Xiahoudun was forced to do nothing, so he had no choice but to make a bad move.

So, under the arrangement of Sima Yi, a group of Taoist priests happened to appear and were willing to treat the seriously injured.

It really works!

Although many people died, as long as it is not 100%, soldiers can accept it.Because being injured is a terrible thing, let alone a serious injury.

This can be regarded as solving one of Xiahou Dun's heart problems.

"My lord has said that as long as you surrender or escape from the city, you will definitely receive preferential treatment, and you will never break your promise."

Propaganda is still going on, and the effect is still there.

Every night, Chen Liu's patrolling guards could always catch hundreds of deserters, and only a few dozen were able to escape outside the city.

Then these surrendered soldiers turned into shouting troops and launched psychological warfare against the city.

Xiahoudun had no choice but to behead batch after batch of fleeing people to deter them with killing power, and only then did the situation stop.

According to Xiahou Dun's estimate, it would not be a problem to stick to it for another month.

After just one month, it was time to resign to fate.

Liu Ke has many choices. Since Chen Liu's progress here is slow, he should speed up the attack of various armies.

Huang Zhong commanded [-] troops, and seven days later, he captured Taishan County and other places. So far, the entire Yanzhou, except Chenliu County, has fallen into Liu Ke's hands.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

And just when Yanzhou was about to change hands, in Runan, Zhang Liao had already led his army to Xuchang.

His task is to take Yingchuan County, pose a certain threat to Luoyang, and make Xiahoudun, who is sticking to Chenliu, flustered.

On this day, under the city of Xuchang, arrows rained flying, shouting and killing again and again.

Compared with Chen Liu's temptation, the scale of the battle here is obviously larger.

Zhang Liao had already planned to take Xuchang in one go - the "capital" of the Han Kingdom.

With Cao Cao opening a mansion in Chang'an and Emperor Xian moving to Luoyang, Xuchang's status has declined.

What can a city with no danger to defend against the [-] Yangzhou army?

I saw the endless siege troops, constantly attacking the already bloody city wall.

Under the city, Zhang Liao looked at the gradually occupied city tower and said excitedly:

"The breaking of the city is today!"

Gao Shun next to him looked at it, feeling a little dazed, unable to figure out some things.

Xuchang is so important, why, as the guard of Yingchuan, Le Jin's army remains motionless?

Why didn't Le Jin send a large army to save Xuchang?

Could it be that Le Jin has other preparations, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack?

In short, one must always be vigilant.

About half an hour later, on the city wall, the trapped camp was constantly beheading the defenders.

Gao Shun, who was in blood-stained shirt, looked at the retreating defenders, turned around and ordered coldly:

"Take down this section of the city wall!"

"As ordered!"

Soon, on the city wall, there was a tidy explosion sounding, revealing a deep chill, which made the defenders tremble.

"The will to fall into battle!"

"Death but not life!"

The defenders were originally in a trance, but now they have lost their fighting spirit.

I saw the male-shaped trap camp, climbing up the city wall vigorously, forming a battle formation, and gradually expanding the occupied area.

They moved in unison, disregarding life and death.

The spears and swords came out together, and the sharpness was full of evil spirits, which made people's hearts tremble.

This is the trapping camp, the elite troops trained by Gao Shun, who followed Liu Ke in the north and south for many years.

Even if there are a large number of talents in Yangzhou, they can't hide the light of the camp.

With the frequent battles of the trapped camp, under the shadow of swords and swords, the defenders supported themselves desperately, and fell down one after another like being mowed, causing heavy casualties.

"This... is indeed a powerful army in the world!"

Wen Pin looked at the defenders turned into corpses, feeling angry and emotional.

He used to be Liu Biao's general. After Sun Ce occupied Jingzhou, he pretended to surrender, and later found an opportunity to defect to Cao Cao.

Le Jin is responsible for guarding Yingchuan County, and Wenpin is his deputy, guarding Xuchang.

Unfortunately, this battle is doomed to fail.

Because in the discussion between Le Jin and Wen Pin, Xu Chang was a pawn that could be given up at any time, and it was only used to delay the progress of the Yangzhou Army.

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