That is the scene presented by countless torches.

Zhao Yun led the reinforcements to arrive.

Cao Zhen closed his eyes, he knew that the five thousand people who died could only be sacrificed.

It's not that he is cruel, but for the sake of the overall situation.

After the killing tonight, I don't know how many lives have quietly disappeared.

"Happy! Happy!"

With a sweep of Zhang Yun's iron spear, several Cao soldiers were thrown to the ground and flew upside down. His eyes were red and he shouted cheerfully.

He killed more and more deeply all the way, suddenly, his eyes lit up, because he saw the enemy general Cao Zhen.

Cao Zhen looked young, but he was quite strong. He kept slashing with a sharp sword, and there were several corpses on the ground.

"Cao Zhen takes his life!"

Zhang Yun's eyes were shining, his legs clamped the horse's belly, and he rushed up fearlessly, and the iron gun in his hand swept hard.

At this time, Cao Zhen turned his head when he heard the sound, with a few smiles on his face.

"Haha, do you want to give away the head?"

After seven or eight rounds of fighting between the two, Zhang Yun was out of breath immediately. After a night of fighting, all the generals in the battle were exhausted at this moment.

"Just like you, you still want to fight this general? Overestimate your own strength!" Cao Zhen taunted, he was wide and fat, with great strength, and every blow carried great strength, Zhang Xi almost couldn't stand it.

However, behind the ridicule, Cao Zhen was secretly startled.

Zhang Yun had been fighting all night, fighting Cao Hong, Xia Houshang and Guo Huai, yet he still had the courage to challenge him.

I saw that Zhang Xi's armor was bright red all over, and his eyes were bloodshot. He suddenly let out a loud shout, and then fought with a gun.

Cao Zhen put on a heavier sword and slashed down fiercely.

After fighting for about twenty rounds, Zhang Yun's hand holding the gun was shaking.

"Die!" Cao Zhen suddenly swung his knife.

Suddenly, a group of brave cavalry came from Tianji, and it was like a broken bamboo.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here, who would dare to fight me!"

Zhao Yun, one man and one horse, broke away from the main formation, broke out from the chaotic army, and went straight to Cao Zhen.


Cao Zhen swung his knife to block a shot, his arm shook, and the long knife almost fell out of his hand.

He played against Zhang Yun, and his strength was superior, while Zhao Yun was stronger than he was in his heyday. Under this contrast, Cao Zhen suffered a small loss.

"Zhao Zilong, don't be rampant!"

Cao Zhen roared angrily, and swung the saber with all his might, Zhao Yun flipped lightly, skillfully removed Cao Zhen's strength, and stabbed him suddenly.


Cao Zhen screamed, his chest hurt, and the heart guard shattered.

If we continue to fight, don't we have to explain here?

"Eat this will be a knife!"

Cao Zhen waved his sword falsely, rode his horse and fled across the road.

"Where to escape!"

Zhao Yun retracted his gun and rode his horse in pursuit.

Cao Zhen looked back and was frightened to death. After fleeing three miles away, a group of soldiers and horses stood in front of him. The leader was Cao Chun.

"Fire arrows!"


A wave of arrow rain fell, blocking Zhao Yun.

"Thank you Zihe!" Cao Zhenxin said with lingering fear.

"You and my brother, why be polite, retreat quickly." Cao Chun said.

When Zhao Yun came after him again, Cao Zhen and Cao Chun had already disappeared into the night.

Zhao Yun had no choice but to turn back and clean up the chaotic army.

"Surrender without killing! Surrender without killing!"

After all, they are all Han Chinese, and Zhao Yun will not embarrass them.

The generals have all run away, why are they still resisting?

The loyalty of the defenders was not as high as that of the tiger and leopard cavalry, so they surrendered one after another.

Zhao Yun ordered to sweep the battlefield and join Zhang He.

At this time Zhang He was lying on his horseback, motionless. If it wasn't for a group of personal guards to protect him, Zhao Yun really couldn't find him.

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