"General, general?" Seeing that Wen Pin hadn't spoken for a long time, Wang Luo called tentatively.

Wenpin raised his head and glanced at Wang Luo, and said bitterly, "General Wang, listen to my advice and retreat. The Changsha cannot be defended."

Wang Luo's complexion changed, and his tone was a bit unkind; "Could it be that the general wants to be a deserter?"

"Hehe, deserters..." Wen Pin shook his head to himself.

"General Wang doesn't know that the trapping camp led by Gao Shun is a unparalleled army that conquers the city and land. The Changshe is not enough to defend, and the city is small and the pond is shallow. How can we defend it? It is better to retain our strength and withdraw to Yangdi to hold on."

After listening to Wenpin's words, Wang Luo's face relaxed, and he said with a smile; "It turns out that the general is worried about the lack of defenders in the city. Please rest assured, the general."

"Yesterday, General Le sent a messenger, saying that General Le sent [-] troops to assist our Changsha. Calculate the time, it should be almost here."

"Oh! Le Jin sent [-] people to help?"

Wen Pin was a little surprised, based on what he knew about Le Jin, that guy rarely sent reinforcements, how did he change his temper this time.

Although it was a little surprising that Le Jin would send reinforcements, if there were [-] more soldiers, Wenpin would have the confidence to defend Changshe City.

Just at this moment, smoke and dust rose everywhere on the official road outside the city, and the sound of armor rubbing against each other came one after another.

An army holding high the flag of Cao Zi is rushing towards Changsha.

"Look, General, it's General Le's reinforcements." Wang Luo said excitedly, pointing at the army outside the city.

"Okay!" Punching heavily into the palm of his hand, Wenpin's face was full of joy.

After all the [-] reinforcements entered the city, Wang Luo handed over the command of the Shouyu Changshe to Wenpin.

Wenpin was not hypocritical, he generously accepted the military power, and began to deploy the city defense of Changsha, ready to deal with the incoming army of Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

"Quick! You are all moving quickly, prepare enough fire oil, arrows, stones..."

Wenpin held the sword at his waist and directed Cao Jun to make preparations before defending the city.

After everything was ready, Wen Pin looked at the black clouds in the sky that were about to overwhelm the city, and said silently, "Le Jin asked me to defend the city for seven days, and if I couldn't keep it, I would go to see you. I don't know if after this battle, Can I, Wenpin, still stand here alive?"

Two days later, Zhang Liao Gaoshun's army came under attack, and the soldiers pointed directly at Changshe.Behind the army was waiting in full force, there were many battle spears, and the battle flags were fluttering in the wind.

Zhang Liao took the lead, raised the crescent halberd in his hand, and said loudly: "The whole army obeys the order and swears to destroy the Changsha!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Swear to break the Changsha!"

"Swear to break the Changsha!"

Under Zhang Liao's shouts, the army behind him responded loudly. For a while, the morale reached its peak, like an invincible sword, and all enemies blocking it would be reduced to powder.

"Siege the city!" Following Zhang Liao's order, the army behind him shouted in unison, and the army drums thundered.

When the echelon of [-] people began to shout forward, everyone held shields and simple knives, protecting Duo and rushed towards the city wall on cloud ladders.

At the head of Changshe city, Wenpin hurriedly commanded all the soldiers to defend the city.

"Archers, let your arrows go! They must not be allowed to reach the top of the city."

Immediately, the archers on the city kept shooting arrows down, trying to stop Zhang Liao's army.

But Zhang Liao's soldiers were numerous and powerful, so he leaned the ladder against the city wall of Changsha bravely, and climbed up one by one along the ladder.

Over there, under Zhang Liao's command, a rushing car crashed into the city gate heavily against the rain of arrows.

Before they hit it a few times, the head of Changshe City was beating loudly, and the high-pitched sound of the drums aroused the fighting spirit of the defenders. They pushed to the ladder and threw down the kerosene, rolling logs, and stones that had been prepared long ago. .

Corpses fell from the sky and fell to the ground, bloody and bloody.Even the rushing car was smashed to pieces by the huge boulder, and it was smashed to pieces.

"Okay!" Seeing that Zhang Liao's first attack was blocked, Wen Pin was overjoyed, and said to Wang Luo beside him; "General Wang, pass down the order, as long as the Changshe is defended for seven days, all the soldiers defending the city will be rewarded with a thousand gold!"

"No!" Wang Luo shouted all over the city immediately after receiving the order.

"General Wen has an order that as long as all the soldiers guard the Changsha for seven days, everyone will be rewarded with a thousand gold!"

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Once the news came out, it immediately set off a huge wave in Cao's army.

For the daughter of Wenpin's mouth, they desperately blocked Zhang Liao's army's attacks again and again.

Zhang Liao, who was outside the city, witnessed this scene, exchanged glances with Gao Shun, and then ordered to call gold.Soon, all the siege troops withdrew back.

Wenpin in Changshe City had the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief, looked at Wang Luo and said, "General Wang, although the enemy army has retreated temporarily, they must not slack off."

"General, don't worry, the last general will save it."

"En." Nodding his head, Wenpin was also a little tired, and leaned against the city wall to rest.

Time flies, and at night, dots of stars hang above the sky, and clusters of fires suddenly light up outside Changshe City.

"The whole army is attacking the city!"

Accompanied by a high-pitched shout, the sky-shattering shouts of killing permeated the air.


Cao Jun in Changshe City, many of them were still immersed in sleep, but now they were awakened by the sound of shouting and killing.They took up their weapons in a panic and began to defend against the mad attacking enemy forces.

"Damn it, Zhang Liao attacked the city again at night."

Wen Pin rushed over after hearing the news, and seeing Zhang Liao riding a tall horse and holding a crescent halberd outside the city, he couldn't help cursing.

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