Before that, he had stood on the front line for a full two hours, killing and cutting down hundreds of tiger and leopard riders.

This number of kills is absolutely dazzling.

After all, there are many old soldiers who have retired from the army, and their total number of kills in their lifetime is not as many as Zhang Yun's in this battle.

But having said that, it is undeniable that he has also reached his limit.

At this moment, he was only burning the last remaining energy, only felt that the iron spear in his right hand was as heavy as a thousand weights, and he couldn't lift it no matter what.

However, the tiger and leopard riders seemed to be endless, still dangling in front of his eyes.

Too many people.

If it weren't for the five thousand elite cavalry around him, Zhang He would have been scared.

"Go ahead!"

Zhang He let out an angry roar, and turned to deal with Cao Hong's cavalry, which was the biggest threat at present.

A tiger and leopard rider passed by Zhang He.

At this moment, several thoughts flashed through Zhang Yun's mind, such as whether to stab the spear directly or use the crossbow pinned to his waist.

Because of exhaustion, thinking began to be disordered.

However, his thoughts were still conveyed to his arms, even though his arms were numb and weak for a while, he still lifted them up.

One shot killed the tiger and leopard rider.

"not good!"

Just after Zhang Yun secretly shouted that something was wrong, several tiger and leopard riders rushed over.

Holding the shield, Zhang He pushed it out forcefully, pushing one person off his horse.

In the next breath, stabbed a sharp sword from the side.


A personal guard handed out a spear to block the blow for Zhang Xi.

Another shot pierced the tiger and leopard rider's head with a puff, and then stabbed the corpse with another shot, randomly picked it up and threw it aside.

"Good brother!" Zhang He laughed out loud. After a burst of killing, Cao Hong's [-] cavalry were very few left.


Cao Hong led the remnant cavalry and fled into the night.


Unwilling to be reconciled, Zhang He chased after him again.

The Tiger Guards continued to kill for a while, and suddenly a horn sounded, and a group of Cao Jun came out.

"Ambush?" Zhang Yun was taken aback, he didn't expect that someone was ambushing here.

You know, the tiger and leopard cavalry have been broken up, how could they have the courage to fight against an ambush at this moment?

"Cao Zidan is here, Zhang Yun, don't be presumptuous!"

It was Cao Zhen who was coming. He was ordered to take over the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, but he did not expect to receive bad news.

When the rout soldiers escaped at the beginning, Cao Zhen thought about one thing, that is whether to go to support.

Later, he dismissed the idea.

The elite are like tiger and leopard cavalry, and they are all like bereaved dogs. His subordinates are just ordinary defenders, how can they beat them.

Therefore, he set up an ambush here, but he did not expect Zhang He to come.

At this moment, Cao Zhen has more than [-] horsemen, all of whom have never experienced a defeat and are physically strong. No matter how courageous Zhang He is, he dare not rush directly.

Not only that, Cao Chun organized nearly [-] tiger and leopard cavalry routs, blocking the way back.

With tigers in front and wolves in back, Zhang He fell into a desperate situation.

"Haha, Zhang Yun, as long as you surrender, I, Cao Hong, promise to save your life." Cao Hong laughed loudly.

The tables turned and he was in a good mood.

Zhang He knew that Cao Hong was stalling for time. If he waited until the army was encircled, he would be unable to escape.

"Break out to the flank!"

In an instant, Zhang He made a decision.

However, without momentum, there is no threat.

The space is small...

Zhang He noticed this and shouted sharply: "Beware of arrow attacks! Beware of arrow attacks!"

The cavalry took a defensive posture one after another, but unfortunately they still couldn't escape the attack of bows and arrows.


With the neighing of the horses, some people fell forever.

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