Xia Houmao mocked Liu Ke as an idler, but he didn't understand that Liu Ke just liked being an idler.

It's the most wonderful thing to do the conquest by yourself and hand over everything to your subordinates.

"After three days, the moat is filled, and I will bring the army again. Remember to wash your neck."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the Yangzhou Army arrived in Chenliu, the scout battle became active.

Xiahou Dun was unwilling to be a blind man, and repeatedly sent scout cavalry to regain his vision.

In the wilderness, there were sporadic fights from time to time.

There are often only a dozen or twenty people on both sides of the war, but they are extremely fierce.

The scouts are all heroes in the army, so naturally they will not be soft when fighting.

In just one day, the scouts of the two sides fought more than [-] times, and Cao Cao's army suffered heavy losses.

Three thousand scouts were sent out, only one thousand came back.

Xiahou Dun's heart aches!

There are only tens of thousands of cavalry in the army. If this continues, the cavalry will be exhausted before the war begins.

On the side of Cao Cao's army, the cavalry became consumables, which is embarrassing.

"General, for the current plan, we can only send ordinary people to investigate the news and lure them with a lot of money."

After thinking about it, Sima Yi gave a suggestion.

This will undoubtedly lead to intelligence confusion, as well as various delays.

"This is the only way to do it now."

Xiahou Dun had no choice but to make a compromise. Anyway, he could only stick to Chen Liu, and he didn't need to fix other bells and whistles.

The most important thing is always Chen Liu's safety!

"General, a certain Yangzhou army clears roadblocks and fills the moat during the day. Our army can go out at night, set up roadblocks, and dig trenches."

This was the second suggestion Sima Yi gave, and Xiahou Dun adopted it.

The next day, Dian Wei went to fight in Chenliu City as usual, but found that the road was not smooth, either blocked by ditches, or covered with sharp iron filings, and iron nails hidden in the dark.

"These bastards!"

Dian Wei cursed, started the repetitive work again, and reported to Liu Ke.

"My lord, I will send someone on duty at night and clean them up," Guo Jia said.

So, that night, Lu Bu hid in a ditch with [-] troops.

Chen Liu's garrison left the city as expected.

Lu Bu led his men to charge for a while, defeating the defenders, and he was proud.

At dawn, Dian Wei took hundreds of corpses of the defenders to the city to fight.

"Gusun in the city, your grandfather is here, do you dare to come out and fight?"

The defenders were restless.

Xia Houlian has called for battle many times. He is not Dianwei's opponent, so why can't he still fight in groups?

"If you don't change your impetuous temper, you will take turns guarding in the future, and you don't want to come."

Facing Xiahoudun's warning, Xiahoulian quickly said "change it immediately".

If he can't participate in the rotation, he will lose his only military power.

When the scouts further narrowed the field of view of the defenders, Liu Ke ordered Tai Shici to set off with light clothes.

"If you can't do anything, if you can't take Sishui Pass, retreat immediately."

"As ordered!"

After Tai Shici got the order, he carefully selected [-] soldiers and set off immediately.

Compared with the battlefield of hundreds of thousands of people, the actions of [-] people were indeed very covert. In addition, Tai Shici was careful along the way, and did not encounter Cao Cao's army scouts, so the march was very smooth.

It's just that you can hide it from the scouts, but you can't hide it from the people.

The people of Chenliu have lived here for generations, and they have a great sense of belonging here.

When Cao Cao raised his army, he recruited troops in Chenliu. Therefore, the loyalty of the local people to Cao Cao was very high.

Villager Wang Er is one of them. His three elder brothers all joined the army, but they all became corpses later.

Therefore, he resented the Yangzhou Army very much.

After seeing the marching flag of the Yangzhou Army, he quickly hid himself until the army passed by, and he suddenly remembered the notice in the village.

If you find the Yangzhou Army, report it to the government immediately, and you will be rewarded.

That night, Wang Er set off, intending to go to Chenliu County to receive the reward.

There were dozens of people who thought the same as Wang Er, but they were unlucky and were temporarily detained when they encountered scouts from the Yangzhou Army.

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