Lu Su asked with some doubts; "Your Majesty, what are the three countries you mentioned?"

Glancing at Lu Su, who was very thirsty for knowledge, Liu Ke laughed and said, "Zijing doesn't know something. The world is vast. Apart from our Han Dynasty, there are many other races like Xiongnu, Wuhuan, and Xianbei."

"Not only that, some foreign races are powerful and have formed countries, and three of them are not inferior to the big Han."

"Unexpectedly, in this world, there is a country that is not inferior to my Han Dynasty." Lu Su was extremely shocked.

Liu Ke couldn't help chuckling and said, "Zijing is watching the sky from the bottom of a well. The three countries are the Guishuang Empire, the Anxi Empire, and the Roman Empire."

"Gu has always wanted to conquer them, but it was only delayed because of the battle with Cao Cao. Unexpectedly, they ran out by themselves now."

Lu Su faintly heard Liu Ke's implication, and asked curiously; "Does Your Majesty want to make an expedition to these three empires?"

"That's right. However, since Wuhuan and Xianbei found traces of alien races, it must be that one of these three countries has come." Liu Ke boldly guessed.

"Your Majesty is considering whether to inform Lu Xun to pay more attention to the movements of the alien race?" Lu Su asked tentatively.

Liu Ke didn't rush to make a decision, but turned his back, narrowed his eyes, thinking about the pros and cons.

Cao Cao is currently in a hurry to fight Sun Ce, and Liu Bei will not make much action in a corner.

I can start a big war with other races. People who are not my race will have different hearts. For foreign races, Liu Kexiang will uphold the concept of either surrender or die!

Turning around, Liu Ke said in a loud voice, "The Order of Gu ordered Lu Xun, the governor of Youzhou, to recruit soldiers from the Xiongnu, Wuhuan, Xianbei and other foreign races, and be ready to go to war at any time!"

"Follow the king's order."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yizhou, Chengdu.

After Guan Yu withdrew his troops from Shangyong, he returned to Yongchang, intending to annihilate Chen Gong.

However, when Chen Gong learned that Guan Yu had withdrawn from Shangyong, he returned to Jiaozhou with his army and abandoned all the captured cities.

After Guan Yu arrived in Yongchang, Guan Yu, who had gone to Loukong for a long time, had to go back to Chengdu resentfully.

When Liu Bei heard that Guan Yu had returned, he went out of the city to meet him in person, and ordered people to prepare a banquet in the city to celebrate Guan Yu's victory.

During the banquet, there were staggered toasts and laughter.The long-sleeved dancers who are good at dancing add a bit of joy.

"This great victory is due to Yun Chang and the other generals."

Fazheng raised the wine cup on the table and toasted.

Hearing this, everyone raised their wine cups to pay respects, but Guan Yu's face sank like water, and he didn't say a word.

"Yun Chang, don't you seem very happy?"

Liu Bei saw Guan Yu's expression was different, and expressed his concern.

"Hey." Guan Yu replied with a sigh.

"Brother, Guan just feels that this battle has been done for nothing, and he is not worthy of this celebration feast."

Hearing what Guan Yu said, Liu Bei couldn't help laughing.

"Yun Chang, you are overthinking. This time, you seem to have returned without success, but in fact you have made great contributions."

Zhang Fei on the other side was straightforward and asked without any concealment.

"Brother, why do I become more and more confused the more I listen, my second brother and I failed to defeat Shangyong and Chen Gong, how can we take credit for it?"

Liu Bei shook his head and smiled, "Yide, I told you to read more books on weekdays, but you just didn't listen. Now you are confused, who do you blame? Xiaozhi, please explain to Yunchang Yide."


Fazheng stood up abruptly, talking eloquently.

"Generals, we don't seem to have a single victory in this battle, but we actually won a big one."

"We won the land of Cao Cao's three counties and a million stones of food and grass without losing many soldiers. Isn't this a great victory?"

Guan Yu nodded slightly, but was still puzzled, "But Mr. Xiaozhi, what does this have to do with Guan and others?"

The magic circle waved his hands and said, "If you didn't have the generals to cooperate with the lord in this scene, how could Cao Cao give us the three counties and food for nothing?"

"So that's how it is." Guan Yu came to his senses, and Zhang Fei also seemed to realize something.

Liu Bei smiled at this moment; "Okay, okay, let's continue."

However, Fazheng's mind moved slightly, and he suddenly bowed: "My lord, I have something to do, please allow me, my lord."

"Oh? Xiaozhi, please tell me."

"My lord, please step into the throne and become the king!" Fazheng said, and everyone at the banquet was shocked.

Liu Bei was stunned for a while, and then turned back to God; "Why did Xiao Zhi suddenly mention this?"

"My lord, there are Wei Wang Cao Cao and Chu Wang Liu Ke in the world today. If the lord does not become king, wouldn't he be subservient to others? What's more, the lord is the uncle of the great Han emperor, so it's okay to be called king!" Fazheng said earnestly. .

Liu Bei hesitated a little. He still agreed with Fazheng's words in his heart. After half his life, he is now occupying Yizhou and calling himself the king is indeed what he longed for.

"Cough cough." Seeing Liu Bei's hesitation, Fazheng knew there was something to be said for this matter, so he coughed dryly to remind everyone present.

Everyone understood, and under the leadership of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, they all bowed down and said, "I implore my lord to be king."

Liu Bei thought over and over again and made a decision, but he was not in a hurry, but shook his head and said, "I'll think about it for a few days before making any plans."

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