"whoosh whoosh"

Immediately, arrows shot through Cao Jun's body one after another, and they fell off their horses one after another. In the blink of an eye, the five thousand cavalry brought out by Xu Huang disappeared.

"No!" Xu Huang yelled in pain. He has always loved soldiers like sons, and those who died were all his brothers.


The heartbroken Xu Huang roared like a beast, and struck Tai Shici's weapon with an axe. A terrifying force directly pushed Tai Shici's mount back several meters.

"I'll meet you." Seeing that Tai Shici was forced to retreat by Xu Huang, Lu Bu waved Fang Tian's painted halberd to fight Xu Huang.

Just at this time, Dian Ziman came out on the way, raised his big double halberds and shook Lu Bu's Fang Tian's painted halberds away, and said with a chuckle, "Fengxian, Xu Huang can leave it to me."

Lu Bu glanced at Dian Wei helplessly, then shook his hand, "I'll leave it to you."

"Thank you." After thanking Lu Bu, Dian Wei looked at Xu Huang with red eyes and sighed; "Man, I admire you as a man, so let me give you a ride."

Xu Huang stared at Dian Wei, and asked hesitantly; "You are the Dian Wei who is next to King Dongyang, who is known as the evil from the past."


"Evil is famous, I have heard it for a long time. Loyalty is unparalleled, brave and invincible. To die in your hands, Xu Huang deserves it."

After saying that, Xu Huang swung his big ax and fought with Dian Wei.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

When the two weapons collided, sparks were sparked immediately. After more than a dozen rounds, Xu Huang gradually lost his strength.An opening was accidentally exposed, Dian Wei saw the opportunity, and stabbed the big double halberd fiercely into Xu Huang's abdomen.

In an instant, Xu Huang's face was like gold paper, blood flowed from his abdomen, and he rolled off the horse with a plop.Enduring the pain, he held his big axe, half-knelt on the ground, and looked in the direction of Huguan.

"The King of Wei...will be incompetent at the end...in the next life...for the generations of the Cao family...go through fire and water!"

"Hey." Tai Shici sighed and said, "It's a pity."

Dian Wei walked up to Xu Huang's body, and suddenly said, "Ziyi, Fengxian, I want to collect Xu Huang's body and ask my lord to return his body to Cao Cao."

Tai Shici and Lu Bu looked at each other and said, "Good."

Immediately, they restrained Xu Huang's body, took off the armor of the dead Cao Jun, replaced it on their own, and went straight to Sishuiguan, pretending to be a successful or defeated army.

This was Tai Shici's idea. Using these armors of Cao's army, he pretended to be a successful or defeated army and asked for help from Sishui Pass. After opening the city gate, he took down Sishui Pass in one fell swoop.

The night was like thick ink, so deep that it couldn't be melted, Tai Shici and the others took advantage of the cover of the night to select five thousand elites to come to Sishui Pass.

On the top of the city, a general rushed over after hearing the news. He ordered someone to take a torch, and wanted to see who came down from the city.However, tonight's night is so dark that you can't see your fingers, and the faint light of the fire can't illuminate the situation under the city at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to ask loudly; "Who is in the city, but General Xu?"

Tai Shici replied: "General, I am here to ask for help. General Gongming attacked the Yangzhou army's food and supplies, but was ambushed. Please send reinforcements quickly. The situation is urgent and there is no delay."

"Really? Do you have evidence?" Pian Jiang didn't really believe Tai Shici's words.

"What does the general mean by this? I have worked so hard and risked my life to come out and ask for help. The general doesn't believe me, it's really chilling!

"Forget it, since the general doesn't believe me, then I have nothing to say. At worst, I will risk my life and go back to find General Gongming, and we will live and die together!"

After saying that, Tai Shici raised his arms and called out, "Soldiers, are you willing to follow me back to General Gongming's side, and live and die together?"

"I swear to live and die with General Gongming!" Immediately, the five thousand elite soldiers under him roared very cooperatively.

When the general saw this, he was really taken aback, and felt a little ashamed.

He hastily shouted towards the city: "Brothers, I have wrongly blamed you. I will gather my soldiers and horses, and I will follow you to save General Gongming. Come, open the city gate quickly!"

"Squeak!" The city gate of Sishui Pass opened slowly, and Tai Shici's eyes were full of ecstasy.After the city gate was fully opened, he swung his halberds and shouted, "Brothers, follow me!"

Lu Bu took the lead, and every time Fang Tian swung his painted halberd, he would harvest one head after another. The might of the God of War was undoubtedly revealed.

"Damn it! Who are you?" The general who opened the city gate for them was shouting at the top of his lungs.

A smile appeared on Tai Shici's face, he opened his bow and set an arrow, and a cold light flew out, passing right between the general's eyebrows.

"I am under the tent of the King of Dongyang, and so is Ziyi, the Taishi of Donglai!"

Lu Bu laughed and said, "Ziyi, your arrow skills are getting sharper and sharper. When this battle is over, you and I will have a good match."

"Dare to obey."

More than an hour later, the battle at Sishuiguan came to an end. The flag with the characters of Cao fell from the top of the city, and the flag of Dongyang King Liu Ke waved in the wind.

Xu Huang died in battle, and the news that Sishuiguan changed hands immediately caused a shock in the world, and the prestige of Dongyang King Liu Ke once again deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Huguan, Cao Cao's army launched fierce attacks again and again.

The bright red city walls, the pungent smell, and the piled up corpses have cost the lives of countless soldiers.

"Zidan, in your opinion, how long will it take to conquer Huguan?"

Cao Hong looked at Cao Zhen who was beside him with a dignified expression and asked.

"The natural moat of Huguan is not so easy to conquer. However, after the onslaught of the past few days, the defenders of Huguan have obviously weakened a lot, and it must not take long to take it." Cao Zhen replied.

Hearing this, Cao Hong's eyes could not help revealing a trace of sadness, this battle was too tragic, Cao Jun suffered heavy casualties, and countless soldiers died in battle.It is not too much to describe it as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Cao Zhen saw what was going on in Cao Hong's mind, and comforted him, "Zi Lian, you don't have to be too sad. Since ancient times, wars have always killed people. In order to win Huguan, this is inevitable."

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