"I understand, but the price to pay is too great."

At this time, a burst of excited cheers broke out among the Cao army who was attacking the city.

Cao Hong and the two who heard the cheers were all surprised and looked up.

I saw that on the head of Huguan City, a large number of Cao Jun climbed up and fought with the defenders.

Zhao Yun, who was covered in blood, was desperately beheading Cao Jun one after another.Soon, all the Cao troops who had climbed to the top of the city were wiped out, but in the eyes of Cao Hong and his wife, this was a good thing.

After sieging the city for so long, today is the first time that Cao Jun has climbed to the top of Huguan City.Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as there is a first time, there will be a second time and a third time.This indicates that the day of breaking Huguan is not far away!

However, before the two of them were excited, there was a sudden sound of thumping in Cao Jun's camp.

"This is Mingjin!"

Cao Zhen pricked up his ears, unbelievable.

However, as the sound of Mingjin sounded, Cao Jun, who had been frantically attacking the city, retreated one after another, and the advantages they had finally created disappeared.

The military order is like a mountain, and they can't allow them to withdraw all after thinking too much.

Seeing this, Cao Hong couldn't help roaring again and again.

"Who is it! Who is it, why Mingjin!"

No one can accept the results obtained after paying a heavy price once they go to waste.

Hurrying back to Daying, Cao Hong, Cao Zhen yelled loudly as soon as they got off their horses.

"Who is Mingjin, come out for me, I want his life!"

Over there, Xia Houshang, who was in charge of leading the Cao army to attack the city, also returned to the camp with more than a dozen wounds. He thought it was Cao Hong who called Jin, but looking at them now, it seemed that he didn't know who suddenly called Jin to withdraw.

At this time Jiang Ji hurriedly ran out from the large tent of the Chinese Army, gestured to Cao Hong and the others for silence, leaned close to them, and said in a low voice.

"Several generals speak carefully, it is Wei Wangming's gold."

"What! Impossible!" Cao Hong didn't believe Jiang Ji's words at all.

"That's why the king of Wei suddenly called for gold. You know, Huguan is about to fall." Cao Zhen also said angrily.

Xia Houshang held his bleeding arm and said with resentment: "Mr. Zitong, is it true that Wei Wang Mingjin? Brothers have worked so hard for so many days. This Mingjin is all in vain."

"Hey." Jiang Ji sighed, and said; "It is true that the king of Wei ordered Ming Jin, but the generals should not blame Wei Wang. He is not feeling well now, and Ming Jin is also helpless."

Cao Hong gradually calmed down, heard what Jiang Ji said, and asked, "Mr. Zitong, what happened?"

Jiang Ji looked around, and only after seeing that there was no one else, he put his ear next to the third general's.

"I just got the news that Liu Ke sent Lu Bu, Tai Shici, and Dian Wei to lead an army of [-], nominally to aid Sun Ce. In fact, he tried to lure General Gongming who was stationed at Sishui Pass out of the pass to make a surprise attack. Zhong Fu. He died in the hands of Dian Wei, and even Sishui Pass fell into the hands of Liu Ke."

After Jiang Ji finished speaking, several people became silent, not saying a word.

After a while, Cao Hong hit the ground with a fist, and said in grief and indignation: "Gongming...Dianwei! I, Cao Hong, are incompatible with you!"

Cao Hong and Xu Huang had a very good relationship, and they were called brothers. Now that Xu Huang died in battle, one can imagine the grief in his heart.

Cao Zhen and Xia Houshang also felt bad, the rabbit died and the fox was sad.

Helping Cao Hong up, Jiang Ji advised, "General Zilian, please express your condolences. King Wei is still waiting for you, please."

Controlling their own emotions, everyone headed towards the big tent of the Chinese army and filed in.

In the big tent, Wei Wang Cao Cao was leaning on the couch, with sunken eyes and sallow complexion, he seemed to have aged several decades.

"Last general, see King Wei!"

Cao Hong and others paid homage to Cao Cao.

Raising his eyes slightly, Cao Cao waved his hands weakly and said, "There is no need to be polite, just get up."

After they stood up, Cao Cao continued, "Zitong should have told you about the Sishui Pass. Now, Liu Ke's army can pass through the Sishui Pass at any time and approach Luoyang. Discuss, what should you do?" manage."

"King Wei, the last general believes that the loss of Sishui Pass will threaten Luoyang, but Huguan can be captured in a short time, so..."

Before Cao Hong could finish speaking, Cao Cao interrupted him, "I know you are unwilling to give up on Huguan, but if Luoyang loses and the emperor falls into Liu Ke's hands, you have to think about the consequences."

"What consequences can there be, isn't he just a useless emperor?" Xia Houshang muttered from the side.

Cao Cao said angrily, "You are so confused! Zitong, I'm tired. Tell them about the importance of the Son of Heaven."

"Promise." Jiang Ji took the order, and immediately talked freely, "Several generals, the emperor seems insignificant, but with the emperor in hand, he can coerce the emperor to make the princes, no matter who they crusade, they will be famous."

"But if the Son of Heaven falls into the hands of Liu Ke, the consequences will be unpredictable. First of all, Liu is the royal family of the Han Dynasty, and the Son of Heaven can completely let the Son of Heaven give way to him. At that time, Liu Ke will be the emperor of the Han Dynasty who is righteous and the world will love him."

"Whether it is the King of Wei, Liu Bei, or Sun Ce, they will all be the rebels against cholera. The emperor will punish the whole world! How Yuan Shu died, the generals must be very clear."

One word awakened the dreamer. Hearing what Jiang Ji said, Cao Hong and the rough men finally understood the importance of the Son of Heaven and asked.

"In that case, wouldn't we have to return to Luoyang now?"

"That's right, not only do we have to return to Luoyang, but we also need to find an opportunity to take back Sishui Pass, otherwise, Chen Liu will not be able to stay there for a few days."

While talking, Cao Cao stood up with Jiang Ji's support, barely straightened his back, and his tiger eyes were not angry.It seems that he has returned to the heroic demeanor when he was full of spirit and commanding the world.

"Pass an order to keep Cao Chun, and Cao Zhen leads [-] troops to garrison Shangdang to guard against Zhao Yun. The others, from now on, return to Luoyang with Gu!"

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