"My lord, on the surface, our trip is to help Sun Ce, but in fact, we intend to resort to false tactics to lure Xu Huang out and take the opportunity to seize the Sishui Pass." Tai Shi said kindly.

Lu Bu nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's go. The Sishui Pass is bound to be taken!" Liu Ke said with a big wave of his hand.

Afterwards, the three generals ordered a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and rushed towards Shangyong in a mighty manner.

On the way, Tai Shici deliberately asked the people to make a big fanfare, for fear that others would not know that they were going to help Sun Ce.

Under such special publicity, Xu Huang of Sishuiguan soon received the news from the eyeliner.

"Liu Ke sent [-] troops to aid Sun Ce, and will pass by Sishui Pass in a few days."

Looking down at the information, Xu Huang faintly felt that there was something wrong with it, but he couldn't tell.

One of Xu Huang's generals suggested at this time: "General, since the Yangzhou army is going to pass through our Sishui Pass, the general might as well take this opportunity to attack the Yangzhou army and frustrate Liu Ke's prestige."

The general's suggestion undoubtedly provoked Xu Huang's reprimand.

"Confused, how can a big battle be aimed at undermining other people's prestige and losing their face. Soldiers are a major event in a country, a place of life and death, and the way of survival. If the generals who lead the army are as thoughtful as you are, war won't be easy." It became child's play."

"The last general made a slip of the tongue, the general forgives the crime." The general retreated resentfully.

However, Xu Huang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said to himself, "Liu Ke's army is going to support Sun Ce, and Sun Ce is fighting with Liu Bei in full swing."

"If I can prevent Liu Ke's reinforcements from going to Shangyong, Sun Ce will definitely be defeated by Liu Bei. At that time, Liu Bei will be free to fight Liu Ke. In this way, he can rescue Chen Liu and at the same time give Wei Wang relieve pressure."

Thinking of this, Xu Huang thought about it more and more beautifully, and immediately said; "Send an order, order the scouts to pay close attention to the movement of the Yangzhou Army, and find out the location of the Yangzhou Army's food and supplies."

Xu Huang is a veteran in the battlefield, of course he understands the reason why the three armies have not moved, and the food and grass go first.The best way to prevent this Yangzhou army from supporting Sun Ce is to destroy their food and supplies.

Unfortunately, what Xu Huang didn't know was that these ideas of his had long been expected by Liu Ke, and he was setting up a big net, waiting for him to take the initiative to vote.

When Xu Huang received the report from the scouts that all the food, grass and supplies of the Yangzhou Army were located in the rear army, he was overjoyed.

Immediately convene the Guanzhong defenders, and after temporarily forming a cavalry force of [-] people, they can raid the Yangzhou army's food and grass supplies just after midnight, cutting off their retreat.

Tonight's night is pitch black, and I can't see my fingers.In the sky, there are no stars or bright moon, not even a little light.

In the dark, Xu Huang led [-] cavalrymen to the rear of the Yangzhou Army quietly. Xu Huang, who was hiding in the thick night, saw the carts of food and grass, and his eyes shone with the light of hungry wolves.

"Remember, don't love to fight for a while, our purpose is to burn the enemy's food and grass."

After exhorting the five thousand cavalry behind him, Xu Huang's gaze returned to the Yangzhou Army's food and supplies.

After about a quarter of an hour passed, Xu Huang lifted the big ax on his shoulder and galloped out.

"Burn food and grass, kill!"

Five thousand cavalry cavalry of the Cao army also rushed out at this time, and the Yangzhou army was in chaos, and they all dispersed.

Immediately, Cao Jun's cavalry each took out the fire starters they carried on their bodies and prepared to ignite the food and supplies.

At this moment, a cavalryman shouted in surprise; "No, General, these are not grain and grass, they are all dirt!"

Xu Huang also noticed something was wrong, his brows were furrowed, and he reacted instantly, "Quickly withdraw, there is an ambush!"

The next moment, torches lit up in the darkness. With the help of the torches, Xu Huang saw the current situation clearly.

I saw that the three generals Tai Shici, Lu Bu, and Dian Wei surrounded them, and countless Yangzhou troops raised their bows and arrows, and the cold light of their blades was chilling.

"Hahaha, Xu Gongming, you've been tricked!" Tai Shici looked up to the sky and laughed.The last time he and Chen Dao failed to take Sishui Pass down, he had been brooding over this matter for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Xu Huang still fell into his hands now.

"Xu Huang, get off your horse and accept the surrender, otherwise, don't blame my general's Fang Tian's painted halberd for being unkind!" Lu Bu shook Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and said in a threatening tone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Dian Wei didn't speak, but Xu Huang's answer was already given by his eager expression and the big double halberd in his hand.

Surrender or die!

"Hehehe..." Xu Huang not only didn't show the panic he should have, but laughed in a low voice.

"I think Xu Huang has fought on the battlefield for more than ten years, but I will die here today. King Wei, forgive Xu Huang for not being able to hire you on the battlefield!"

After the feeling was over, a flash of determination flashed in Xu Huang's eyes, he clenched the big ax in his hand, and roared.

"My Xu Gongming would rather die than surrender. If you want to take my life, just come! If I blink my eyes, I won't be worthy of the word "big man!"

"Swear to live and die with General Gongming!"

Xu Huang's generous words made the [-] cavalry who followed him very excited, and they regarded death as home.

"Good man! Let me, Dianwei, give you a ride."

Dian Wei was moved by Xu Huang, so he rushed out to fight Xu Huang to the death.At the critical moment, Tai Shici stopped Dian Wei, looked at Xu Huang, and persuaded him.

"General Gongming, why bother? Since ancient times, those who know the current affairs are heroes, and the general is a generation of famous generals. Why don't you surrender to my lord, Dongyang King, and stay useful and make contributions."


Xu Huang seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, and said firmly; "Tai Shici, do you think I, Xu Huang, am a capricious child like Wenpin? Even if I die, I will never be sorry to King Wei."

"General Gongming, listen to me..." Tai Shici wanted to persuade him a few more words, but Xu Huang didn't want to listen any more, he clamped his horse's belly suddenly, and killed Tai Shici.

"Hmph! If you are stubborn, kill all these Cao troops." Seeing this, Lu Bu snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with Xu Huang's ignorance of current affairs.

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