Wang Er was more clever, and came to the city after scrambling and rolling. After the defenders found out, he immediately explained why he came.

Xiahou Dun received Wang Er overnight.

"What did you say? Seeing a large group of people marching?"

"Yes sir!"

"How many people are there?"

"Many, many, countless."

"about how much?"

"very many."

Xiahou Dun was helpless.

This is the price of "weak people", who don't even have basic judgment.

"Recall carefully, how many are there?!" Xia Houlian couldn't help raising his voice.

When marching and fighting, if you don't know the number of enemies, how dare you attack easily.

There must be a judgment, right?

For example, hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands. Unfortunately, Wang Er's answers are "a lot" and "a lot."

"My lord, a reward from a villain..." Wang Er kept rubbing his palms.

"It's just you trash, you still want a reward?" Xia Houlian wished he could hang Wang Er up and beat him.

Wang Er was taken aback and knelt down directly.

"My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life!"

"Don't scare him."

When Sima Yi received the news, he also got up in the middle of the night and spoke for Wang Er as soon as he arrived.

"I ask you, where did the army go?"

"Going towards Li Village."

Sima Yi suddenly had a headache.

"Where is Li Village?"

"It's next door to Wang Village."


Xia Houlian drew his sword, which made him very angry.

"Do you know the difference between southeast and northwest? Which direction are you going?"

Wang Er trembled in fright.

"It seems to be north, no, it seems to be east..."

The east is Jiyin County, where is the Yangzhou army going?

"It seems to be Nan again."

"Fuck you!" Xia Houlian ran away immediately, and put his sword on Wang Er's neck.

"Put down the sword!" Xia Houdun scolded, he himself was very violent, but his younger brother was simply reckless!

Xia Houlian put down his weapon embarrassingly, but he gave Wang Er a hard look.

"Which way are they going?" Sima Yi asked kindly.

"The dirt road in front of the village."


Sima Yi didn't dare to ask any more questions. He was afraid that he would die of anger, so he had to find some soldiers with Chen Liuji in the army. After asking, he found out that Li Village was in the west.

The Yangzhou army went west.

Where is the west side of Chenliu County?

Sishui Pass!

Sima Yi shrank his pupils, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

"General, the Yangzhou army is probably going to attack Sishuiguan by surprise."


As if a thunderbolt fell, Xia Houlian was shocked.

Since Yuzhou gradually fell into Liu Ke's hands, the connection between Chenliu County and Luoyang was only left by the road of Sishuiguan.

This is an important supply line for the [-] troops left behind!

Once the Sishui Pass is lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

Chen Liu has sufficient supplies, as far as food is concerned, it is enough to feed the army for three months.

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