"Okay, I'll assign you [-] soldiers and horses. Be careful when you leave the city. When you arrive at Sishui Pass, you will be dispatched by General Xu," Xiahoudun said.

Isn't this about being an emotionless transport puppet?

Of course, Xia Houlian was not reconciled to leading an army of [-] people out to be someone else's younger brother.

It's just that, in order to go to war, he endured it first, and he will not accept the military orders abroad.

At that time, you can play however you want, and go to the Yangzhou military camp to mention as many merits as you want.

cough cough---

The cowhide was blown.

"Subordinates obey!"

Xia Houlian was so complacent at the moment, he deliberately raised his voice and told Sima Yi.

No matter how powerful Sima Yi was, he was still an outsider after all, how could he possibly compare to the Xiahou family!

"Father, the child is going too!" Xia Houchong said eagerly.

In Chen Liu, being scolded by Dian Wei every day is no fun at all.

Ever since Pound was stabbed by Ma Chao, Xiahou Dun was not allowed to play, and talked about it every day, and the days passed like this.

"What are you going to do? Are you making trouble?" Xiahou Dun said bluntly.

Xia Houchong was very aggrieved immediately, and looked at his uncle.

"Brother, you need to give your child more opportunities to practice."


Xiahoudun directly refused. Under his nose, Xiahouchong was anxious to go out to give away the head. If he went out, would it be okay?

"Father, the child is not as miserable as you think."

"That doesn't work either, you should take a look first, treat it as an experience, as long as you survive this battle, you will have more opportunities in the future."

Xia Houchong was directly discouraged.

"You will listen to your father this time." Xia Houlian had no other choice.

"When are you leaving?" Xiahou Dun asked.

When it came to business, Xia Houlian's face became serious.

"Brother, I plan to leave tonight."

"Not bad!"

Xiahou Dun gave a compliment.

Now that he had just received the information, Xia Houlian immediately made a decision and acted very quickly.

Has great potential!

"Remember, you must be careful."

"Brother, don't worry, I am old and stable, and I will not fight uncertain battles."

Xia Houlian repeatedly assured that Xiahou Dun should rest assured if he is worried.

That night, many soldiers were sleeping soundly, and were suddenly pulled out to assemble.

Xia Houlian is fully armored, and he walks vigorously.

"Get up! Get up! I'll take you to make meritorious deeds!"

He personally inspected the tents and woke up the soldiers.

Dangdang Dangdang!

The gong was beating, and the barracks was suddenly bustling.

"Get up! Get up! You don't even have this bit of perseverance, and you still want to be my subordinate? Go ahead and dream!"

"I don't want to be a waste of meritorious deeds!"

"Be smart, only select the elite, and set off immediately after half an hour."

Xia Houlian yelled and sent all his cronies out to integrate the troops.

Not long after, [-] troops gathered on the school grounds, and Xia Houlian was lecturing with a straight face.

"Come on, I was woken up in the middle of the night, why are you more energetic than you?!"

"You are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Kick out those who haven't woken up, they don't deserve to be my subordinates."

It has to be said that Xia Houlian still has some skills, after shouting, his subordinates immediately obeyed.

"The rest of you are all good people, follow me, I will ensure that you will be well-fed, drink hot, and make great achievements!"

"Now, I declare, get out of town!"

Many people showed blank expressions, and a senior officer asked, "General, where are we going?"

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