After Yongchang's emergency document was sent to Chengdu, Liu Bei couldn't calm down anymore, so he hurriedly summoned Fazheng, Jian Yong, Deng Zhi and others to discuss the matter.

Fazheng said: "Master, this is Dongyang King's plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao. He wants to force the Lord to withdraw his troops and lift the siege of Shangyong."

As expected of Fazheng, known as Liu Bei's number one conspirator, he explained Liu Ke's mind in one word.

Liu Bei asked rather depressed; "Xiaozhi, although we know that this is Dongyang King's plan, we can't just watch Yongchang fall, can we?"

Fazheng laughed and said, "Of course not, my lord can order General Guan and the others to withdraw their troops now to deal with Chen Gong in Yongchang."

"However, we signed a covenant with Cao Cao before. Isn't this a breach of contract?" Liu Bei was still a little worried.

Fazheng didn't care about this, and said, "My lord, you can rest assured. First of all, the three groups of land we want have been obtained, and the food has also been delivered to Chengdu."

"As for the breach of the contract, we went to Yongchang to fight Chen Gong, and they belonged to Liu Ke. So, we are not breaching the contract, but just fulfilling the agreement in another way."

Looking at Fazheng with a sinister smile on his face, Liu Bei could only secretly pray that Cao Cao would take care of himself, and then he ordered people to go to Shangyong to withdraw all the generals Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and turned to fight Yongchang.

After Chen Gong heard that Liu Bei had withdrawn Guan Yu, he immediately returned to Jiaozhou with his army, and returned all the cities he occupied before.

The purpose of his trip was not to attack the city, but mainly to lift the siege of Shangyong.Now that the goal has been achieved, if Liu Bei's city is not returned, he will be the one who will suffer.


Shangyong, when Sun Ce was fully armed and ready to meet the Yizhou army's onslaught again, Huang Gai suddenly reported to him with the information detected by the scouts.

"My lord, Dongyang King Liu Ke ordered Jiaozhou Inspector Chen Gong to raid the Yongchang Group in Yizhou. When Liu Bei heard the news, he ordered Guan Yu to withdraw his troops and turned around to deal with Chen Gong."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hahaha, good! I knew Dongyang King would not abandon me."

Sun Ce was overjoyed, now without Liu Bei's threat, he can be regarded as a fish in the sea and a dragon ascending to nine heavens.

After gathering the text and martial arts in the account, Sun Ce asked.

"Everyone, the danger of Shangyong has been lifted. Now, I intend to send an army to the north and take Chang'an!"

"My lord is wise."

All civil and military personnel praised in unison.

"My lord, Yu thinks that if you want to attack Chang'an, you should directly attack the three assistants of Chang'an. As long as you take Zuo Fengyi and You Fufeng, Chang'an is in your pocket."

Zhou Yu suggested.

Sun Ce nodded slightly, feeling that Zhou Yu's suggestion was very feasible, he immediately said loudly.

"Huang Gai obeys orders."

"The end is here."

"I order you to lead fifty thousand troops to attack Feng Yi."


Sun Ce said again, "Cheng Pu listens to the order and orders you to also lead fifty thousand troops to attack Fufeng."

"The last general takes orders."

The Jingzhou army moved quickly. Huang Gai and Cheng Pu each led [-] men, and rushed to Feng Yi and Fufeng.Sun Ce left Sun Quan to lead [-] troops to garrison Shangyong, and he led [-] troops to follow Huang Gai Chengpu.


Sishui Pass, as soon as Cao Cao returned to Luoyang, [-] troops besieged Sishui Pass. It seemed that he would not give up until he took down Sishui Pass.

After all, Sishuiguan is not only an important way to connect Chenliu, but also the gateway to Luoyang.Sishuiguan fell into Liu Ke's hands, so Liu Ke could fight Luoyang whenever he wanted.

For his own wealth and life, Cao Cao is going all out this time. No matter what, Sishuiguan must be conquered.

When the Sishui pass was closed, arrows rained down like rain, and Cao's troops swarmed up outside the pass.Its tragic degree is appalling, or how to put it, siege warfare is a cold-blooded and cruel war.

"King Wei, the defenders at Sishui Pass are too stubborn, and our army has suffered heavy losses."

Cao Hong came to report to Cao Cao.

Hearing this, Cao Cao's face remained unchanged, and he ordered: "Continue to attack the city, and those who dare to retreat will be killed without mercy!"

"No." Cao Hong gritted his teeth and took the order.

As soon as he left, Jiang Ji hurriedly found Cao Cao.

"King Wei, something is wrong, Henan Yin and Shangdang Qun are in emergency at the same time."

"What's going on?" Cao Cao frowned slightly.

Jiang Ji said: "Back to the king of Wei, Zhang Liao Gaoshun led [-] troops to besiege Xinzheng in Yin, Henan. In addition, General Xia Houyuan sent a message saying that he had withdrawn from Yanmen Pass one after another and joined forces with Zhao Yun, with a total of [-] troops, intending to attack. Party."

Cao Cao didn't speak, he pondered for a while, and then he sneered and opened his mouth.

"Tell them that this is just Liu Ke'er's trick. He wants to contain Gu's troops. He will never really launch an attack, just pretend. Continue to attack Sishui Pass."


Chen Liu, Yangzhou army camp, Liu Ke received Tai Shici's request for help, and he let out a long sigh.

"Hey, Cao Cao is Cao Cao, a generation of traitors. He saw through Gu's feigned attack strategy, and is currently attacking Sishui Pass. General Ziyi asked for help and said that Sishui Pass will not last any longer. What do you think?"

Guo Jiadao: "My lord, don't worry. Although Cao Cao has seen through my lord's feint attack strategy, he must not have imagined that Sun Ce, who is fighting with Liu Bei, will spare his hand to attack Chang'an."

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