Lu Bu was furious, and led his troops to chase after him. There were cavalry in his team, and many of Cao Cao's troops who were behind were brutally slaughtered.


Lv Bu even rushed forward on his own, looking for the enemy general.

While the chase was in full swing, a horn sounded suddenly from Chen Liu's direction.

woo woo

It was the defenders in the city who came out to respond.

Although Chen Liu sent out few scouts, they were not mediocre.

The mediocrity basically died under the knife of Yangzhou scouts.

When they saw the flames, they immediately reported to Xiahou Dun.

Xiahou Dun knew something was wrong, so he sent Yu Jin to lead the army out of the city.

"Damn it!" Lu Bu cursed secretly.

In order to prevent being surrounded by the enemy, Lu Bu could only order a retreat.

And Yu Jin also didn't dare to pursue, because he didn't know if there would be an ambush ahead.

Since the Yangzhou army can ambush for the first time, it can ambush for the second time.

After confirming that the Yangzhou Army had left, Yu Jin and Xia Houlian met.

"General Xiahou, are you alright?"

"Hehe, I fought with Lu Bu for thirty rounds, do you think it will be fine?"

Xia Houlian stretched out the tiger's mouth, and blood flowed out.

"General Xiahou is really a hero!"

Yu Jin's words are sincere, dare to single out against a general like Lu Bu, the courage alone is worthy of praise.

"Hmph, it's a pity that we still lost to Lu Bu in the end." Xia Houlian snorted coldly.

Yu Kin looked at Xia Houlian with "I understand you". This guy must have been chased badly, but he didn't expose it.

After Xia Houlian entered the city safely, he breathed a sigh of relief, but before he got out, he became nervous.

My little life is saved, how can I explain to my brother?

"Brother, I'm sorry, I was defeated as soon as I left the city, haha!"

That said, he would definitely be beaten to death.

Xia Houlian brewed some emotions, and after entering the city lord's mansion, he knelt down with a plop.

"Brother, I'm sorry for you!"

Xiahou Dun said with a cold face, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"I also want to know what's going on!"

Xia Houlian began to pick the key point and complained: "As soon as I left the city, I didn't even light a torch, so people don't need to talk about it. I even gagged the horse's mouth, so I couldn't be found out!"

"Even if the Yangzhou scouts find out, it will take time for them to report, but Lu Bu seems to have calculated everything, and ambushed early on the road that our army must pass."

"Brother, all this is a conspiracy!"

Xiahoudun was also battle-tested. When Xiahoulian said this, he also discovered something strange.

Lu Bu would be ambushing there so coincidentally?

Even if he is in charge of the blockade, but he has nothing to do in the middle of the night, gathering an army to squat?

He must have gotten the message.

Xia Houlian sent troops overnight!

As soon as we got the information, we ordered troops immediately.

Where in the world is there such a coincidence.

"Why do you think this is a conspiracy?" Xiahou Dun wanted his brother to explain clearly.

"It's not easy? The problem must be in the intelligence! That Wang Er, there is a problem! Maybe it was a conspiracy designed by Yangzhou from the very beginning." Xia Houlian swore.

Such an inference is really in line with reality.

Before that, Xiahou Dun had been walking around the villages near Chenliu for news that as long as he worked for the court, he would be paid.

Yangzhou must have gotten the news and designed a wave against them.

Even Sima Yi is convinced by this explanation, otherwise there is no way to explain it.

"Brother, I have already said that farmers are unreliable. They will do anything for money, including betraying the court and the lord! I should have let me kill him at that time!"

"I have pity on my four thousand soldiers, who were lost just because of one fool."

When talking about this, Xia Houlian played a trick.

Lu Bu is a famous general in the world. He led [-] people to ambush [-] people, but he couldn't do it all. Most of the people fled and ran away.

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