"Follow me!"

Zhang He shouted angrily, struggling to break through.The cavalry kept wandering to avoid the continuous rain of arrows.

In desperation, Zhang He heard the sound of a horn.

woo woo woo woo--

Zhao Yun's rescue this time was more timely than the last time.

16th Chapter [-] who ambushed who

Now that reinforcements are coming, of course Zhang Yun can't be cowardly.

"Ben will know that the vast majority of you present are afraid at this moment, afraid of sacrifice, and don't know why they sacrificed."

When Zhang Yun said this frankly, most of the soldiers present showed complicated expressions.

They are brave, but it definitely does not mean that they are not afraid of death.

However, most of the time, they hide their fear in their hearts.

They suffered heavy losses and were surrounded. It can be said that the situation is very bad.

Although the Tiger and Leopard Riders also paid a high price, there were too many of them.

The ambushes here reached [-], seven or eight times as many as them.

Zhang He didn't see any fear in their eyes, but they inevitably felt hesitation in their hearts.

More importantly, after a night of fighting, their state has declined.

This means that the risk of death is increased.

Not everyone is crazy.

Surrounded by silence, all Yangzhou soldiers watched their general silently.

And at this moment, Zhang Yun opened his mouth again, solemnly said:

"I'm here to ask you, hold on for another hour, fight for the victory in your hearts, and fight for the Lord."

"Fight for victory! Fight for your fellow man! Fight for survival!"

Zhang Yun's series of words made the soldiers' hearts surge.

"Kill! For the lord!"

A Yangzhou soldier raised his arms and shouted.

Hearing this call, the nearby Yangzhou Army raised their arms and shouted in agreement.

"Fight for the Lord!"

The sudden shout scared Cao Zhen into a dazed look, and he looked around in surprise, unable to figure out what was wrong with these people.


With a roar, Zhang He no longer thought about breaking through, but rushed towards Cao Zhen's main formation with his weapon in hand.

Thousands of Yangzhou soldiers, led by Zhang Yun, began to attack.

All of a sudden it went crazy.

A moment later, Cao Hong's face showed a few traces of panic, and he felt a faint feeling of scalp numbness.

Cao Zhen couldn't help being a little at a loss. He ambush Zhang Yun just to recover part of the losses. When the time comes to count the battle damage, it will look better.

Unexpectedly, things turned out like this.

They have more than [-] soldiers and horses, besieging [-] people, isn't it easy to capture?

I didn't expect Zhao Yun's movements to be so fast!

"How's the situation?" Cao Zhen stared and questioned the scout who came to report.

The scout said eagerly, "At most fifteen minutes, Zhao Yun's flag will appear."

Cao Zhen clenched his fists subconsciously when he heard this, it's an ambush.

After several struggles, Cao Zhen gritted his teeth and ordered: "Withdraw! Leave five thousand soldiers behind."

"Do you really want to give up this opportunity?" Cao Hong was a little unwilling, because Zhang Yun was so happy to chase him just now.

I finally dug a hole, but it didn't work.

"If you don't retreat, who is Zhao Zilong's opponent?" Cao Zhen asked.

The Tiger and Leopard Cavalry had already been defeated for a while, unable to fight any more.It's okay to fight with the wind, but if there is a tough battle, you may run away directly.

Don't think about yourself, but also for your subordinates.

"Retreat!" Cao Hong ordered.

Cao Cao's army, who were aggressive at the beginning, now ran away with their tails between their legs.

Cao Zhen personally led an army of [-] to break the queen, which was the task Cao Cao entrusted to him.

Not long after, a stream of flames as bright as a galaxy appeared.

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