The strength of the Yangzhou Army lies not only in the sergeants, but also in logistics.

On the tenth day, the Yangzhou Army launched a general offensive for no reason!

Zhang Yun had ordered his soldiers to move three hundred giant catapults and one thousand ballistas to the front of the formation.

It is undeniable that Zhang Xi is still a little unfamiliar with how to use the catapult and the crossbow, but the veterans of the Shesheng Battalion can make up for this.

It was enough for him to simply issue orders.

And looking at those catapults and ballistas, Zhang Yun could even vaguely see the inexplicable panic in the eyes of Cao Cao's army on the city wall.

"how is this possible?!"

When Cao Cao heard the report, his eyes widened.

Hundreds of catapults, thousands of ballistas.

The power of this kind of war weapon can be called devastating.


The catapult had already started to start, countless huge boulders rose into the air, and then smashed down hard.

In just a quarter of an hour, several holes in the female wall collapsed, while the city wall was covered with sharp tiles.

The defenders curled up in the corner, and there was no place to stand.

Countless people fell down, fell into a pool of blood, and were buried by throwing stones and rubble.


Almost every moment, there are dozens of catapults flying in the sky, sometimes hundreds of them.

The stone throwing team was divided into three or four batches to ensure the coverage of firepower.

"My lord, don't! It's dangerous on the city wall!" Jiang Ji stopped Cao Cao with his body.

Cao Cao looked up, his liver and gallbladder were torn apart, and there was not a single soldier standing on the city wall!

Only tiles mixed with blood.


A thrown stone crossed the city wall and exploded on the street. The nearby soldiers immediately covered their cheeks, fell to the ground and rolled in pain.

buzz buzz --

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of buzzing.

This is the crossbow bolt embedded in the city wall, and the tail made a trembling sound.

The crossbow bolts used by the ballista are as thick as spears.

Before long, a road suitable for climbing will be fully formed.

Cao Cao's ears were buzzing continuously, and his head was also buzzing.

He was stunned.

As soon as the Yangzhou army attacked, they used all their strength and did not give Cao Cao time to think.


At this time, those who dare to climb the city wall are definitely the warriors among the warriors.

Tread - Tread -

Taking a neat step, the Yangzhou army launched an attack on Huguan.

The obstacles on the city wall have been swept away.

It was clearly the first round of probing attacks, but Zhao Yun invested in five square formations of thousands of people, posing as if he would not give up until he took down the Huguan.

If it weren't for the dangerous location of the Huguan pass, Zhao Yun would have invested more than [-] people.

I saw the five square formations of thousands of people, led by their respective captains, approaching Huguan in an orderly manner in the formation of "three fronts and two rears".

Zhao Yun had no way of knowing how he was feeling when the Huguan was shutting down the defenders, but on his side, goose bumps had already been stimulated by the neat pace of the five thousand tiger guards.

Even Jia Xu, who had always been calm, became even more excited.

Go ahead!

If they can win Huguan in one go, then they are heroes.

Five phalanxes of thousands of people approached Huguan slowly.

When these highly morale pawns were only a stone's throw away from Huguan.

Zhao Yun shouted in his heart: It's time to charge!


dong dong!dong dong!

The fierce roar resounded through the sky.

After hearing the sound of drums behind them, the school captains of each team pulled out their sabers from their waists, pointing at Huguan, and shouted:

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