"Liu Bei, what did he say? Yongchang was attacked by Liu Ke's subordinate Chen Gong, so he withdrew his troops and returned to Yizhou to deal with Chen Gong. He also said that Guan Yu and Chen Gong fought more than ten times in Yongchang, causing heavy casualties. Big-eared thief! Do you really think you're a three-year-old alone!"

After scolding, Cao Cao still felt puzzled, and then said angrily.

"Liu Bei took advantage of the fire to rob, he did it on purpose! Gu gave him the land of three counties and a million shi of grain, yet he still violated Gu Yang. Chen Gong attacked Yongchang. All fools know that it was Liu Ke's plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao. "

Jiang Ji said, "King Wei, this is the end of the matter, please ask King Wei to decide what to do next?"

Holding his forehead with one hand, Cao Cao sighed; "Decision? What kind of decision can there be? Chang'an is at stake. Sishuiguan, Huguan, and even Chen Liu are already in Liu Ke's pocket. Now, what can Gu do?" ?”

"King Wei, the last general will continue to attack the city, and swear to the death to win Sishui Pass for King Wei!"

Xia Houshang said anxiously.

Cao Cao glanced at Xia Houshang, smiled wryly and said, "Bo Ren, I know that you are loyal and brave, but Sishui Pass is not easy to fight, and with Sun Ce making trouble in the rear, we have no time to continue attacking Sishui Pass."

Cao Hong said at this time; "King Wei, Hong believes that we should evacuate Sishui Pass immediately and rescue Chang'an. If Chang'an falls into Sun Ce's hands, it will cut off our connection with Liangzhou and pose a greater threat to us."

Jiang Ji also said, "That's right, King Wei, what Zi Lian said is right. We might as well send envoys to discuss peace with Liu Ke. After Liu Ke withdraws his troops, we should immediately return to Chang'an and annihilate Sun Ce!"

"But, will Liu Ke agree to negotiate peace? For him, the situation is very good." Cao Cao hesitated.

Jiang Ji smiled and said, "Don't worry, King Wei. In my opinion, the real purpose of Liu Ke, King of Dongyang, is not to destroy King Wei, so he will definitely agree to negotiate a peace. However, the price we have to pay may not be the same. It won't be small."

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and said, "Gu understands this point. Please trouble Zitong to go to Liu Ke's place and explain to him his intention to make peace with Gu. As for the conditions he proposed, as long as they don't endanger the foundation of Gu, Zitong can agree to it." come down."

"No. Don't worry, King Wei, Ji Ding will live up to his mission."

Jiang Ji surrendered his command and immediately left Cao Jun's camp. As the envoy of Wei Wang Cao Cao, he passed through Sishui Pass and headed all the way to Liu Ke's camp.

"Report, my lord, Cao Cao sent an envoy to come."

In the big tent, Liu Ke was chatting happily with Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia, when he suddenly heard a report from the soldiers saying that the envoy of Cao Cao had arrived.

"Let the envoy come in." Liu Ke rolled his eyes and said.

He had expected that Cao Cao would send envoys here.After all, Sishui Pass and Hu Pass have already fallen into his hands.

Cao Cao's throat was firmly stuck by him, and Sun Ce lived up to the little overlord's order, and he was about to hit Chang'an, and it was difficult for Cao Cao to think about it.

"My lord, Cao Cao's envoy has arrived. I wonder if my lord can think of a countermeasure." Zhuge Liang asked with a smile.

A smirk flashed in Liu Ke's eyes, and he said, "Don't worry, Kong Ming, this time, I must seize the opportunity and make a good fortune for Cao Cao. But I heard that Cao Cao directly gave the land of the three counties in order to let Liu Bei send troops. He But a rich local tyrant."

While speaking, the envoy Jiang Ji has arrived in the tent.

"Under the tent of King Wei of the Han Dynasty, the envoy Jiang Ji paid a visit to King Dongyang."

Jiang Ji paid homage to Liu Ke, who was sitting upright, but Liu Ke acted like he didn't hear him.

Jiang Ji's thoughts moved slightly, and he secretly thought that Liu Ke must be deliberately making things difficult for him, so he didn't get angry, and prayed again.

"Under the tent of King Wei of the Han Dynasty, the envoy Jiang Ji paid a visit to King Dongyang."

Unexpectedly, this time, Liu Ke simply waved his hand and shouted angrily: "Where did the ignorant madman come from, take it down!"

"King Dongyang, what are you doing? I am the envoy of King Wei of the Han Dynasty. You can't touch me." Jiang Ji was a little anxious and said repeatedly.

Liu Ke stood up and said with a sneer, "Oh, is that right? The envoy of King Wei of the Han Dynasty? Are you also worthy of being called a courtier of the Han Dynasty?"

When Jiang Ji heard the words, his heart sank, and he felt that Liu Ke seemed to be serious.

But Liu Ke continued to say at this time: "Cao Cao is called a Han minister, but he is actually a Han thief, imprisoning the emperor, and disregarding human relations! How can you be called the king of Wei of the Han Dynasty, and you, who are a slave to the tiger, and help the king to abuse, are also worthy of being the envoy of the Han Dynasty." Naming!"

Zhuge Liang and Guo Jia on the side looked at Liu Ke pretending to scold Jiang Ji, resisting the urge to laugh.

They are all extremely smart people, so it is natural to see that Liu Ke deliberately wants to give Jiang Ji a bad impression, so as to gain more benefits in the next negotiation.

Poor Jiang Ji, thought Liu Ke was really angry.

"King Dongyang, please calm your anger. The two countries will not kill the envoy when they are at war. I am here under the order of King Wei. I want to conclude an alliance with King Dongyang and make the alliance forever."

Jiang Ji swallowed his saliva, unknowingly, what he was originally called King Wei of Han has quietly become King Wei.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hmph." Liu Ke snorted coldly, "Forget it, you're right, the two countries will not be killed if they are at war. Gu will spare you for a while."

Jiang Ji was overjoyed, "Thank you Dongyang Wang Renyi."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, what are you talking about, how does Cao Cao want to negotiate a peace?" Liu Ke asked.

Jiang Ji sorted out his thoughts and said, "The king of Wei said that as long as the king of Dongyang is willing to retreat, Sishuiguan, Huguan, and the Yingchuan group will all belong to the king of Dongyang in the future."

"Hehehe." After Jiang Ji finished speaking, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing before Liu Ke could answer.

"Mister, why are you laughing?" Jiang Ji frowned slightly, looking at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia replied in a loud voice: "Jia is laughing at King Wei for being scheming, this business is really a masterpiece!" As he said, Guo Jia gave Jiang Ji a thumbs up.

Jiang Ji blushed, Guo Jia's words meant something, of course he knew exactly what he was referring to.Sishuiguan, Huguan, and Yingchuan County were captured by Liu Ke, so there is no reason to use the cities captured by others as bargaining chips to negotiate peace.

However, this is just a trial by Jiang Ji, and the real conditions have not been made yet.Negotiations, naturally you have to come and go, and test each other.

Immediately, Jiang Ji said again; "If King Dongyang is not satisfied with this condition, King Wei is still willing to cede the entire territory of Chenliu County to King Dongyang."

When it came to ceding Chenliu County from the whole territory, Liu Ke finally became interested, raised his brows, and said with a smile, "The king of Wei is really willing to cede the whole territory of Chenliu to Gu?"

"of course."

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