up their horses to their comrades.

"Don't hurry up and thank your colleagues, thank you General Zhao, take your time, the enemies are all gone!" Zhang He urged

Everyone got on their horses quickly, their eyes and momentum became different, all of them were flushed and excited.

"This time I will kill enough!"


woo woo woo woo--

The horns of the cavalry were loud and loud.

Zhang Yun led five thousand elite cavalry, followed behind the tiger and leopard cavalry, killing continuously.

If you run slowly, you will die.

Two legs, also have to die.

ding ding dong.

The sound of fighting and the intertwining of weapons could be heard endlessly, pouring into Cao Hong's mind wave after wave.

Zhang He opened his eyes wide and shouted loudly: "Blow the horn louder so that Cao Cao's army can hear it. I will be chasing them."

"As ordered!"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers who were blowing the horn took a deep breath, exerted all their strength, and blew the horn like thunder, deafening.

woo woo woo woo--

Even though his neck was red, he gritted his teeth and persisted.

The sound of the horn spread to the surroundings, and for a moment it stood out from the shocking shouts of killing.

The loud and clear sound reached the ears of the Tiger Guard soldiers, shaking their spirits.

On the other hand, Cao Cao's army softened their steps.

"Too much deceit!" Cao Hong was furious, "Leave three thousand cavalry and cut off the heir to Lao Tzu."

"No general!"

"The four legs of the cavalry are for you to escape?" Cao Hong cursed.

Some people who opposed it were suddenly silent.


A scream sounded over the wilderness.

Cao Hong turned his head consciously, but was shocked to see a tiger guard soldier knock down a tiger and leopard rider, howling like a wild beast.

"Damn! Let the more of you bully the less, and mess with me!"

This soldier of the Tiger Guards followed Zhang Yun to guard the gate of the village, and many of his colleagues fell in front of him.


A Tiger and Leopard Cavalry wanted to avenge his companions, but before the blink of an eye, that Tiger and Leopard Cavalry was chopped down to the ground by another Tiger Guards soldier.

Immediately, a passing cavalry stabbed him to death on the field with a spear.

With vengeful anger, they were chasing and killing tiger and leopard riders.

"Follow me!"

Cao Hong bared his teeth and led [-] cavalry to charge back.

"Who's afraid of whom?"

Zhang He let out a roar, and the two armies collided fiercely, and blood and flesh flew all over the place.

The empty field has completely turned into a hell on earth.

Blood flowed on the ground.

Under the ground, there seems to be a fierce beast that is invisible to the naked eye, with its fangs open, it keeps devouring the living human life.


As the commander of the tiger and leopard cavalry, after a round of collision, Cao Hong's breathing became short of breath.


Zhang He roared in the distance, he seemed to be tireless, immersed in killing.

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