Three days later, Liu Bei officially announced that from now on, he will become King of Hanzhong, implying that the great ancestor in the past lifted his sword from the land of Hanzhong and Shu to dominate the world.

And as the news of Liu Bei becoming King of Hanzhong spread throughout the world, Sun Ce, who was fighting Cao Cao in Chang'an, also had his own thoughts.

In Chang'an City, since Cao Cao signed the truce with Liu Ke, he led an army to Chang'an and fought fiercely with Sun Ce.

Not far outside the city is where Sun Ce's military camp is located.

At this moment, Sun Ce was sitting in the big tent, looking at the news that Liu Bei became king in his hand, closed his eyes and meditated.

Zhou Yu opened the curtain at this time and walked in. Seeing that Sun Ce seemed to have something on his mind, he didn't say much.

After a while, Sun Ce put down the information in his hands, and said slowly, "Gongjin, you must have known about Liu Bei's succession as King of Hanzhong. What do you think about it?"

Zhou Yu smiled slightly and said, "My lord, it is not difficult for Liu Bei to be called king. After all, even a man of the opposite sex, Cao Cao, can be called King of Wei, let alone an authentic royal family like Liu Bei."

While saying this, Zhou Yu's gaze was fixed on Sun Ce.He knew that Sun Ce also wanted to become king.

Sure enough, after listening to Sun Ce, he hesitated and asked, "Then, according to the public, if I become king, is it feasible?"

Without answering Sun Ce immediately, Zhou Yu began to calculate in his heart.

Sun Ce currently occupies the nine prefectures of Jingxiang, and even won Shangyong, Feng Yi, Fufeng and other places. With his background, he is qualified to be king.

In addition, in the world today, Cao Cao, Liu Ke, and Liu Bei are all kings, and they all have further ambitions.

If Sun Ce did not choose to be king, then Cao Cao, Liu Ke and others would not take Sun Ce too seriously, and ignore him subconsciously, which would be beneficial to Sun Ce.

If you become king, you can inspire all civil and military subordinates and unite the hearts of Jingzhou people. In addition, you are now at war with Cao Cao. After becoming king, you can also boost morale, and the benefits are also obvious.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu put forward his own ideas for Sun Ce to choose.

After listening to Zhou Yu's analysis, Sun Ce calmly considered the pros and cons of the two, and after careful weighing, he let out a sulky breath.

"The sincere words are very kind, but I have the ambition to dominate the world. If I don't become the king, I will inevitably be inferior. This is not the result I want to see. Therefore, I decided to go one step further and become the king!"

Zhou Yu nodded, and Sun Ce's choice was within his expectations.

Sun Ce's temperament has always been unwilling to be inferior to others. Anyway, it is a good thing for Sun Ce to be king now.

Therefore, Zhou Yu did not try to dissuade him, but instead showed great support.

Soon, Sun Ce called together all the civil and military subordinates and announced his ambition to become king.

Everything was as expected by Zhou Yu. When they heard that Sun Ce was going to become king, everyone was very excited.

As the saying goes, when the tide rises, all boats rise, and when Sun Ce becomes king, they, as subordinates, naturally also rise.

If Sun Ce becomes emperor again in the future, they will be ministers of the dragon, and their status can be imagined.

In life, what people seek is fame and wealth.

Immediately, after discussing with his subordinate Wenwu, Sun Ce decided to take Xiangyang, the governor of Jingzhou, as his title, and call him the King of Xiangyang, and submitted a petition to Liu Xie, the emperor of Luoyang.

Of course, the so-called seeking the opinion of the emperor is just a formality.

In the world, there is another prince with a heavy army in his hand who will put a puppet emperor in his eyes. Regardless of whether the emperor is sure or not, Sun Ce's King of Xiangyang is sure.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Liu Bei and Sun Ce becoming kings one after another, the situation in the world was once again disturbed, and the four kings stood side by side, which seemed to herald a new situation.


Youzhou, Guangyang County, Jixian County.

In the Governor's Mansion, Lu Xun is dealing with the accumulated government affairs in Youzhou.

Some time ago, Liu Ke attacked Cao Cao aggressively. As the governor of Youzhou, he also led his troops to confront Cao Jun at Yanmen Pass and Huguan. During this period, many political affairs were delayed.

"My lord, the king's warrant."

At this time, Zang Ba came to Lu Xun with Liu Ke's warrant.

"Oh?" Lu Xun reached out and took a look, then nodded silently.

The warrant required Lu Xun to immediately recruit soldiers from Xianbei, Wuhuan, and Xiongnu, preparing to launch a war against them.

"Xuan Gao, go to the Youzhou army camp first and gather [-] cavalry. I'll go meet you after I've dealt with the matter at hand. Let's go to the Wuhuan tribe first."

Lu Xun thought for a while and said.

"No." Zang Ba took the order and left.

After Zang Ba left, Lu Xun found a map that clearly depicted the location of Wuhuan and other alien races. He looked at it intently for a while, and had a plan in mind.

After quickly finishing the backlog of government affairs on hand, Lu Xun took his saber and rushed to the Youzhou army camp.

When he arrived at the barracks, Zang Ba had been waiting for a long time. When he saw Lu Xun, he immediately went forward.

"Lord Inspector, the five thousand cavalry have assembled and are waiting for your command."

"Okay." Lu Xun glanced at the [-] cavalry who were waiting in formation, found a horse to ride on, and ordered; "All the army obeys the order and follow me to the Wuhuan tribe."

After that, a group of thousands of people left Youzhou in a hurry, ran all the way, and arrived at the Wuhuan tribe on the grassland in the evening.

As soon as Wu Yan, the current leader of the Wuhuan tribe, heard that Lu Xun was coming, he hurried out to greet him.

He and his tribe had been scared by Lu Xun for a long time, and they didn't dare to have any second thoughts, for fear of offending the Han people and suffering the disaster of extermination.

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