But what about morale?

The most important thing in war is morale.The reason why Yu Jin failed was because he couldn't control the morale of his subordinates.

Without Sishui Pass, Chenliu will become an isolated city and will gradually disintegrate.

"Wang Er, do you have anything else to say?" Sima Yi said.

"My lord, it's gone, it's just a reward from the villain..."

Xia Houlian couldn't bear to draw his sword again.

"A hundred gold rewards!" Sima Yi said calmly.

Xia Houlian's eyes widened, the military division didn't have a fever, did he?

"Come here, bring a hundred gold!" Xiahou Dun said loudly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Cao's scouts couldn't get out, so they could only ask the nearby villagers to inquire about the news.

The ancients said that under heavy rewards there must be brave men.

If one hundred gold is given to Wang Er, tens of thousands of Wang Er will stand up to do things for Sima Yi.

Anyone who knows how to count this deal knows.

"Brother, even you..."

One hundred gold is used to drink, isn't it delicious?

Xia Houlian couldn't understand.

It's a pity that Xiahou Dun didn't need his understanding, took a hundred gold and handed it over to Wang's second hand heavily.

Sima Yi had an idea, and said: "Tell all the villagers that there are rewards for doing things for the imperial court. Your hundred gold is rewarded by the imperial court."

"Yes, my lord!"

Wang Er said excitedly.

Afterwards, Xiahou Dun arranged a few good men to escort Wang Er away.

This is over.

Next, Xiahou Dun has more important things to do, and that is about the Yangzhou army advancing westward.

If this problem is not solved, Xiahoudun will have trouble sleeping and eating.

"Brother, the people in the country have never seen a big scene. According to my estimation, the Yangzhou Army will not exceed [-] people."

Xia Houlian was ready to move, wanting to seize this opportunity to show off.

The Sishui Pass is very important and cannot be lost.

"Who is the guard of Sishui Gate now?" Sima Yi asked suddenly.

"Xu Gongming." Xia Houdun blurted out, knowing the guards of nearby cities and passes like the back of his hand.

After the battle between Yu Jin and Hua Xiong ended, Xu Huang, who was helping out, was injured, and was later sent by Cao Cao to Sishui Pass to recover from his injuries.

"Since the guard is Xu Gongming, there is no need to worry too much. Just send a messenger to remind me." Sima Yi said.

It's that simple?

Xia Houlian couldn't believe that Sishuiguan is such an important pass, and it's over with a reminder?

"In case Sishui Pass is lost, who will be responsible?"

Xiahou Dun hesitated when asked this question.

Xia Houlian struck while the iron was hot, and said: "Brother, give me [-] elite soldiers to support Sishui Pass, and ensure that Sishui Pass will be worry-free."

"That's not right, what can [-] soldiers do? When they meet the Yangzhou Army, they will never return." Sima Yi objected.

Xia Houlian was annoyed, and said: "This general is different from some mediocre people."

He turned his head and continued to persuade Xiahou Dun: "Brother, I am willing to issue a military order! Sishuiguan must not be lost!"

To be honest, Xiahou Dun was already moved, but what Sima Yi said made sense.

What can ten thousand horses do?

What would Chen Liu do if too many people were sent out of the city?

"General Xiahou, Sishui Pass is the most powerful pass in the world, and nothing will happen. Xu Gongming is also a brave general. If Chen Liu goes to war, he will definitely be careful." Sima Yi insisted.

"Brother, it's better to be on the safe side, give me [-] soldiers!"

Xia Houlian was in a hurry, and the chance to fight was fleeting.

"Father, my uncle is brave and good at fighting. Even if he loses, he can retreat unscathed. Don't worry."

Xia Houchong on the side spoke good words for Xia Houlian, but the latter listened very unpleasantly.

What does it mean to be invincible?

Little nephew, why are you so dismissive?

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