"It's not good, general, the east city gate is about to be broken!"

Suddenly, Wang Luo hurried to Wenpin with a panicked look on his face.

"What did you say!" Wen Pin grabbed Wang Luo's lapel and said in disbelief; "there are [-] defenders in the city, why is the east gate broken so soon?"

Wang Luo swallowed, his face full of helplessness, "General, the enemy is attacking the city at night. Most of our soldiers are asleep, and the east gate is not well defended, allowing the enemy to take advantage of the loophole."

"Bastard!" Letting go of Wang Luo's hand, Wen Pin rested his forehead with one hand, feeling extremely depressed.

Outside the city, Zhang Liao saw that the east gate of Changshe was about to fall, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.He said to Gao Shun, "General Gao, it's up to you whether you can capture Changsha tonight."

Gao Shun smiled slightly, and said confidently; "Wen Yuan is optimistic, the Changshe will be destroyed tonight!"

Immediately, Gao Shun galloped out, pointed the spear in front of him, and roared, "Where is the camp!"

"I'm waiting here!"

"Follow the generals to capture Changshe, kill!" Gao Shun took the lead and went straight to the precarious Dongcheng Gate.

At the same time, a neat burst of shouts rang out, revealing a strong chill, which made the defenders on Changshe City tremble.

"The will to fall into battle!"

"Death but not life!"


After Wenpin heard this uniform voice, his face changed drastically.

"Oops, it's in the camp! General Wang, hurry up and organize a team to rush to the east gate. Hurry up!"

"The last general takes orders!"

Wang Luo clasped his fists to accept the order, and rushed to the east gate with a team.However, it was too late.

I saw that the male-shaped trapping camp climbed up to the east gate with a vigorous figure, quickly formed a battle formation, and gradually expanded the occupied area.

The spears and swords came out together, and there was a terrifying evil spirit in the sharp edges, which made the hearts of those who saw it tremble.

With the battle of the trapped camp, the situation on the battlefield immediately showed a one-sided situation. Under the shadow of swords and swords, the defenders supported desperately, but in the end they fell down like straws, and no one survived!

When Wang Luo arrived in a hurry, the East City Gate was already in the camp.

"Damn! Thief, take your life!"

Wang Luo's eyes were about to burst, and with a clang, he drew his sword from his waist, and led hundreds of soldiers under him to attack the trapped camp.

Their ending is self-evident. In front of the killing god-like camp, these hundreds of soldiers didn't even have a chance to struggle, and all their lives were harvested.Wang Luo died in the hands of Gao Shun.

"Come here, plant the flag on the tower."

After Gao Shun's order was issued, a high character flying in the wind firmly planted the flag on the east gate of Changsha.

Under the light of the torches, Zhang Liao and Wen Pin saw the flying flag at the same time.But the reactions of the two were quite different.

Zhang Liao was overjoyed, shook his crescent halberd, and laughed loudly, "Hahaha, General Gao is truly unparalleled in this world! The Changshe is broken!"

On the other hand, Wenpin, with a face ashen ashes, sat down on the city wall and muttered to himself: "It's over, it's over. It's over. Changshe is hopeless!"

"General, retreat quickly." At this time, a school captain ran to Wenpin to persuade him.

"Withdraw? Where can I withdraw?"

Wen Pin chuckled, but Le Jin had clearly told him that if he couldn't keep the Changsha for seven days, he would come to see him.

"Order to evacuate the Changsha. As for this general, he will live and die with this city!"

Standing up slowly, Wenpin drew out the sword at his waist, with an expression on his face as if he wanted to die.

"You can't do it, general. If you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about firewood. General, the enemy army is strong now, why don't we surrender?"

"Surrender?" Wenpin rolled his eyes, a little moved.After all, in the current situation, there is no other way to go except surrender.

Fleeing back to Yangdi, Le Jin will definitely not let him go.It's not worth fighting to the end.The only way to survive is to surrender.

After a long while, Wen Pin ordered dejectedly, "Open the city gate, Wen Pin is willing to surrender."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At dawn, the battle at Changshe was completely over.

Wenpin led the remaining defenders to surrender Zhang Liao, and Changsha was successfully captured. The next step would be Yangdi, the only remaining garrison in Yingchuan County.

"Wen Pin, the general of the defeated army, pays his respects to General Zhang and General Gao."

In Changshe City, Wen Pin knelt on one knee in front of Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

"General Zizhong please hurry up, the general is willing to surrender, it is really the luck of my lord, the luck of the world."

Lifting Wenpin up, Zhang Liao said with a smile.

"Thank you, General Zhang." After thanking Zhang Liao, Wen Pin suddenly asked; "If General Zhang can be trusted, I am willing to lead an army to attack Yang Di and persuade Le Jin to surrender."

Wenpin is not stupid, since he has already surrendered to Zhang Liao, instead of acting like a daughter, it is better to look for opportunities to make military exploits.In this way, it will be easier for him to be under Liu Ke's command.

Hearing this, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked at each other and saw the smile in each other's eyes.

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