
Everyone in the world knows Xiahoudun and Xiahouyuan, but they don't know him Xiahoulian.

"Come on, rush over if you have the ability!"

"Xia Houlian's head is here, waiting for you to get it!"

Clinking, weapons intertwined in the night.

Lv Bu had never seen someone ask for such a request before, so he rushed over to grab Xia Houlian.

"Your surname is also Xiahou? Take your dog's head first, and then chop Xiahou Dun!"

Fang Tian took a horizontal shot of the halberd and directly cleared a path.

Xiahou Lian was dumbfounded when he saw more than a dozen people flying out.

"Brothers, I will be with you, kill Lu Bu, and reward you with a thousand pieces of gold!"

Xia Houlian held a long spear and pointed at the rampant Lu Bu.


Lu Bu let out an angry roar, and Fang Tian slapped his halberd against the wall.


The iron shield made a loud noise and sank.

The human wall collapsed in an instant.

With another blow, the captain who blocked the way was beheaded.

"Trash! They are all trash, and they can't stop even one person."

Xia Houlian cursed loudly, and charged forward with a spear in hand.


Just blocking the blow from Fang Tian's painting halberd, his tiger's mouth split open.


Xia Houlian wanted to scream, but he changed his tone abruptly.

He must not let his subordinates find out that he was injured.

"Where is Xia Houlian?!" Lu Bu shouted.

It turned out that it was too dark just now, and he didn't see Xia Houlian's appearance clearly, but only heard Xia Houlian's voice here.

At this time, there are so many people, it is not known who is Xia Houlian.

"If you want to hurt my general, pass me first!" Xia Houlian charged forward.

Lu Bu casually swung his halberd, and sent Xia Houlian's spear flying.

Xia Houlian's liver and gallbladder were about to burst, and after making a mistake, he rode his horse and galloped wildly.

If you don't go, it will be cold!

"Where is Xia Houlian?" Lu Bu shouted again.

It's a pity that no one answered in the chaos.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Who can have my wit? !

Xia Houlian rode his horse and galloped all the way, secretly delighted all the way, he was surprised by his acting skills.

I'm afraid Lu Bu never dreamed that the person injured by his blow was Xia Houlian, the coach of the army.

When he reached the end of the team, Xia Houlian turned back for a while and shouted:

"Retreat! Retreat!"

If he went back alone, how would he explain to his brother?

Therefore, some people must be brought back.

Cao Cao's army had only [-] men, while Lu Bu's ambush was as many as [-], forming a suppression in an instant.

Cao Cao's army, who was at a disadvantage, had long thought of fleeing, but the military law was strict.

Now Xia Houlian directly ordered the retreat, which is simply good news!

Cao Cao's army retreated like a tide.

Lu Bu was completely stunned. At the beginning, Cao Cao's army was shot by crossbow arrows, but they dared to charge forward. It should be an elite force.

Why did Mingjin retreat all of a sudden?

Is this the strategy of Cao Cao's army?

Advance and retreat.

"Come if you want, leave if you want?"

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