"Report." At this moment, a messenger hurried in.

"Speak." Lu Xun said without raising his head.

"Report to Lord Inspector, the King of Dongyang orders Lord Inspector to evacuate Yanmen Pass, go to Huguan to join forces with Zhao Yun, and pretend to attack Bingzhou Shangdang group."

"Oh?" Lu Xun frowned slightly. According to the original plan, his purpose was to contain Cao Cao's main force by threatening the Taiyuan group, but now he wants to join forces with Zhao Yun and pretend to attack Shangdang.

"What happened to the front line?" Lu Xun, who was extremely intelligent, immediately thought of the crux of the problem. Youzhou was far away from the Central Plains, so some battle reports were delayed. He didn't know the news that Sishui Pass had been captured.

The messenger replied, "Master Inspector Shi, Wei Wang Cao Cao has withdrawn his troops from Huguan and returned to Luoyang, trying to retake Sishuiguan."

Hearing this, Lu Xun was overjoyed and said with a smile, "So that's the case. From this point of view, Cao Cao's end is not far away."

Lu Xun, who had figured out what was going on, immediately ordered the [-] troops from Youzhou to withdraw from Yanmen Pass and rush to Huguan Pass.

As soon as Lu Xun withdrew his troops here, Xia Houyuan of Yanmen Pass couldn't sit still, and hurriedly sent someone to inform Cao Cao of the situation here.

And Cao Cao, who had just withdrawn from Huguan, also received information from various parties one after another.

When he saw that Zhang Liao Gaoshun went north to Henan Yin, and Lu Xun withdrew from Yanmen Pass and rushed to Hu Pass, the gloom in his eyes became more and more intense.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just when the situation in the Central Plains was changing rapidly, Sun Ce and Liu Bei of Shangyong were also beaten to death.

"I am Zhang Yide from Yan, Sun Ce, hurry out of the city and surrender!" Zhang Fei roared at Sun Ce on the top of Shangyong City with a thunderous voice.

"You, a butcher who kills pigs and dogs, are also worthy." Sun Ce spat and said disdainfully.

However, Zhang Fei couldn't understand who called him a butcher the most, and he was furious. Zhang Ba Snake spear pointed at Shang Yong, and shouted, "The whole army attacks!"

Immediately, the sound of rumbling horns shook the sky, the sound of drums and thunder, and the dancing of battle flags. City battle!

Zhang Fei took the lead, and as he danced with a zhangba snake spear, it was like cutting wheat, harvesting the lives of groups of Jingzhou soldiers.Wherever he went, it was like a picture of Shura Purgatory!

"Butcher, Hugh is crazy, I will fight you!"

Seeing his soldiers die one by one under Zhang Fei's command, Sun Ce, in grief and indignation, took his overlord golden spear and shot it out like a dragon, straight for Zhang Fei's head.

"Good come."

While the snake spear was swirling, it blocked Sun Ce's overlord golden spear. Zhang Fei grinned, and the snake spear in his hand seemed to have life, like a poisonous snake spewing out letters, beckoning towards Sun Ce's vitals.

Fortunately, Sun Ce has extraordinary martial arts skills, and he can always avoid danger and danger.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Just when the fierce siege battle was in full swing, the resounding golden sound resounded through the entire battlefield like fairy music.

No one wants to die. After receiving the order to withdraw troops, the surviving Yizhou soldiers immediately withdrew from the battlefield. In a cruel and merciless battlefield, time is life. If you slow down a little, you don’t even know how they died. .

"Sun Ce, I will let you go for the time being. If we fight again in the future, I will take your head."

After Zhang Fei finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared on the battlefield.

"My lord, Zhang Fei has withdrawn his army!"

Huang Gai was drenched in blood, put his sword back into its sheath, and said happily.

However, Sun Ce couldn't be happy, and he ordered solemnly; "Don't be careless, Zhang Fei's attack on the city this time is worth tens of thousands of troops, and it is very likely that it was just a tentative attack by the other party."

"Liu Bei has sent [-] troops this time, but the main force has not yet appeared. You should immediately send scouts to find out if there are any other actions in Yizhou. In addition, you will closely monitor the movements of the enemy troops, and report any problems immediately!"

"Promise!" Huang Gai took the order, hurried down from the top of the wall, and followed the order.

All the way back to Shangyong City Shoufu, Sun Ce summoned Zhou Yu and Sun Quan.

"Gongjin, Zhongmou, the loss of our army's strength is too serious. The strength of Liu Bei's Yizhou army is really unexpected. I'm afraid Shangyong won't last long." Sun

Sun Ce said with a sad face.

His younger brother Sun Quan comforted him, "Brother, don't worry, you have asked Dongyang King Liu Ke for help, and his reinforcements should be here soon."

After hearing Sun Quan's words, both Sun Ce and Zhou Yu smiled wryly, Zhou Yu said.

"Second son, Liu Ke, king of Dongyang, doesn't care about us now. He's fighting Cao Cao at Sishui Pass."

"What do you mean by that, sir?" Sun Quan became more and more confused the more he listened.

Zhou Yu sneered and said, "Dongyang King deserves to be the King of Dongyang. Under the guise of helping the lord, he took the false plan to destroy Guo and captured Sishui Pass. As a result, after they captured Sishui Pass, they simply forgot about the lord. Not a word about aid."

"Yes, Dongyang Wang and I are allies, but he treats me like this, it's really chilling." Sun Ce said coldly.

Only Sun Quan still didn't believe it, and said, "Brother, Gongjin, I don't think the King of Dongyang will be so stupid that he won't come to help. Once the big brother can't hold on and gives up Shangyong, Liu Bei's army can fight all the way to Yuzhou , At that time, it was King Dongyang who had a headache."

Sun Quan's analysis also made Zhou Yu and Sun Ce a little confused.Sun Quan was right, if King Dongyang didn't help him, he would be the unlucky one in the end, but if he wanted to help, why didn't the reinforcements arrive so late.

What they didn't know was that Liu Ke's reinforcements had set out long ago, but it was a surprise soldier, so no one knew their movements.

Jiaozhou, Jiaozhi group, the governor Chen Gong led Gan Ning, Ding Feng, and led an army of [-] sneaked all the way to the territory of Yongchang group in Yizhou.

It turned out that after Liu Ke made a false plan to destroy Guo, he sent another support army to help Sun Ce.

This reinforcement is the [-] troops under the governor of Jiaozhou Chen Gong. Their purpose is to attack the rear of Yizhou and use the strategy of besieging Wei and saving Zhao to alleviate Shangyong's predicament.

Because Chen Gong's [-] troops came from heaven, they caught Yongchang Group by surprise. In just three days, Yongchang Group's Bonan, Xuntang, Bisu, Chaiyu, Xielong, Yunnan, and Ailao fell one after another.

Only Yongchang Group's Zhisuo Buwei is still struggling to support it.

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