Of course, they are well aware of Wenpin's careful thinking, but this is also human nature.They can push the boat along the way and send Wenpin a favor.

Zhang Liao then said: "General Zizhong's heart, I will understand. However, Yangdi City is high and deep, if we attack it by force, it will definitely cause heavy losses to our army. This general has a clever plan, but I don't know if General Zizhong is willing to cooperate. gone?"

"General Zhang, please speak frankly, I will definitely agree with you." Wen Pin said without hesitation.

"It's so good." The smile on Zhang Liao's face became more and more intense, and he leaned into Wen Pin's ear and whispered a few words.

After listening, Wenpin frowned slightly, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.

But in the end, he nodded heavily, "I have made up my mind to fulfill my mission, and I hope that General Zhang can take care of me more in the future."

Zhang Liao knew that Wenpin wanted him to say good things to Liu Ke for him, so he patted him on the shoulder and said meaningfully; "Zizhong just do it, and he will report the credit to the lord truthfully. "

"Promise!" With Zhang Liao's guarantee, Wenpin has nothing to worry about.

Seeing this, Gao Shun on the side didn't say a word.For him, conquering Yingchuan is the main goal, and he doesn't care who gets the credit.


In Yangdi, in the prefect's mansion, Le Jin was furious after receiving the news of Changsha's defeat.Either throwing things in the mansion, or

Kick the table.

"Damn it, hate it! Wenpin is a piece of trash, he was asked to guard Xuchang for seven days, but Xuchang was lost within one day.

Shouchangshe, I even sent [-] reinforcements to him, but in the end, he still couldn't hold it for even a day! "

Le Jin cursed loudly, his chest heaved and fluctuated, it seemed that he was very angry.

"Report, report to the general. Mr. Zhong is here."

At this time, a sergeant came in to report.

"Zhong Yu? Let him in." Le Jin said angrily.It was Zhong Yu who persuaded him to send troops to help the Changsha, but now the Changsha fell, and the [-] army was in vain.

"Uncle Zhi, you know about the Changsha, right?" Seeing Zhong Yu coming in, Le Jin asked straight to the point.

Zhong Yu sighed, with a gloomy expression, "I didn't expect that the Wenpin Fair would be defeated so easily. It lost [-] troops for nothing."

"Hmph!" When this matter was mentioned, Le Jin felt a little uncomfortable. He glanced at Zhong Yu angrily, and said, "Uncle Zhi, tell me, what should we do now? The Changsha is lost, and Zhang Liao and Gao Shun's army It's almost time to kill Yangdi."

After thinking for a while, Zhong Yu replied, "General Le, in my opinion, it's better to give up Yang Di and retreat."

"Retreat!" Le Jin's voice was a bit sharp, he stared at Zhong Yu, and said word by word; "Impossible, even if I fight to the death, I, Le Jin, will never take half a step back."

"General Yue, although the city of Yangdi is tall and deep, there are not many defenders. Excluding the [-] troops that supported Changsha before, there are currently only [-] people in Yangdi City. How can we stop Zhang Liao and Gao Shun's army?"

Zhong Yu tried hard to persuade.

However, Le Jin didn't listen to it at all, and said coldly; "Wenpin, that trash can't hold it, and it doesn't mean that I can't hold it. I don't believe it, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun are so powerful."

"General Le, if you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave when Zhang Liao Gaoshun's army overwhelms you. At that time, you will be in a cocoon!"

Zhong Yu was slightly agitated.

"You want to go, you go by yourself. I just listened to your words before and lost [-] troops in vain. This time, I will not go no matter what."

Le Jin's temper is not ordinary stubborn, no matter what Zhong Yu says, he won't listen.There was even a strong smell of gunpowder between the two.

"Come here." Le Jin shouted outside the gate of the Chaofu, "Shoot Zhong Yu away and let him go back to the lord, don't hinder this general from defending the city."


The two soldiers immediately stepped forward, set up Zhong Yu and went out, Zhong Yu immediately cried out in pain: "Le Jin, if you don't listen to me, you will die without a place to die in the future, don't blame me."

Le Jin curled his lips, his face full of indifference.

Three days later, a group of disabled soldiers suddenly appeared outside Yangdi City.

This group of remnants fought under the banner of Cao Jun, and the leader was Wenpin.They came all the way to the city of Yangzhai, and shouted to the defenders on the city: "Brothers in the city, I am Wenpin, please quickly inform General Le Jin, and say that Wenpin, the defeated general, has come to accept the crime."

When the guards on the city heard the sound, they were surprised at first, and then rushed to tell Le Jin.

When he heard that Wenpin had returned, Le Jin's eyes flashed ferociously, he dressed neatly, took his saber, and came to the head of Yangdi City.

"Wenpin, I really didn't expect that you still have the guts to come back."

Looking at Wenpin, Le Jin said coldly.

Wenpin said with a wry smile, "General Yue, I will lose to the general in the end. I know I will die, so I am here to plead guilty."

"Oh." Le Jin said with cold eyes; "Wenpin, you are really not afraid that the general will kill you. You know, when you were guarding the Changsha, the general told you that if you can't hold out for seven days, you should raise your head." See."

"The last general knows, but there is nothing to be afraid of death, and the loss of his head is nothing but a scar the size of a bowl. The last general dares to come back, but he doesn't want to leave alive. I ask the general to kill me to prove the military law. The last general is also worthy of King Wei. Wenpin said with a casual smile.

"Okay, you Wenpin is a man!" Hearing Wenpin's rhetoric, Le Jin calmed down his killing intent and ordered, "Open the city gate and let Wenpin in."


After a heavy sound, the gate of Yangzhai city slowly opened, Wenpin saw the success, suddenly couldn't bear it in his heart, stayed where he was, hesitating.

"Wenpin, aren't you scared and afraid to come in?" Seeing that Wenpin hadn't moved for a long time, Le Jin thought he was afraid of death and dared not enter the city.

As everyone knows, Wenpin is struggling with his own soul at this moment.In the end, he was still determined, rushed into Yangdi City, hacked to death a few unlucky Cao Jun, and shouted: "The gate of the city has been opened, where is Wenyuan!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Zhang Wenyuan is here, all soldiers, kill!"

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