Before he left, Cao Cao told him that if Liu Bei could send troops, no matter what the price would be.

However, that being said, when the time comes for Cao Cao to cut his flesh, I'm afraid he won't be so generous. At that time, Yang Xiu will undoubtedly become Cao Cao's punching bag.

But it's better to be a punching bag than to be decapitated if you can't complete the task.

Later, Yang Xiu signed a contract with Liu Bei, and said that Liu Bei can send people to hand over the three counties now, but the food will have to wait for a while.

Liu Bei was naturally happy, and picked up the land of the three counties and a million stones of grain for nothing. Anyone would be happy if they were replaced.

After sending Yang Xiu away, Liu Bei listened to the counselor Fazheng's words and ordered Guan Yu to be the commander, Wei Yan to be the vanguard, Zhang Fei and Li Yan to be the deputy generals, leading [-] troops to attack Shangyong.

With Liu Bei's participation in the war, this war covering the entire territory of the Han Dynasty has progressed to a fever pitch.

Sun Ce of Shangyong heard that Liu Bei had led troops to attack, so he immediately summoned Zhou Yu and Sun Quan to discuss.

"Gongjin, Liu Bei suddenly led troops to attack, what should we do?"

Zhou Yu pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "My lord, according to Yu, it must be that Cao Cao approached Liu Bei and promised great benefits, which made Liu Bei suddenly join the war. However, Cao Cao can find allies, and my lord also has allies."

Sun Ce suddenly realized, and said, "Gongjin is talking about Dongyang King Liu Ke."

"Exactly." Zhou Yu said.

"Come on, immediately send an envoy to Chenliu to ask Dongyang King for help."



A few days later, Liu Ke saw the envoy sent by Sun Ce in Chenliu, Yangzhou Army Camp, and after listening to him talk about how powerful Liu Bei was, Liu Ke asked the envoy to take him down to rest.

A group of civil servants and generals were summoned to discuss the matter of rescuing Sun Ce.

"My lord, I'm just a big-eared thief. The last general asks for orders. You only need to give me [-] soldiers and horses. Liu Bei, who the last general can kill, has no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth!"

As soon as Lu Bu heard that there was a battle, he immediately shouted anxiously.

"Fengxian, you have ambushed Xia Houlian before, and this time the credit should be given to me. You can't snatch it from me." Dian Weiweng said in a low voice.

"That's enough, that's all right, Ziman Fengxian, you guys don't want to fight anymore, let me take the credit." Tai Shici also raised his head and said.

Looking at this scene, Liu Ke shrugged helplessly. Sometimes, having too many generals is an annoyance. When it comes to fighting, there will be a group of people vying for credit.Every time it made his ears ringing.

"Stop arguing, Gu hasn't said he's going to help Sun Ce yet, what are you in a hurry for?" Liu Ke shouted loudly.

Only then did the generals stop.

"My lord, I have a plan, I can take Boshui!"

Suddenly, Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia said in unison.The two were taken aback for a moment, then looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of cunning.

Liu Ke was also amused by the two of them, and couldn't help but said: "Kong Ming, Feng Xiao, you two really have a good understanding. Tell me, what is the plan to win Sishui Pass?"

Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia smiled slightly and said at the same time.

"False way to attack Guo!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Ke is also a smart person. After fighting for so many years, he is also well versed in the art of war, and vaguely understands what Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia are fighting.

"Kong Ming, Feng Xiao, are you trying to make Cao Cao relax his vigilance in the name of helping Sun Ce, and take the opportunity to launch a fierce attack when the army enters Sishui Pass and take Sishui Pass in one fell swoop."

After Liu Ke finished speaking, both Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia nodded slightly in agreement.

But Zhuge Liang added: "My lord is more than half right, but there is still one thing I haven't considered."

"Oh? Which point?" Liu Ke asked curiously.

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "Sishui Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so in addition to using false ways to attack Guo, we also have to use the strategy of luring snakes out of their holes."

Guo Jia explained: "My lord, this is actually a series of tricks. First, pretend to attack Guo, relax the vigilance of Xu Huang, the guard of Sishui Pass, and then let our army pretend to be defenseless, and lure Xu Huang out of the pass to attack. It’s called leading a snake out of its hole.”

"However, Xu Huang is a famous general of a generation, how could he easily go out and attack?"

Lu Meng raised his doubts.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, and said, "If you want to lure Xu Huang out of the customs, you need a bait with enough attraction. For example, grain and grass."

"That's right, as long as the army's food and grass are on the bright side, I believe Xu Huang will not be able to resist the temptation to go out and attack the food and grass." Guo Jia echoed.

After Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia explained everything, Lu Meng and Liu Ke understood.

Liu Ke took the commanding arrow beside him, thought for a while, and ordered, "Lu Bu, Dian Wei, Tai Shici listens to the order."

When the three generals heard the words, they all stood up excitedly, "The last general is here!"

"Order the three of you to lead [-] troops, and set out to help Sun Ce immediately."

"No!" The three generals responded in unison.After receiving Liu Ke's command arrow, he was about to leave the Chinese army tent, but Liu Ke suddenly stopped them.

"Wait, do you know the real purpose of this trip?"

Dian Wei patted his head foolishly, and said with a simple smile, "My lord, isn't it just to help Sun Ce and beat Liu Bei?"

"You! Ziman." Liu Ke patted his forehead speechlessly, and didn't blame Dian Wei too much, knowing that he has always been like this, although he is unparalleled in battle, he is known as the ancient evil.But the problem with the big nerve is that it can't be changed.

Eyes fell on Tai Shici and Lu Bu, Liu Ke's meaning was very clear, I can understand that Dian Wei didn't know, but if you don't know, then it won't end so well.

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