"That's a good question. Do you want military merit? Do you want rewards? Do you want Meijiao Niang? Do you want to be promoted?"

"want to!"

"Okay, then come out with me, what are you doing with so much nonsense?"

Xia Houlian has a fiery heart. He has always believed that his talents are not inferior to those of his two elder brothers. This time is the best opportunity for him to show his talents.

"You are not allowed to ask. Soldiers must obey, understand? Just obey!"

After the team was integrated, Xia Houlian led the troops and set off.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Give it to me quietly!"

"You are not allowed to light the torches. I will kill whoever lights me up. Do you hear me?"

"Gag your horse's mouth, and if Nima neighs again, I will gag your mouth!"

Xia Houlian sneaked out from the west gate, and was watched by Yangzhou sentry.

But he didn't know it.

Yangzhou scouts are not clever, but they are more careful.

Not long ago, many villagers entered the city in the dark at night, and there must be something strange among them.

Upon interrogation, it was known that the army that attacked Sishuiguan had been exposed.

This problem is very serious, and the Yangzhou scouts hurriedly reported it to Liu Ke.

"Go, stare at Chen Liu, and see if there is any army dispatched."

Liu Ke felt that it was not safe enough, so he called Lu Bu and allocated him [-] troops to lie in ambush to the west of Chenliu.

Unexpectedly, the traces of Cao Cao's army were actually found.

"God help me too!" Lu Bu was ecstatic in his heart.

Dian Wei fought for so many days, except for the first day, there were still people fighting, and nothing was gained after that.

As soon as Lu Bu made a move, he squatted on the big fish.

This is the gap.

Lu Bu led the army, hid in the woods, and waited quietly under the darkness of night.

A quarter of an hour later, scouts rushed over to report the latest news.

"General Qi, Cao Cao's army has about [-] horses and will enter an ambush within fifty breaths."

Only ten thousand?

Lu Bu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, he couldn't get enough between his teeth.

"Who is the enemy general?"

"The subordinates don't know, but the flag of Marquis Xia is hanging."

Could it be Xiahou Dun?

Lu Bu immediately became eager and energetic.

Xia Houlian led the army and "quietly" passed by.


Suddenly, countless torches lit up.

Xia Houlian's eyes finally got used to the darkness, and when the flames suddenly appeared, he almost went blind.

"Fire arrows!"

At Lu Bu's order, all the crossbowmen rushed out of the darkness.


The rain of arrows all over the sky, like the god of death in the dark night, fell suddenly.

"Ah! Ah!"

The screams continued, and nearly a thousand people fell in a pool of blood in an instant.

Where am I?

what happened?

Why do people scream?

This is the doubt in everyone's mind.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The generals shouted loudly, and Cao Cao's army was in chaos.

Xia Houlian also looked confused, how could there be an ambush here?


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