Liu Ke asked strangely; "Feng Xiao is so sure that Sun Ce will go to fight Chang'an. Wouldn't he stick to Shangyong and sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight?"

Guo Jia shook his head, "Sun Ce wouldn't be that stupid. He is known as a little overlord and has great ambitions. How could he be willing to settle down in a corner. If you take Chang'an, you can take Liangzhou in the west, enter the Central Plains in the east, and become a king and overlord. "

"What Feng Xiao said is true." Liu Ke agreed, and he couldn't help feeling a little vigilant in his heart. Sun Ce is indeed not a person who is easy to deal with, and with Zhou Yu on his side to help, it is better to be careful in the future.

"Ziming." Liu Ke suddenly turned his head to look at Lu Meng, and said with a smile; "Ziming, our situation is very good now, you can continue to send people to Chenliu's city to launch a strategy of attacking the heart, come here with your ears."

Liu Ke waved and whispered something in Lu Meng's ear.

After listening, Lu Meng's eyes were bright, and he said excitedly, "My lord, this plan is excellent, and the day to break Chenliu is not far away."

After saying that, Lu Meng left in a hurry, everyone was confused and wanted to know what he said to Lu Meng immediately.In this regard, Liu Ke just smiled and said nothing.

Under Chenliu City, Lu Meng selected a few Yangzhou sergeants with good voices, and asked them to shout at Cao Jun in Chenliu City according to the lines they had said in advance.

"Brothers of Cao Jun, your King Wei has already given up on you. He signed an armistice treaty with our King Dongyang, surrendered the Sishui Pass, and abandoned you."

When Cao Jun on the top of the city heard this, there was an uproar immediately, and there were many discussions.

"What? King Wei abandoned us."

"The king of Wei signed an armistice treaty with the king of Dongyang, and surrendered the Sishui pass."

"Is this true? The Yangzhou Army won't lie to us, right?"

"I think this is true. Think about it. For a long time recently, there has been no news from Sishui Pass. The only explanation is that Sishui Pass really belongs to King Dongyang."

Chen Liu's news was blocked, how could these Cao troops know whether what the Yangzhou army said was true or not, anyway, in their opinion, what the Yangzhou army said was true.

The commotion here quickly attracted Xiahou Dun and Sima Yi, who listened to the sergeants' discussion with their ears up, the more they listened, the more frightened they became.

If the sergeants are allowed to discuss, I am afraid that mutiny will soon occur in the army.

"Shut up, everyone, anyone who talks about it, beheaded!"

Xiahou Dun drew out the sword at his waist and shouted sharply.Only then did the sergeants barely calm down.

"Brothers Cao Jun on the opposite side, you King Wei has given up on you..."

Several Yangzhou soldiers outside the city were still shouting loudly, Xiahoudun ordered angrily; "Fire me an arrow and shoot these bastards who deceive people with their lies."

It's a pity that the arrow's attack distance is limited, and it can't hurt the soldiers of Yangzhou at all. The angry Xiahou Dun was furious.

Sima Yi looked at this scene with cold eyes, and knew in his heart that the army's morale was in disarray, and Chen Liu was defeated!


At Sishui Pass, Cao Cao launched a fierce attack regardless of the cost, but the house leak happened to rain overnight, and a bad news completely defeated Cao Cao.

"Report to the King of Wei, Sun Ce led his troops to conquer Feng Yi, Fufeng, and the soldiers pointed directly at Chang'an!"

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Cao Cao felt a blur in front of his eyes, and fell backwards.

"King Wei! King Wei!"

This frightened Jiang Ji, Cao Hong and others, they surrounded Cao Cao, calling out nervously.

Cao Cao panted heavily, exhausted the last of his strength, and said through gritted teeth.

"Big-eared thief, you are mistaken!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Cao Jun's camp, Cao Cao was lying on the couch weakly, and the doctor accompanying the army was feeling his pulse.

"Wei Wang, your energy channels are weak and your spirits are sluggish. It's all due to anger attacking your heart. Don't get angry easily again."

The military doctor said in a low voice.

Cao Cao ignored the doctor, he knew his own body.He waved to the doctor, signaling him to back down.

The doctor understood, turned and left.Afterwards, Cao Hong, Xia Houshang, and Jiang Ji hurried over.

"Wei Wang, you have to take care of yourself."

As soon as Jiang Ji saw Cao Cao, he couldn't help exhorting him.

However, Cao Cao's mind was not on his body at all, he was concerned about the battle at the front, "Zitong, there is news from Chang'an, where is Sun Ce's army?"

Mentioning this matter, Jiang Ji's face changed slightly, he hesitated to speak.It was Xia Houshang who was upright and spoke first.

"King Wei, Sun Ce is only one step away from Chang'an, and the land of the three assistants has also fallen into his hands."

"Cough cough cough!" Hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help coughing violently.

"King Wei?"

"I'm fine." Cao Cao shook his head, forced his weak body to sit up, and asked, "Liu Bei...Why did Liu Bei violate the covenant? Shouldn't Sun Ce be restrained by him in Shangyong?"

Jiang Ji took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to Cao Cao, "King Wei, this is a letter sent by Liu Bei, please read it."

Reaching out to take the letter, Cao Cao read it word by word.

"Liu Bei! You are too deceitful!" In an instant, Cao Cao tore the letter into pieces, his chest heaving and heaving, roaring like a beast.

"King Wei, don't get angry again." Seeing this, Jiang Ji hurriedly persuaded him.

Cao Cao calmed down his mood a little, and pointed at the fragments of letters all over the floor and cursed.

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