"Zhongda, stop!" Xia Houmao blocked the door, just to wait for Sima Yi.

The two have a good relationship with Cao Pi and know each other.

"Zilin, what's the matter?"

"Hmph, don't instigate my father to stick to it, there won't be good results."

"how do you want to do it?"

"Naturally, it is to go out to fight and build an invincible merit!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Xiahou Dun, even though he was in the army, personally welcomed his teachers to accept his employment. His nature was pure and thrifty, and if he had surplus money, he would give it away. If he didn't have enough money, he would give it to officials, and he would not manage his property."

From this, we can see that Xiahou Dun is a person who loves learning and is humble and teachable. What's more, he is in a high position, but he doesn't love money, and he is often willing to help others.

It is very troublesome to be an enemy of such a person, because the subordinates will consciously defend him.

"Xiahoudun managed Chenliu County like an iron bucket. Although we were not afraid, in order to avoid a large number of casualties, we first attacked Jiyin County and divided Yanzhou into two parts."

"To the north of Jiyin, take everything, leave the Chenliu area, and map it slowly."

This is the policy jointly determined by Liu Ke and Guo Jia after discussion.

Xiahou Dun had [-] troops, but he was not stupid, and he did not disperse his troops, so Liu Ke had no chance to defeat them one by one.

The only troops that were sent out were the [-] men commanded by Yu Jin.

"Yu Jin guards Jiyin, we can attack him."

"If Xiahoudun supports, it will be a good thing for us."

Liu Ke said calmly.

"My lord, it's a mere ban. Don't worry about it. Leave it to the last general." Lu Bu stood up with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and asked for a fight.

"Brother, give us [-] soldiers and horses, and we can take Yu Jin's head." Dian Wei was not to be outdone.

"You don't want to mess around, you have [-] soldiers and horses, and you still took Yu Jin's head?" Lu Bu sneered.

"Haha, you can't do it, but it doesn't mean we can't. When our soldiers arrive, Yu Jin will be scared to death. Let's take advantage of the situation to cover up and kill him. It won't be difficult to break it." Dian Wei analyzed.

"Okay!" Liu Ke stopped the dispute between the two, and continued, "The battle of Jiyin, I will go out personally."

"My lord, you can't kill a chicken with a sledgehammer. You can sit in the rear and wait for our good news." Tai Shici said.

Everyone agrees, but Liu Ke insists on going.

"Don't worry, I won't take your credit."

Therefore, Liu Ke selected an army of [-] as the vanguard and entered Jiyin County, Yanzhou.

Passing through Chengyang County, county magistrate Zhang Jing fled after hearing the news, leaving an empty city behind.

Liu Ke continued to lead his army forward, and Kaesong, Chengshi County surrendered.

Wang Fang, the magistrate of Juyang County, beheaded Zhang Jing, the magistrate of Chengyang County who had abandoned the city and fled, and led thousands of people to defend the city to the death.


Liu Ke gave an order, and the car crashed open the city gate with a bang. The army rushed into the city and took control of the whole city in just half an hour.

During the same period, Liu Ke went down to three cities in a row, and people in Jiyin were panicked.

Yu Jin, who was in Dingtao, was even more restless.

Xiahou Dun's order has been issued, telling him to "play by ear, and if he can't do it, just retreat."

On the one hand, Yu Jin sent scouts to investigate the movement of the Yangzhou army, and on the other hand, he sent people to Chenliu to ask for reinforcements.

He was unwilling to give up Jiyin.

"However, you have to stick to it for a month!"

This is the small goal Yu Jin set for himself.

It is wishful thinking to rely on this force to defeat the Yangzhou army, so Yu Jin's goal is to stick to it.

Dingtao city is strong and has enough food and grass, so there is no reason to give up.

Moreover, Yu Jin believes in the "pessimistic and persistent theory", which roughly means that even if he has [-] defenders in Yanzhou, he will not be the opponent of King Dongyang.

They must stick.

However, persistence is not for winning, but for delaying time.As long as Yanzhou sticks to it for more than half a year, there may be changes.

How can I rely on Chen Liuyi alone?

Therefore, Dingtao, as an outpost, had to stick to it for a month no matter what.

At first Xiahou Dun asked Yu Jin to retreat directly to preserve his combat power, but later he was persuaded by Yu Jin.

So there was an order to "play by ear".

"Strengthen your guard!"

Yu Jin inspects the city defense three times a day to make sure everything is safe.

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