"The family's farmland, father, mother, and children are all waiting for us to go back."

The more you say it, the more deceptive it becomes.

Xiahou Dun was afraid that his soldiers would be shaken if they listened too much, so he ordered the men on duty to be changed again, and all of them were cronies.

It's a pity that this can be avoided for a while, but it cannot be avoided for a lifetime.

If this problem cannot be solved, it will be a matter of time before the morale of the army is slackened.

"What do you think?" Xiahou Dun asked.

Sima Yi, who was next to him, was not calm anymore.

"General, the most urgent task is to stabilize the morale of the army."

"Of course I know, but how to stabilize it?"

Xiahou Dun was really helpless.

In order to help his younger brother, Sima Lang came out and said: "General, there is still some money in the city, you might as well distribute it to the soldiers."

There is no soldier who doesn't love money, as long as he is bribed, people's hearts will naturally return to stability.

"Ha ha."

Xia Houlian sneered and said, "To put it lightly, there are more than [-] defenders in the city. How much money can you give? One copper coin per person?"

"This..." Sima Lang didn't move anymore, even if he sold him, he wouldn't be able to offer such a reward.

It doesn't make sense to give less.

Sima Yi thought for a while and said, "Let the people in the city go out."

"What do you mean?" Xiahou Dun didn't know why.

"The people in the city, most of them have strong men in their families who join the army, so they choose those family members who have hatred for the Yangzhou army, cook for the army, and through their mouths, promote the brutality of the Yangzhou army."

"The day the city is broken is the time when they take the lead. If you don't believe me, they won't fight to the death."

This is Sima Yi's strategy, intending to distort the facts and instill in the soldiers the idea of ​​"Yangzhou army is domineering".

"It's a way."

Xiahou Dun reluctantly agreed.

"Father, leave this matter to the child!" Xia Houmao volunteered.

"I am the Inspector of Yanzhou, and it is my duty to do so." Sima Lang also stood up and said.

In the end Xiahoudun handed over the task to the wily Sima Lang, Xiahoumao was very disappointed.

After the meeting ended, Xia Houmao couldn't help complaining in front of his uncle:

"Father often uses outsiders, and I wait for Xiahou, it is too difficult to do things."

Xia Houlian also saw it, for example, Yu Jin, Brother Sima... Xiahou Dun likes to use such people.

"Heh, no matter what, he is your father, don't speak nonsense."

"My nephew knows that my Xiahou family is too powerful. Although King Wei trusts me, we can't make progress. It's a pity that my uncle is so capable and talented." Xiahoumao sighed.

"If you keep Chen Liu, I, the Xiahou family, will have made great achievements."

Xia Houlian comforted him, and after Lu Bu's men escaped from death, he felt relieved.

The shouting continued for two days, causing panic in the city.

Fortunately, Xiahou Dun took some measures to barely maintain morale.

However, there was one problem he had to face.

That is, should the seriously injured soldiers be sent to the Yangzhou barracks?

If you continue to send it, you are a fool. If you don't send it, you will offend others.

Xiahou Dun has a headache.

Everyone will seek to survive, especially soldiers.

Letting seriously injured soldiers stay in Chenliu is waiting to die. If a few people out of a hundred survive, it is a fate.

According to the data released by Yangzhou, the probability of surviving the seriously wounded soldiers sent to the Yangzhou military camp reached [-]%.

The soldiers were unconscious, and of course no decision would be made.

But they have friends and relatives in the barracks, and once they make trouble, it is difficult to deal with it.

Some ignorant captains often come to Xiahoudun to intercede, not knowing Xiahoudun's difficulties.

As a last resort, Sima Yi came up with a solution, that is to use talisman water to cure the disease!

As soon as this remark came out, Xiahou Dun was startled.

"If you deceive soldiers like this, once you are discovered, the consequences will be even more serious."

"It doesn't matter." Sima Yi was relatively calm, "The general can send some slightly injured people to mix in, wouldn't the recovery rate increase? Gradually, the soldiers also believed that Fushui can cure diseases."

"Just do it!"

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