Seeing Liu Ke's heart moved, Jiang Ji felt relieved, as long as Liu Ke was willing to move, it meant he was willing to let go.

But at this moment, Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan and said lightly, "My lord, this Chen Liuben is in our pocket, so why should the king of Wei cede it? We can take it ourselves."

Liu Ke pretended to be enlightened, and said: "Kong Ming is right. I have been besieging Chen for a long time, and I will be able to conquer the city in a few days. There is no need for the King of Wei to reluctantly part with it, and I can take it myself."

"Damn it! Don't you just want the lion to open your mouth if you say it in a high-sounding way." Jiang Ji cursed inwardly.

On the surface, he still had a smile on his face.

"Then dare to ask King Dongyang what he wants before he is willing to negotiate peace with my lord King Wei." Jiang Ji asked bluntly.

Liu Ke, Zhuge Liang, and Guo Jia, the two counselors, looked at each other and said with a smile, "Actually, Gu's request is very simple."

"First, King Wei ordered Chen Liushou to withdraw Xiahou Dun's troops."

"Secondly, King Wei needs to compensate Gu for the military expenses of this war."

"Thirdly, from now on, the King of Wei will be a minister to Gu, and he will have to offer tribute to Gu every year. If the King of Wei is willing to agree to these three conditions, the isolated horse will withdraw his troops!"

"Dongyang King, your condition is simply a fantasy." After Jiang Ji heard it, he was like a cat whose hair was blown.

"Why, it seems that the king of Wei doesn't want to negotiate a peace. Well, come, send the envoy of the king of Wei away, and march into Sishui Pass in a few days, send troops to attack Luoyang, and rescue the emperor!"

Liu Ke stared at Jiang Ji with threatening eyes.

Jiang Ji's brain was running fast, thinking about whether he should agree to Liu Ke's request, but in the end he decided to go back and ask Cao Cao's opinion before making any plans.

Therefore, Jiang Ji said bitterly: "Wait a minute, King Dongyang, it's not that Ji refuses to agree to the conditions of King Dongyang, but this matter is of great importance, and Ji still needs to go back and make a statement to King Wei. If King Wei agrees, Ji will come to conclude a treaty with King Dongyang again." Peace treaty, what do you think?"

Liu Ke knew that Cao Cao should not be pushed too fast, after all, rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry.

His real purpose was to coerce Cao Cao to seek peace. Since Jiang Ji wanted to go back and ask Cao Cao's opinion, then give him some time.

"Okay, Gu will give you three days. After three days, if King Wei still refuses to agree to Gu's conditions, don't blame Gu Bing for coming to Luoyang!"

Liu Ke waved his sleeve and said loudly, "Seeing off the guests!"

Jiang Ji returned to Cao Jun's camp under the escort of Yangzhou soldiers. He went straight to meet Cao Cao without stopping.

"Zitong is back, how is the peace negotiation going? Will Liu Ke accept Gu's conditions?"

Cao Cao's question made Jiang Ji somewhat at a loss as to how to speak.

After a long while, he said, "King Wei, King Dongyang is willing to sign an armistice with you, but on his terms..." Jiang Ji paused at this point.

"Don't worry, just speak up." Cao Cao said indifferently.

Later, Jiang Ji informed Cao Cao of Liu Ke's three conditions.

After listening, Cao Cao looked very calm, and said lightly; "Liu Ke's three conditions, I agree to all three conditions, Zitong, please make another trip, and formally conclude an armistice agreement with Liu Ke."

"No." Jiang Ji retreated slowly, leaving Cao Cao alone.

He took the saber on the sword rack at the side, and with a clang, the sword came out of its sheath, and the cold light overflowed, staring at the cold sword, Cao Cao murmured.

"Gu started to flatten the Yellow Turban, fought east and west, and saved the emperor from fire and water, but the people of the world regard Gu as a traitor."

"Hehe, right and wrong, I just want to be clear of my heart. King Dongyang, you are the greatest enemy and the most admired hero in Gu's life. Maybe one day, you can rule the troubled world and bring peace to the world!"

On the other side, Jiang Ji got Cao Cao's approval, and hurriedly returned to the Yangzhou army camp.After Liu Ke ordered someone to bring him in, he asked directly.

"How is it? Will King Wei agree to Gu's conditions?"

Jiang Ji nodded again and again, "Back to Dongyang King, my Lord Wei Wang is willing to agree to all your conditions. I wonder if Dongyang King can conclude a peace treaty with you?"

Hearing this, Liu Ke was delighted in his heart, but his face remained calm, he clapped his hands and said, "Come here, please bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and I want to conclude a peace treaty with the King of Wei."

Soon, a sergeant put a good pen, ink, paper and inkstone on Liu Ke's desk. Liu Ke picked up the pen, and the pen walked between dragons and snakes, and a peace agreement was written.

Passing it to Jiang Ji for a look, Liu Ke laughed and said, "If there is no problem, we can seal it."

"Okay." Jiang Ji nodded, and took out a seal from his cuff, which was the seal of King Wei given to him by Cao Cao before he left, for the conclusion of the peace treaty.

After Jiang Ji solemnly stamped the peace treaty with the seal of King Wei, he made a gesture of invitation to Liu Ke, signaling that it was his turn.

Liu Ke didn't procrastinate, he took out his Dongyang king's seal, and stamped heavily on the peace treaty, then the armistice treaty will really take effect.

"Now that the peace treaty has been signed, Mr. Trouble will tell the king of Wei after he goes back to let Xiahoudun, who is standing firm in Chenliu County, evacuate as soon as possible. Otherwise, Gu Ke will attack by force."

"He's in the province." Jiang Ji nodded slightly, and bowed out of the account. This time, he didn't return to Cao Cao's side, but went straight to Chen Liu.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Ji arrived in Chenliu, and after reporting his identity to the guards on the city, he was immediately welcomed in. Xiahou Dun, Sima Yi and others also rushed to see him.

"Zitong, I finally expected you to come, but King Wei asked you to come."

Xiahou Dun grabbed Jiang Ji's arm excitedly and smiled.They were besieged by Liu Ke and Chenliu for so long, and this was the first time Cao Cao sent someone here.

"That's right, General Yuan Rang, indeed King Wei asked me to come." Jiang Ji replied.

"That's great, I knew that the King of Wei wouldn't leave us alone. I wonder when the reinforcements will arrive?"

Xiahou Dun beamed with joy, and asked impatiently.He thought Jiang Ji came here because Cao Cao's reinforcements had arrived.

Jiang Ji knew what Xiahou Dun was thinking, so he couldn't help but lowered his head, speechless for a long time.

Seeing this, Sima Yi faintly had a bad premonition.

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