"Is there something wrong with Lu Xun asking you to come to Jianye?"

"Report to Your Majesty, this is the memorandum that Lord Inspector ordered the last general to hand over to you. In addition, Lord Inspector also told you that he will give a woman to the King."

"Women?" Liu Ke became interested. After opening the list of Lu Xun's memorials, the interest on his face became more and more intense.

"I ask you, where is that woman now?"

General Yamen hurriedly waved to the outside of the palace, and two sergeants escorted Vitiah into the palace.

As soon as he saw Vettia, Liu Ke's eyes seemed to grow on her body, his eyes were fixed, and his eyes were full of fiery color.

"Good! Good! Good! Lu Xun really didn't lie to Gu, he is indeed a stunning beauty!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After saying three good words again and again, Liu Ke directly walked down from his throne, leaned over to Vitiah's side, and began to look carefully.

The Yamen General had great eyesight, saw that Liu Ke was interested in Weitiya, and hurriedly retreated quietly, leaving only Weitiya and Liu Ke in the whole hall.

"Shameless man, stay away from this princess."

Weitiya frowned slightly, feeling disgusted by Liu Ke.

Hearing this, Liu Ke couldn't help laughing and said, "As expected of the princess of the Guishuang Empire, you are the first woman who dares to call Gu shameless."

"Hmph, so what if I scold you, this princess advises you, you'd better let this princess go, otherwise, when my father's army comes down, you'll be the one to look at me." Weitiya snorted coldly.

However, after listening to her words, Liu Ke seemed to have heard the most ridiculous joke in the world.

He looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, the army is overwhelming? It's ridiculous, do you know who Gu is?"

"You? At most, you're the little king of an indigenous country." Weitiya glanced at Liu Ke with disdain.

Facing Weitiya's dismissive look, Liu Ke rolled up his sleeves and said loudly.

"Gu tells you, Gu is the king of Chu in the Han Dynasty. He quelled troubled times, ruled the country, conquered Wuhuan, defeated Xianbei, expelled the Xiongnu, and established great achievements in the world. He is the king of kings!"

After saying that, Liu Ke suddenly had a majestic kingly temperament.A pair of bright eyes, not angry and arrogant.

Looking at Liu Ke whose temperament has changed drastically, Weitiya paid attention to the man in front of him for the first time.

She only felt the kingly temperament in Liu Ke's body from her father, Emperor Vitibajo.It was a special temperament that looked down on the world and was the only one in the universe.

Seeing that Weitiya didn't speak, Liu Ke felt that she was shocked by him, so he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around Weitiya's slender waist, and asked softly, "Are you willing to be a lonely princess?"

Unexpectedly, Weitiya who was suddenly hugged into his arms seemed to be struck by lightning, and suddenly pushed Liu Ke to the ground, looking panicked and trying to escape.

"Come here, arrest her and imprison her in the palace. Without Gu's order, she is not allowed to leave the palace!"

Liu Ke stood up from the ground, his face was full of anger, he was the majestic King of Chu, but today he was bumped repeatedly by a little foreign princess, he couldn't bear it!

Immediately, a group of heavily armed soldiers appeared outside the palace, took Vaitiya's arms and took her away.

As soon as Vettia's farce ended here, Liu Ke ordered Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, Lu Su and other counselors to be recruited.

"Everyone, Lu Xun from Youzhou has sent news that the emperor of the Guishuang Empire, Wei Ti Bahuo, has stationed [-] soldiers on the prairie. Guyi, immediately organize his troops to completely wipe out the army of the Guishuang Empire!"

Liu Ke waved his hand and said resolutely.

He was not confused by female sex, the princess of the Guishuang Empire was sent to him by Lu Xun, and the Guishuang Empire would never let it go.

What's more, judging from the memorials written one after another, the emperor of the Guishuang Empire, Wei Ti Bahuo, originally wanted to attack the big men, so he couldn't let them go.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.To these alien races, Liu Ke's attitude is very simple, one word, fight!

If you still refuse to accept the fight, then kill!If you kill them all, you will naturally accept it.

Zhuge Liang murmured, "Your Majesty, the civil strife in the world has not yet subsided, so rashly going to war with other races, will Cao Cao and others take advantage of it?"

Lu Su also nodded in agreement.Both of them are naturally cautious people, and they mainly consider things and seek stability.

Guo Jia and Pang Tong were different, both of them liked to make dangerous moves and act boldly, they said almost at the same time.

"What your majesty said is true, all alien races should be exterminated to avoid future troubles!"

"Feng Xiao, Shi Yuan, don't look at your eyes in everything. You should also consider the existence of Cao Cao and other internal troubles."

Zhuge Liang said to Guo Jia and Pang Tong angrily.

"Yes, Kong Ming's words are reasonable." Lu Su still insisted on his own opinion.

Pang Tong ignored the earnestness of the two, and said with a smile, "Kong Ming, Zi Jing, you two guys are short-sighted. When you are in trouble, you must first settle the outside. The chaos of foreign races is not peaceful, how can the world be peaceful."

Guo Jia smiled and said nothing, but obviously agreed with Pang Tong's statement.

Several counselors insisted on their own opinions, but Liu got a headache and waved his hands to stop them.

"Okay, stop arguing. I have made a plan, the Guishuang Empire, and I have made a decision. Not only will they be repulsed, but their country will also be destroyed!"

"What!" Zhuge Liang immediately knew that something was wrong when he heard it. Seeing what Liu Ke meant, he wanted to go on an expedition.

"Your Majesty, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Ce are not easy to deal with. If your Majesty raises troops to fight against the Guishuang Empire, I'm afraid there will be losses in the rear! Please think twice, Your Majesty."

Liu Ke smiled casually and said, "Kong Ming, I know what you are worried about. But don't worry, a mere Guishuang Empire only needs [-] people to defeat him."

A trace of doubt flashed in Zhuge Liang's eyes, and he asked.

"Your Majesty, isn't one hundred thousand people too little? Didn't Lu Xun say that the Guishuang Empire has a full three hundred thousand troops?"

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