This is indeed the case. When Jiang Ji took out the truce peace treaty signed by Cao Cao and Liu Ke, the surrounding area became completely silent, and needles could be heard.

"General Yuan Rang, King Wei did not send reinforcements. Sishuiguan is firmly in Liu Ke's hands, even if King Wei wanted to send reinforcements, he was powerless."

"In addition, Sun Ce has already captured Feng Yi and Fufeng, and Chang'an is at stake. The king of Wei took the opportunity to sign a truce with the king of Dongyang."

"Impossible!" Xiahou Dun roared angrily, snatched the peace treaty from Jiang Ji's hand in disbelief, looked it over carefully, and threw the treaty on the ground.

"This isn't a peace treaty, it's Liu Ke'er intentionally humiliating King Wei!"

Sima Yi hurriedly picked it up and looked at it, his face was also a little ugly.

After a while, Sima Yi let out a foul breath and sighed; "Hey, although the terms of the peace agreement are very excessive, judging from the current situation, this may be the best way to deal with it. Heroism is the ability to bend and stretch."

Jiang Jidao: "It's good that Zhongda understands, and the King of Wei has nothing to do. There is Liu Ke in the front, and Sun Ce in the back. Only by truce with Liu Ke first can the crisis be temporarily resolved."

"Hmph!" Xiahou Dun was still a little unwilling.

"Liu Ke is a wolf with ambition. I will send money to negotiate peace with him today. After he recuperates in the future, he will definitely attack again. This is simply raising a tiger. It is the king of Wei's business to negotiate peace. I, Xia Houdun, will lead troops to fight with Liu. It can be a fight to the death!"

As he spoke, Xiahou Dun raised his sword and wanted to leave, but Sima Yi's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly stopped him.

"General Yuan Rang can't do it. If you do this, you are killing the king of Wei. Sometimes, people have to learn to be patient and flexible. In the past, the more you go to Goujian, the more you go to Goujian, and you will finally achieve the hegemony of the country."

"If Goujian was like a general and fought to the death with King Fuchai of Wu, he would have died long ago. How can he have a future hegemony? I also hope that the general will put the overall situation first and not be a hero for a while."

Xiahou Dun paused, hesitated, Sima Yi was right, the situation is not stronger than others, only patience, being a hero for a while is the act of a reckless man.

Stamping his feet vigorously, Xiahou Dun said, "Forget it, Zhongda, Zitong, what do you think should be done?"

Jiang Ji and Sima Yi looked at each other and said in unison; "Withdraw the troops from Chenliu and stop the war with Liu Ke."

Xiahou Dun was really aggrieved by this suggestion, but there was nothing he could do.He had no choice but to act according to the words of the two men, order the three armies to pack up immediately, withdraw from Chenliu soon, and join forces with Cao Cao.

After Xiahou Dun's military order was issued, Yu Jin was calm and said nothing.When it came to Xiahoulian, Xiahoumao and several Xiahou clans ran to Xiahoudun to make trouble a few times, but they were all scolded by Xiahoudun, and they didn't dare to say another word.

In this way, only one or two days later, all the Cao troops in Chenliu County withdrew. After Liu Ke got the news, he ordered someone to tell Tai Shici, the guard of Sishui Pass, and others not to stop Xiahou Dun from withdrawing.

All the way was safe and sound, Xiahou Dun led the army and successfully joined forces with Cao Cao.

But after this battle, Xiahou Dun also lost a lot of people. When he went to Chenliu, there were a total of [-] troops, but now there are only [-] people left.

"The last general, Xiahou Dun, pays homage to the King of Wei." As soon as he saw Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun immediately paid homage, with tears in his eyes.

"Yuan Rang, get up quickly. You are being wronged by letting you stay in Chen Liu."

Cao Cao's eyes couldn't help turning red as he lifted Xiahou Dun up.Xiahoudun came from the same clan as him, and he was like a brother. He stood alone and stood by Chenliu, and endured many grievances.

Xiahou Dun wiped away the tears from his eyes, and said, "The last general will not be wronged, it is you, King Wei..."

"Okay, a man can bend and stretch, what's the point!"

Cao Cao knew that Xiahou Dun wanted to say that he had signed an unequal peace treaty with Liu Ke, but he really didn't care about it.Those who achieve great things should not worry about their faces.

Cao Cao pulled Xiahoudun and told him, "Yuan Rang, the most urgent task is to deal with Sun Ce in Chang'an as soon as possible, and we must never let Chang'an fall."

"The last general is willing to be a vanguard, and if he does not defeat Sun Ce, he will not be a man!" Xiahou Dun pleaded loudly.

"Okay, if you have Yuan Ren alone, why be afraid of Sun Ce." Cao Cao laughed.

Immediately, Cao Cao was promoted to the tent general, and all the generals gathered together, even Le Jin, who had escaped from Yingchuan, was there.

"Xiahoudun, Le Jin listens to the order."

"The end will be here." The two came out and responded.

"Order the two of you to be the left and right vanguards, lead the army of [-] light cavalry, and rush to the rescue of Chang'an!"


Cao Cao then ordered: "Cao Hong, Sima Lang listened to the order and ordered you two to lead [-] troops to garrison Xingyang to guard against Liu Ke."


"Sima Yi, Jiang Ji listens to the order. I beg you two to be the marching staff. I will lead [-] troops with me and march into Chang'an. I vow to repel Sun Ce."


Afterwards, Cao Cao's army started, and Xiahou Dun and Le Jin rushed to Chang'an with [-] Qingqi starry night.Cao Hong and Sima Lang settled in Xingyang.

The remaining Cao Cao set off slowly towards Chang'an with an army of [-].

On the other hand, Liu Ke quickly took over the vacated Chenliu County, and so far, they have won a complete victory.

Inside Chenliu City, Liu Keduan sat on the main seat, looking around, seeing nothing in the ancient well.

At this time, a group of civil and military officials came in to pay homage.

"I will pay my respects to my lord, my majesty!"

"Your majesty is invincible, peerless!"

Liu Ke laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, you don't need to be too polite, please hurry up."

"My lord, this is the defense list of various places written by Liang, please take a look at it." Zhuge Liang took a step forward and handed over a roll of bamboo slips.

Liu Ke took it, and after a closer look, he found that Zhuge Liang was thoughtful and thoughtful, and the staff arrangements above were very satisfactory.

Then he smiled and said, "Kong Ming's arrangement is always the most lonely, so let's do it according to your arrangement."

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