"Come to the team first, charge to the death!"


The [-] first-board team suddenly quickened their pace, and then ran in a big way.

When Cao Cao saw that the throwing stones had stopped and the crossbow guns had stopped, his heart skipped a beat, and then as expected, he heard the infantry shouting to kill.

"My lord, please let the last general go!"

Xia Houshang saw that Cao Cao had not given the order for a long time, so he took the initiative to invite Ying.

"Guarding Huguan, you are a hero!" Cao Cao said excitedly, he knew that he was about to go through a life-and-death struggle.

"The last general takes orders!" Xia Houshang shouted, and led three thousand crossbowmen to clean up the gravel and tiles all the way, and charged up the city wall.

At this time, the pioneer team had already started climbing the city wall, and there was no one to stop them.

"Fire arrows!"

Before Xia Houshang had time to prepare, he ordered directly, and some archers were even in a state of bewilderment.

Barely shot a wave of sparse arrow rain.

"Raise your shield!"

A captain of the first climbing team shouted, and at the same time he shouted, he did not stop climbing.

Squeak -- squeak --

Not far away, the siege well was advancing slowly under the push of the soldiers.

"Fire arrows!"

As soon as Zhang He gave an order, arrows rained down, instantly suppressing the defenders on the city wall.

Xia Houshang was so focused on avoiding the rain of arrows that he didn't even have time to give the order.

Zhang Xi only shot a wave, and stopped immediately, because he was the first to climb up the team, and someone had already climbed up the city wall.

Jing Lan continued to advance, and then put down the pedal.

With a "boom", dust was splashed.


A steady stream of Yangzhou soldiers attacked the city wall through pedals.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In order to attack Huguan, the Yangzhou army used the catapults, ballistas, well rails, and ladders to the extreme.

At the beginning, it directly suppressed the defenders.

But having said that, the [-] first troops also gradually lost their lives, and the number continued to increase.

This is an unavoidable thing, and there is no one who will not die in a war.

If there is no siege equipment, in a sense, it is to use the lives of soldiers to fill the gully, and the loss will be even greater.

Zhao Yun secretly transported ballistas and catapults just for this moment.

I saw that when the pot was closed, the defenders were in a mess.

As the Yangzhou army climbed the city wall, the most effective arrows for defending the city gradually lost their effect.

Under the sparse attack, the pioneer troops stubbornly pushed dozens of wells to the edge of the city wall,

Immediately, the dense Yangzhou army transported troops to the city wall along the Banqiao on the well rail.

At the same time, more and more teams of ladders are also erecting ladders one after another. Although the crossbow arrows inserted into the city wall can also be climbed, they are not as reliable as ladders.

As long as the first army rushed up and seized part of the city wall, the subsequent troops would be easier.

"Hold on! Hold on to me!"

At this moment on the city wall of Huguan, Xia Houshang yelled at the top of his voice, commanding the soldiers to grit their teeth and resist.

It has to be said that the fierce offensive of the Yangzhou army was completely beyond his expectation.

If at the beginning, he had the confidence to stick to it for three hours, now it may be difficult for even one hour.

Before defending the city, Xia Houshang already had a high opinion of the Yangzhou army who came to attack, but now it seems that three points are not enough.

The Yangzhou army... has become so strong that it is invincible!

When the wind picked up, Zhang Yun gave an order, and the archers on Jinglan shot rockets into the city.


Gradually, flames ignited in several places in Huguan.

Under the action of the wind, bursts of black smoke began to fill the city.

cough cough---

The coughing of the defenders came from inside the city.

The defenders became even more confused, and it was not difficult to guess that they were struggling to put out the fire.

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