Dian Wei raised his knife and fell, the general sent by Xiahou Dun, before he even finished his sentence, was chopped into two pieces by him with one knife, his body was still twitching, and he died very ugly.

"Xiahou Yuanrang, don't let your subordinates come to die, if it's a man, come out for us!"

After Dian Wei killed Xiahou Dun's men, he shouted arrogantly in front of the battle.

Xiahou Dun's face immediately turned ugly, and this time he must not let the unknown pawn go up.

"Who will fight?"

"The final general is willing to go!" The governor Cheng He stood up and said.

"You're not good at martial arts." Xiahou Dun didn't give Cheng He any face, otherwise he would be cut across the board when he went out, and everyone would lose face.

"General Xiahou, please give the last general a chance!" Cheng He challenged again.

"Father, just give him a chance!" Xia Houchong said to Cheng He.

"Brother, General Cheng He is good at martial arts." Xia Houlian also said at the same time.

Xiahou Dun glanced at his son and younger brother, and said, "How does his martial arts compare to yours?"

"Cheng He Du will be even better."

"Okay, I'll make you realize the reality." Xiahoudun said coldly, "Why do you want to fight!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Tread -- Tread --

Cheng He rode out with a resolute and high-spirited look.

"Dian Wei, the thief, don't be arrogant, you will be in the future."

As soon as he rushed out, he wanted to overwhelm Dian Wei in terms of momentum.

"This general is Cheng He, the general under General Xiahou's command, and he is here to take your dog's life."

As soon as he finished speaking, Dian Wei's saber was handed over.


Cheng He's head flew high, and blood gushed out from his neck.

One knife, one knife beheaded directly!

"What a waste!"

Seeing that the person he admired was so careless and was instantly killed by Dian Wei, Xia Houchong couldn't help cursing in his heart.

"Why, do you still want to fight?" Xiahou Dun said coldly.

There is a sky outside the sky, there are people outside the people, and my son is too tender!

"Father, General Cheng He is just being careless."

"Careless? It's fine the first time, but the second time is still an instant kill. Are you still unwilling to admit that Dian Wei is so powerful? Do you still have to argue with your father when the head falls to the ground?"

Xiahou Dun was furious.

"If you still can't recognize yourself now, you go out to fight, and I won't be your son!"

Xia Houchong immediately gave up!

"Father, brother is just confused for a moment." Xia Houmao hurriedly said good things.

"Hmph! Look carefully, study hard." Xiahou Dun said angrily.

"Dian Wei is so powerful, only father can take care of him." Xia Houmao said again.

"Father, as the commander-in-chief of an army, how could he be as vulgar as Dian Wei?" Xia Houchong flattered him.

"Stop talking nonsense, who will play?"

Xiahou Dun said loudly again, but this time he looked directly at Pound.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Xiahoudun knew that Pang De was not inferior to him in force, and he was a good player.

In the field, only Pang De could barely fight Dian Wei.

Therefore, Xiahou Dun desperately hoped that Pound could make a move.

"The last general invites you to fight!" A general said loudly, but it was a pity that Xiahou Dun pretended not to hear it.

In case of being cut across the board again, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?

"Who is going to fight?" Xiahou Dun roared again, his eyes still fixed on Pound.

The reason why Xiahou Dun didn't call the names was that he wanted Pang De to take the initiative to stand up and save some face for Pound.

Otherwise, if he is unwilling to fight, what should he do if he releases the water.

At this moment, everyone knew what Xiahou Dun was thinking, and all looked at Pound.

"Pang De, don't be shameless!" Xia Houlian stood up and said.

What is the identity of his brother Xiahou Dun?

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