Pound rode out on a white horse, very majestic.

Tai Shici was surprised that it was Pang De.

Pound used to be Ma Teng's subordinate, and later became Ma Chao's subordinate.

When Ma Chao took refuge in Zhang Lu, Pang De was also there.

Later, Ma Chao was murdered by a villain and turned his back on Hanzhong. Pang De protected Ma Chao's family, and finally had to seek refuge with Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu turned to Cao Cao again.

"Your brother is serving in Yangzhou, why don't you surrender to our army?" Tai Shici persuaded him to surrender.

But Pang De scolded Tai Shici and said:

"You bastard, what nonsense are you talking about! The king of Wei has millions of soldiers, his power shakes the world, and he is invincible. What are you Dongyang kings? You are just a mediocre person. How can we be the opponent of our king of Wei!"

Tai Shici was furious. Liu Ke was a god-like existence in Yangzhou, and Pound offended his Nilin.

"Let's fight!"


The two exchanged blows, and Pang De's broadsword slammed heavily on Tai Shici's gun.

It was as if the ground had collapsed.

"What a Pang Lingming!"

Tai Shici shouted, Ding Ding Dang Dang fought with Pang De for more than ten rounds, and there was no winner.

The two fought hard.

"General Pang, let me help you!" Yu Jin took a break and seized the opportunity to join the battle.

Tai Shici fought against the two alone, without losing the slightest bit.

"General Pang, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. There are many cavalry in Yangzhou. We should retreat first." Yu Jin reminded that it is lucky to be able to save his life, so why bother?

Pang De swung away Tai Shici's iron spear, and rode his horse to flee.Yu Jin hurriedly followed.

Looking at the back of the two of them going away, Tai Shici let out a long sigh. With Pang De around, it would be impossible for him to win Yu Jin.

So, I had to go back and return to my life.

"My lord, the final general let Yu Jin escape, please punish him."

After Tai Shici told the story, Liu Ke didn't blame him.

Who would have thought that Pound would come out halfway.

"Pang De is also a famous general in the world, and his martial prowess is not weaker than yours. It's because I didn't plan well and didn't send you a helper." Liu Ke said.

"My lord, how can I blame you for this?"

"Okay, okay, you and I don't need to be humble anymore, let's forget about this matter, there will be opportunities in the future."

Tai Shici bowed his head and bowed.

Liu Ke looked at the map and said to everyone: "Now Jiyin County has been taken, and my next target is Chenliu County."

All the generals were very excited.

"However, before that, we need to send a general to the north to attack the places in Yanzhou and put pressure on Chen Liu."

Xiahou Dun chose to stick to Chenliu County and abandoned other places. Of course Liu Ke would not be polite to him, and took all these counties.

It's just that as soon as this remark came out, no one volunteered.

All of you here are famous generals, and no one is willing to do such a thing as making meritorious service for nothing.

In the end, Huang Zhong couldn't stand it anymore, and came out and said, "My lord, please leave it to the veteran!"

"Then trouble Han Sheng." Liu Ke nodded and said, "I will give you [-] soldiers and horses, within a month's time, to take most of Yanzhou!"

"As ordered!"

One thousand one hundred and sixty-two rounds of fighting

The Yangzhou army didn't take a break and called Chen Liu directly.

During this period, Ma Chao found Liu Ke and pleaded guilty for the previous incident.

"My lord, what happened to the Ming Dynasty is my fault..."

"Meng Qi, don't think too much, Pound is Pound, you are you, I can tell the difference." Liu Ke said.

It would be stupid if there was a gap between him and his general because of Pound's few words.

"Thank you, my lord!" Ma Chao clasped his fists heavily, "If Ling Ming goes into battle, please leave it to the last general!"

"Okay!" Liu Ke agreed.

No matter what, Ma Chao has to settle the matter himself.

If Pang De killed the Yangzhou general, Ma Chao would feel guilty all his life.If Pang De was killed by Yangzhou, Ma Chao would also be very uncomfortable.

That being the case, it is better to do it yourself.

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