"Wu Yan and his family have met Lord Inspector."

Bowing and bowing, Wu Yan put his posture very low.

Satisfied, Lu Xun helped Wu Yan up. For these alien races, he adopted the policy of life for those who submit and death for those who disobey. Wu Yan has always been obedient to big men, so naturally he will not treat them too harshly.

Wu Yan got up, his eyes swept over the five thousand cavalry behind Lu Xun, guessing the purpose of Lu Xun's trip.

"Well, Lord Inspector, it's so late, and you came here suddenly, could it be that something serious happened."

Wu Yan asked tentatively.

Lu Xun smiled and said, "Chief Wu Yan, it's really nothing serious, I just want to ask you to do something for me."

"Master Inspector, please tell me, Wu Yan will not hesitate."

"That's great." Lu Xun took Liu Ke's warrant from Zang Ba and handed it to Wu Yan for a look.

Taking advantage of the gap between Wuyan watching the warrant, Lu Xun explained; "Chief Wuyan, our king is about to send troops to conquer foreigners, so let me recruit some soldiers from your tribe. Look..."

Lu Xun didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was already very obvious, that is to say, it's best if you agree.If you disagree, then we are polite.

Wu Yan understood what Lu Xun meant, and returned the warrant to him, saying bitterly.

"Since Lord Inspector has a request, I will fully support it."

That is to say, but Wuyan's heart has already started to bleed. After years of wars and the harsh living environment, the Wuhuan tribe has not many people.

Now that Lu Xun was going to recruit soldiers from them again, there might not be many people left in the Wuhuan tribe.

Fortunately, Lu Xun saw what Wu Yan was worried about, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Chief Wu Yan, I know the situation of your Wuhuan tribe, and I won't overconscript you."

Hearing this, a hint of surprise flashed in Wu Yan's eyes, and he sincerely thanked; "Thank you, Lord Inspector, for your understanding."

"Okay, I've said what I said, and I hope that Chief Wuyan will organize the conscription as soon as possible. I have to rush to the Xianbei tribe, so I won't stay any longer."

After saying that, Lu Xun got on his horse and was about to leave.

Seeing this, Wu Yan said: "Lord Inspector, wait a moment, the grassland is different from the Central Plains, there are many beasts at night, please let me lead the way for Lord Inspector."

As he said that, Wu Yan brought a tall horse and rode on it, with the horse in front, motioning for Lu Xun and the others to follow him.

For this, Lu Xun accepted silently, this was Wu Yan's reciprocation, thanking himself for being considerate of the Wuhuan tribe, and trying to recruit as few soldiers as possible from the Wuhuan tribe.

In this way, a group of people ran wildly on the grassland under the vast night, getting closer and closer to the Xianbei tribe.

But just as they were about to reach the Xianbei tribe, Wu Yan, who was leading the way, stopped suddenly, turned around immediately, and said to Lu Xun and the others.

"Lord Inspector, there seems to be something ahead."

Hearing what Wu Yan said, Lu Xun hurriedly ordered the cavalry behind him to stop.

They are aliens, because they live in harsh environments all year round, so their five senses are very keen.

In Wu Yan's eyes, there was something faintly moving ahead, and it was approaching in the direction of Lu Xun and the others.

"Master Inspector, that thing is approaching us." Wu Yan reminded.

Lu Xun frowned slightly, and asked, "Chief Wuyan, can you tell what it is?"

Wu Yan shook his head, "It's too dark to see clearly, but it shouldn't be a beast, it looks a bit like a human."

"People?" Lu Xun frowned even more. Could it be someone from the Xianbei tribe at night?

"No, it's getting closer and closer, that thing seems to have spotted us." Wu Yan suddenly called out.

As Wu Yan finished speaking, Lu Xun drew his sword from his waist, and the five thousand cavalrymen behind him also clenched their weapons tightly, ready to fight.

However, when everyone saw clearly what the visitor was, they were all taken aback.

It was a young girl, about eighteen or nineteen years old, but she had a stunning face, red lips, white teeth, and a slender waist.

The girl looked at Lu Xun and the others curiously, laughed and was about to leave.

Lu Xun shook his head violently, woke up from the woman's stunning face, and shouted, "Quick, grab her!"

The cavalry behind him immediately stepped forward and blocked the woman's way.

"Hey! What are you doing, are you still unreasonable!" The girl was furious, but the way she was angry made her playful and cute.

Lu Xun drove his horse up to the girl, his face regained his composure, and he said coldly.

"Hmph, looking at your clothes, I don't want to be from Wuhuan and Xianbei, let alone the Huns! Chief Wuyan, didn't you say that you found traces of other alien races a few days ago, but you are dressed like this woman?"

Pointing to the girl's clothes, Lu Xun asked Wu Yan.

Wu Yan hurriedly looked at the girl's clothes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I saw that the girl was wearing white clothes with lace patterns embroidered on the sleeves, a jade belt around her waist, and one or two strings of crystal clear gems on her wrists.

After a while, Wu Yan shook his head and said, "Master Inspector, all we found were men, and I dare not make rash conclusions about the origin of this woman."

Just at this moment, there was movement again in the night.

Lu Xun's eyes were fixed. This time, he could accurately conclude that the person who came was a man, and he was a soldier!

Because, he heard the familiar sound of weapons rubbing against armor.

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