Gao Shun's expression froze, and he said, "Wen Yuan is going to continue to enter the Changsha, are you sure?"

"Taking the entire territory of Yingchuan is a duty."

Zhang Liao's expression changed, and a sharp edge suddenly exuded from his whole body.

Gao Shun nodded, and after a little silence, he looked into the distance and said coldly, "It's exactly what I want!"

Afterwards, Gao Shun ordered: "The army rests for one night, so be quicker!"


After hearing this, the trapping camp next to them said in unison.

At first Zhang Liao wanted to give the trapped camp three days to rest, but now he can't speak.

"General Gao, it's up to you next time. If we win the Changsha within seven days, our army will make great contributions. If it exceeds seven days, you and I will have no face to see the lord."

"General, please rest assured!" Gao Shun clenched his fist firmly after hearing this.

Seven days is too long, he only fights for the day and night.

As Wenpin led the defeated army to flee, Le Jin also learned the news and became angry from embarrassment.

"Damn Wenpin, I agreed to stick to it for seven days, but Xuchang was lost on the first day, and I was so angry!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"General, for the present plan, it is better to send reinforcements to defend the Changsha. Once the Changsha falls, Yang Di will have no barriers to defend."

Adviser Zhong Yu suggested.

Le Jin's face darkened, and he said angrily, "Uncle Zhi, it's easy for you to say, there are not many Yangdi defenders, if we continue to support Changsha, Yangdi's defense will definitely be empty."

Zhong Yu patiently explained; "The general's words are wrong. You must know that the Changshe is Yangdi's barrier. If the Changsha is not lost, Yangdi has no worries. Your lips are dead and your teeth are cold."

"This..." Hearing this, Le Jin hesitated.

"General, the military situation is urgent, please make a quick decision, General," Zhong Yu said anxiously.

"Okay, okay, just as Uncle Zhi said. I will send an order to dispatch another [-] people to help the Changsha quickly. In addition, tell Wenpin that he must guard the Changsha for seven days. If he can't do it, let him come forward. See you!" Le Jin ordered.

"No!" A sergeant immediately led the order.

Soon, a team of [-] people came out of Yangdi City in a mighty manner, and rushed to Changshe without stopping.

Wenpin, who had just escaped from Xuchang, retreated all the way to the rear under the protection of his personal guards.

"General, we have been running for a day and a night, should we stop and have a rest?" Wen Pin's lieutenant panted.

Wen Pin glanced at the guards under his command and saw that they were all downcast and hunched over tiredly. Although he couldn't bear it in his heart, he knew that he must not stop at this time.

"No, keep going. It's not too late to take a rest when you arrive at Changsha. If you stop now, your life will be in danger!"

The lieutenant looked a little hesitant, and said with a wry smile, "General, we have already run so far. Zhang Liao's army should not be able to catch up."

Wen Pin was furious when he heard this, and shouted, "What do you know, Zhang Liao is very good at running, and his cavalry can travel thousands of miles a day. If I were him, I would definitely send a cavalry to pursue him."

God seemed to be proving Wenpin's words. As soon as his words fell, the ground began to tremble, and the rumbling sound was endless.

"Not good! Zhang Liao's cavalry is coming!" Wen Pin was horrified when he saw this, and hurriedly clamped his horse's belly and shouted; "Quick retreat!"

When people face life and death, they often burst out with unprecedented potential.I saw that the soldiers, who were listless before, were facing the vicious Zhang Liao cavalry at this moment. They spread their legs and ran forward desperately.

It's a pity that no matter how fast a person's legs run, it is impossible to pass a horse's hoof. The cavalry easily caught up with Cao Jun who was fleeing in front of him.

The blade is ruthless, the spear is sharp, and the gorgeous blood flowers are born under the impact of the cavalry, which looks strange and sad.

However, Zhang Liao's cavalry delayed time by massacring the remnants of Cao's army, giving Wenpin a chance to escape.

Now, he has long since run away without a trace.

The commander of the cavalry looked at the direction in which Wenpin was escaping, and ordered: "Not far ahead is the Changshe. The general has an order. If Wenpin is not caught, he will withdraw immediately and cannot enter."

Afterwards, the cavalry returned to Zhang Liao and Gao Shun's army by the same route, and reported the results of the trip to Zhang Liao.

Although Wenpin was not caught, he also slaughtered Cao Jun who had escaped from Xuchang City, which was a small gain.As for Wenpin, the big deal is that after the capture of Changshe, they will be captured together.

"Pass down my general's order, and the three armies will march out, and with one effort, we swear that we will take down Changsha and conquer Yangdi!"

Zhang Liao waved his hand, and looked in the direction of Changshe with chills in his eyes.


Over there, Wenpin, who escaped by chance, returned to Changshe City in a panic.As soon as the general of Changshe heard that Wen had been hired, he immediately came to see him.

"The last general, Wang Luo, pays homage to General Wenpin."

Waving his hand, Wen Pinchang sighed; "General Wang please, I am just a defeated general, and I am ashamed of my lord."

Wang Luo said with a smile, "Why should you underestimate yourself, general? Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. Please also cheer up the general and guard the Changsha together with the last general."

"Yes, what General Wang said is reasonable. How many defenders are there now?" Wen Pin nodded and asked.

"Returning to the general, there are currently [-] defenders in the Changsha, and the food and grass can be used for three months."

"Ten thousand?" Wen Pin frowned slightly, he had seen Gao Shun's subordinates fall into camp before.It can be called the teacher of tigers and wolves, the elite of the world.

Xuchang's [-] defenders were unable to withstand the fierce attack of the trapped camp, and Changshe only had [-] soldiers, so they might not be able to defend for half a day.

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