"The whole army is alert and ready for battle."

Five thousand cavalry immediately dispersed and moved towards the place where the movement was made in an encircling manner.

"Princess, princess, where are you?"

Suddenly, everyone vaguely heard someone shouting.

Lu Xun understood, looked at the girl who was tied up by his order, and said with a light smile; "It turned out to be a princess, no wonder she has such a temper."

"Hmph!" The girl turned her head away and said angrily; "Since you know, why don't you hurry up and apologize to the princess."

"Hehehe." Lu Xun sneered.

"A mere princess of a foreign race is worthy of my apology? You are not qualified!"

"You!" The girl's face was cloudy and uncertain, so she was not stupid, and vaguely felt that she had caused trouble.

On the other side, Lu Xun's [-] cavalry finally saw the enemy clearly in the dark. A group of armored and armed soldiers probably numbered more than a hundred.

At this time, those people also discovered the existence of Lu Xun and others, and when they were about to make a move, the neighing of war horses resounded through the sky one after another.

A cavalry team of [-] men has surrounded them, and the chill on the weapons is even worse in the night.

At this moment, Lu Xun came out and said, "Put down your weapon, and you will not die! If you dare to resist, you will be killed without mercy!"

Among the more than one hundred people, the leader was a guy who knew the current affairs. Hearing what Lu Xun said, he threw away the weapon in his hand, showing that he was willing to surrender.

Seeing this, the others naturally followed suit in order to save their lives.

"Lord Inspector, these are the people. Their attire is the same as the group of unknown alien races we discovered."

Wu Yan suddenly pointed to the more than one hundred sergeants and said.

"Really." The corner of Lu Xun's mouth twitched. He didn't expect to come out, and the harvest was quite big. He directly captured more than a hundred aliens of unknown origin, and one of them was a princess.

"Tie up these people, leader Wuyan, the Xianbei tribe is not far ahead, so I won't bother you to lead the way, please take a thousand cavalrymen under my command, and take these people back to the Wuhuan tribe to take care of them, and I will do it When it's done, take them back to Youzhou for interrogation."

Lu Xun gave instructions to Wu Yan.

"Lord Inspector, don't worry, then Wuyan will be one step ahead."

Wu Yan nodded in agreement, and immediately returned to the Wuhuan tribe with a thousand cavalry and a group of captured aliens.

Lu Xun continued to go to the Xianbei tribe and the Xiongnu tribe to inform them about the conscription.

Things went smoothly. The leaders of the Xianbei and Xiongnu tribes expressed their strong support when they heard that Liu Ke was going to conscript them to fight.

This is also because Liu Ke's prestige is too loud. Xianbei and the Huns are afraid of Liu Ke from the bottom of their hearts, so of course they dare not disobey orders.

After arranging the conscription, Lu Xun went back to the Wuhuan tribe, took the captives away, and returned to Jixian smoothly.

In the prison of Ji County, all the foreign captives were held there. The only special thing was that the stunning foreign princess was arranged in a separate wing one after another to take care of her.

The reason for this arrangement was not that Lu Xun was greedy for beauty, but that he wanted to dedicate that foreign princess to Liu Ke.

First, you can express your loyalty to Liu Ke.Secondly, it can also win Liu Ke's favor, so why not do it.

Now, as a big official of the frontier, Liu Kebao will be suspicious of him, and dedicating that foreign princess to Liu Ke is also planning for his own future.

At this time, Zang Ba came to report to him about the interrogation.

"Report to Lord Inspector, after interrogation, those alien races have already confessed."

"Very good, have they revealed their origins?" Lu Xun asked.

"According to what they said, they came from a country called the Guishuang Empire, which is very far away from us."

"The Guishuang Empire? Why have I never heard of this country, that's all, tell me the details." Lu Xun ordered.

Afterwards, Zang Ba told Lu Xun the ins and outs of the matter, and after listening, Lu Xun finally understood the whole matter.

It turns out that His Majesty, the current emperor of the Guishuang Empire, is quite outstanding in martial arts and martial arts, and the Guishuang Empire is thriving under his rule.

Later, he did not know where he heard that there was a vast and rich country named Dahan in the far east.

The Emperor's Majesty moved the idea of ​​an expedition, and immediately assembled [-] Guishuang Empire troops, traveling eastward, and came to the prairie not far from Youzhou.

And that beautiful girl is the only daughter of the emperor of the Guishuang Empire, and she was named a princess, and her name is Weitiya.

That night, Weitiya went out to play, and accidentally bumped into Lu Xun and his party.The one hundred or so people who appeared later were the bodyguards of Vaitiya.

After figuring out what was going on, Lu Xun immediately wrote a memorial, and at the same time instructed Zang Ba.

"Xuan Gao, you immediately order a team of people to take the princess of the Guishuang Empire and this memorial to Yangzhou Jianye as quickly as possible, and it must be delivered to the king."


Zang Ba immediately went down to prepare, and after a while, Weitiya was very reluctantly escorted into a carriage by the soldiers, accompanied by more than a thousand people, and quickly set off on the road under the banner of Lu Xun, the governor of Youzhou.


Half a month later, Youzhou's team entered Jianye City.

As soon as they entered the city, the person in charge of this team approached Liu Ke.

"General Yamen under the account of the governor of Youzhou sees the king, and the king is a thousand years old."

In the Palace of Chu, Liu Ke, who was dressed in royal robes, quietly waited for General Yamen below to finish his visit before asking.

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