When he was in Xiliang, Ma Chao was able to lead the Qiang people, which proved that he was not a soft-hearted person.

The army marched all the way until the city of Chenliu.

Liu Kedeng looked up and almost couldn't recognize him.

"This is Chen Liu? Are you sure you didn't get lost and went to the wrong place?"

No wonder Liu Ke was surprised, the current Chen Liu had changed so much.

The first is the moat. Before that, Chen Liu didn't have a moat.

The width is about twenty meters!

Among the strongest cities in the world, it seems that only Xiangyang has such a defense.

Not only that, but the city walls were also heightened and reinforced.

The land of ten miles leading to Chenliu is full of ravines and thorns.

Not to mention the cavalry sprinting, even the infantry has difficulty moving forward, and the siege equipment such as the well fence may not be able to move.

"Xiahou Dun is really a genius." Liu Ke praised.

This was the first time he encountered such a situation. It would probably take a few days just to build the road, and the attack of the defenders was also mentioned.

"Kong Ming, the engineering team is entrusted to you to command, no doubt as the deputy, to repair the road conditions." Liu Ke ordered.

"As ordered!"

"Zhongkang, you are responsible for sending troops to protect."

"Subordinates have orders!"

"As for setting up the camp, I will leave it to Ziyi."

"The last general takes orders!"

"Fengxian is responsible for investigating the enemy's situation."

"Yes, my lord!"

Liu Ke assigned tasks to Zhuge Liang, Zhou Buyi, Xu Chu, Tai Shici, Lu Bu and others.

"Brother, what shall we do?" Dian Wei asked eagerly.

"You go to fight with Meng and tell Xiahoudun that I'm coming."


After that, Dian Wei and Ma Chao ordered three thousand soldiers, bumped and bumped all the way, cleared obstacles and came to Chenliu City.

"This general is Dongyang King's sworn brother Dianwei, Xiahou Dun, do you dare to come out and fight this general?"

Dian Wei came to the front of the battle and fought loudly.The reason why he yelled so loudly and emphasized "worshiping brothers" was to attract people to fight.

Xiahou Dun got the news a long time ago, and led his generals to the city wall to observe.

It was impossible for him to go out and challenge Dian Wei so easily. It would be fine if he won, but his subordinates would be demoralized if he lost.

Moreover, Dian Wei was not weak, so if he played rashly, it would be difficult to get results.

However, Xiahou Dun's silence was seen as cowardice.

Xia Houchong was very excited and said: "Father, my child is willing to fight for you!"

Would Xiahou Dun not know how much his son weighed?

There is no difference between going out and dying!

"Stop messing around!"

Seeing Xiahoudun scolding himself, Xiahouchong was very wronged. He also wanted to win glory for his family. What's wrong with that?

"Father, Han De and his son, five of them, all died in the battle at Huguan. They are heroes. We can't let the prestige of Xiahou's family fall!" Xia Houchong argued hard.

"You're still too young." Xiahou Dun shook his head.

However, Xiahou Dun also realized the seriousness of the problem and must send people to fight to stabilize morale.

He likes Pound.

"Which general is willing to go out and pick off Wei Xiang's head?" Xiahou Dun said indifferently.

He originally intended for Pang De to take the initiative to stand up, but Pang De didn't seem to have that intention.

"General, I wish to go." A general came out.

Xiahou Dun glanced at him, but couldn't remember who it was.

"Okay, let's go!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xiahou Dun nodded and allowed him to play.

With Xiahou Dun's approval, the general rushed out.

"Dian Weixiu is going crazy, today I will kill—you—"


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