Sima Lang sighed and said, "Yangzhou's army has arrived at the border of Xuzhou and will enter Yanzhou soon."

In this way, the situation is already very critical.

"What does General Xiahou plan to do?"

"Stick to Chenliu Commandery."

Sima Yi frowned, what's the use of guarding Chen Liu?

It's better to retreat directly to Sishui Pass.

However, it was as strong as Huguan, and it was broken by the Yangzhou army. Xiahou Dun must have been afraid.

Sishuiguan is unreliable, so we can only stick to Chenliu, otherwise where would you let him go?

"Bingzhou is in critical condition, and Yanzhou is about to be corrupted, what are the chances of winning?" Sima Lang sighed.

"Haha, brother, what are you afraid of? There is no unparalleled road, and I am responsible for everything." Sima Yi suddenly laughed.

"Zhong Da always has a plan, I'll wait and see." Sima Lang's mood also improved a little.

Afterwards, Sima Lang took Sima Yi to meet the general Xiahou Dun.

"Brother, I'm afraid that King Dongyang will do something!"

Before Sima Yi entered the military tent, he heard a roar.

The one who spoke was Xiahou Lian, Xiahou Dun's younger brother.

With Xia Houyuan and Xiahou Dun covering their heads, Xiahou Lian's status will certainly not be low.

"Give me the best soldiers to support Jiyin County, and I will definitely be able to defend it."

Xia Houlian is very confident. He advocates not giving up an inch of land, so as to motivate soldiers to fight bravely.

Once one city after another is lost, the subordinates will become numb, and no one will want to defend the city in the future.

It's better to let the Yangzhou Army fight vigorously one step at a time.

"Father, my son is willing to help uncle!"

This person is Xiahouchong, the eldest son of Xiahoudun.

"Father, children also please fight!"

Xiahou Dun's second son, Xiahou Mao, had a deep friendship with Cao Pi.

Sima Yi nodded slightly. The Xiahou family has a large number of talents, and they dare to fight and fight hard. No wonder they can have their current status.

"Okay, okay!" Xiahou Dun said impatiently, "Don't bring up the matter of war again."

"Brother, are we just going to watch the city fall? We have an army of [-]. Since ancient times, there have been countless battles where fewer have won more. Why can't it be us?" Xia Houlian was not reconciled.

"I will repeat it again, don't fight!" Xiahou Dun said loudly.

Although a little timid, it is very much in line with Sima Yi's appetite.

In people's previous impressions, Xiahou Dun was always a reckless person, but he did not expect to be so calm at a critical moment.

"Father, you used to be the prefect of Jiyin, and the people of Jiyin are waiting for you to rescue them!" Xia Houchong said earnestly.

Xiahou Dun was immediately annoyed and threw them all out.

After the three of them came out, their expressions were not reconciled, and they didn't show any good looks when they saw Sima Yi and Sima Lang.

Then Sima Lang led Sima Yi into the military tent.

"Why did you come back? - It turned out to be Lord Inspector."

Xiahou Dun hastily silenced, he has become more tempered recently.

"General Xiahou, this is my younger brother Zhongda, the lord sent him to serve as a military adviser."

"Mr. Sima, please sit down."

The three of them communicated all night, Sima Yi learned about Chen Liu's defense situation, and finally sighed: "It's a miracle to be able to hold on for a month."

Xiahou Dun felt deeply.

The biggest defense he did was not to strengthen the city wall, but to dig a moat!

These days, he has dug a moat twenty meters wide and six meters deep to stop the Yangzhou army.

Great idea!

"A large number of catapults must be prepared in the city." Sima Yi suggested.

"Catapult? Our production technology is too far behind Yangzhou's. I'm afraid it won't have much effect."

"There will be."

Seeing Sima Yi's insistence, Xiahou Dun no longer objected, and immediately ordered his men to build catapults.

"Yangzhou Liannu is very powerful, so we must have enough shields." Sima Yi suggested again, which reminded Xiahou Dun.

The two continued to discuss, and they didn't give up until noon when they couldn't hold on anymore.

A long way to go!

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