As soon as Wenpin's words fell, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun's army suddenly rushed out from all directions.

Seeing this scene, Le Jin in the city finally came to his senses, and cursed bitterly, "Wenpin, you traitor, you actually cheated to open the city gate and lured Zhang Liao to attack! Are you worthy of King Wei?"

Wenpin blushed a little when Le Jin scolded him, but since the matter was done, there was no need to hide it.

"Le Jin, it's not because of Wenpin's disloyalty, it's the trend of the times. King Wei's kindness will be repaid in the next life."

"Damn!" Le Jin spat at Wenpin, grabbed a spear, went straight down to the top of the city, and killed Wenpin.

"Traitor, die!"

The two collided with each other, ding ding ding, and sparks flew everywhere.

While the two were fighting, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun had already led an army into Yangdi City.In particular, Gao Shun's trapping camp once again showed the world the ambition of being trapped in the camp.

The terrifying aura made the morale of the defenders who were struggling to resist extremely low.

"General Gao, go and help General Zizhong deal with Le Jin, leave this to me."

Seeing that Wen Pin was no match for Le Jin, Zhang Liao shouted at Gao Shun.

"Okay!" Gao Shun said simply, he rode his horse and raised his gun, and went straight to Le Jin's face.

Le Jin, who was lucky enough to escape the blow, was already dripping with sweat on his forehead. He could still deal with a Wenpin, but if he added a fierce general Gao Shun, he would be no match.

"Wen Qian, surrender." Wen Pin persuaded.

Unexpectedly, Le Jin was determined, and after glaring at him and Gao Shun viciously, he turned his horse's head and was about to run away.

"General Zizhong, don't let Le Jin go, chase after him!"

Le Jin wanted to run, but Gao Shun naturally refused to let him go, so he called Shang Wenpin to chase Le Jin together.

Seeing that he was about to catch up, a group of defenders suddenly broke out on the way. The leader brandished a big knife and slashed at Gao Shun fiercely.

"General Le, hurry up, the last general will stop the enemy general for you!"

It turned out that this person was Le Jin's lieutenant general, he was loyal and brave, and when he saw that Le Jin was in danger, he immediately rushed to stop Gao Shun and Wenpin with a small team of defenders.

Of course a general would not be Gao Shun's opponent, I saw that he came first with a little cold light, and then shot like a dragon.With a bang, the sharp spear pierced through the heart of the lieutenant general.

However, General Pi didn't just fall down, but firmly grasped Gao Shun's gun barrel, no matter how hard he pulled, he just refused to let go.

In the end, it was Wenpin who cut off the general's head and made him let go.

After such a delay, Le Jin couldn't catch up, so Gao Shun spread his hands resentfully.He looked at the headless general lying in a pool of blood with admiration.

"What a loyal and brave man, he is respectable and admirable. General Zizhong, I trouble you to bring someone to bury this general."

Gao Shun gave Wenpin instructions.

"No." Nodding his head slightly, Wen Pin was a little ashamed, thinking that as a general under Cao Cao, although he had made many military exploits, he was not as loyal and brave as a beneficiary general.It's really embarrassing.

Le Jin, who was the general, ran away, and the other defenders in Yangdi City no longer resisted desperately. They abandoned their swords and armor one after another, and chose to surrender.

Yangdi fell, and at this moment, the entire territory of Yingchuan County fell into Liu Ke's hands.After this battle, Zhang Liao Gaoshun was shocked by the first battle.

Cao Cao sent his general Le Jin and Wen Pin to lead an army of [-] to guard Yingchuan, but under Zhang Liao Gaoshun's blade, the [-] army was like a chicken and a dog, and it would collapse at the touch of a touch!

Cao Cao's two generals, one surrendered, and the other ran away with his head in his arms, losing all face.

"Hahaha, Wenyuan, now that Yingchuan has been captured, what should we do next?"

After cleaning the battlefield, Gao Shun couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao was also very happy and said, "My lord has something to say. After conquering Yingchuan, let us stand still. By the way, let's send messengers to report the victory to the lord."

"Wen Yuan's words are quite in line with my wishes." Gao Shun said.


Yanzhou, Yangzhou Army Camp, Dongyang King Liu Keduan wearing a five-clawed black dragon robe sits at the top, followed by Guo Jia, Zhuge Liang and other advisers, and Lu Bu, Dianwei, Chen Dao, Huang Zhong, Lu Meng and other generals.

Putting down the front-line battle report in his hand, Liu Ke's eyes were full of joy, and he said with a smile; "Everyone, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun have captured the entire Yingchuan County, and Cao Cao's general Wenpin has been demoted. It is really a happy event."

"Congratulations, lord!"

"Congratulations, my lord!"

Everyone congratulated with their hands clasped together.

Liu Ke waved his hand, and after everyone quieted down, he said, "Now Yingchuan has been conquered, but this Chenliu County has never been captured again and again, do you have a good plan?"

Hearing this, everyone became pensive.

Cao Cao deployed a total of twenty-five armies in Chenliu County. He had Xiahou Dun, Xiahou Lian, Yu Jin, etc. in Wu, and he had two brothers Sima Yi and Sima Lang. It was indeed a tough nut to crack.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly at this time, and analyzed; "My lord, although the mind-attacking tactics we adopted before have achieved some results, Xiahou Dun is worthy of being a famous general in the world. He completely destroyed our mind-attacking tactics by killing and deterring him. Think If we want to capture Chen Liu, I'm afraid we'll have to think of another trick."

Guo Jia also said: "Kong Ming's words are true. Although Chenliu is an isolated city, there are many defenders in the city, and there is sufficient food and grass. It also has the conspiracy of the Sima brothers and the courage of Xiahou's generals. It will be impossible to capture it in a short time. According to Yijia, only consumption words are available."

"Consumption?" Liu Ke frowned and looked at Guo Jia.

"Exactly." Guo Jia continued; "This time, my lord and Sun Ce will attack Cao Cao in three ways. At present, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun have conquered Yingchuan."

"Zhao Yun refused to guard Huguan, and Lu Xun sent troops from Youzhou to threaten Yanmen Pass and Taiyuan County."

"My lord is suppressing Chen Liu again. In addition, my lord is backed by Yangzhou, the land of Huainan, so I have no worries."

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