Tian Yu said in a cold voice; "Human alien race, if you don't leave, you will offend my great man Tianwei. Your end will only be death!"

"Hmph!" Wei Tibahuo is worthy of being a generation of kings. Although he was terrified, he did not change his face, slowly drew out the sword at his waist, pointed at the city of Juyongguan, and shouted.

"Warriors of the Guishuang Empire, use the sharp blades in your hands to tell these natives what fear is! Kill!"

In a word, the army behind Weitibahuo suddenly burst into a sky-shattering roar, and I saw them rushing out bravely one by one without fear of death.

"Prepare to defend the city. Archers and slingers are ready." Tian Yu commanded calmly when he saw this, his gaze was like a torch.

However, what made his jaw drop was that the Guishuang Empire army rushing towards them did not have ladders, carts and other siege equipment. Instead, they frantically rushed to the gate of the city, slashing and slashing with their swords. A city gate made of gold and iron.

"Ah... are these aliens out of their minds?" Tian Yu was a little puzzled, and really couldn't understand the foolish way of attacking the city of the Guishuang Empire.

Although he didn't understand what the enemy was doing, Tian Yu didn't intend to show mercy. He waved his hand and shouted, "Fire the arrow!"

In an instant, Juyongguan was closed, and thousands of arrows were fired, and most of the troops of the Guishuang Empire under the city died tragically under the arrows all over the sky.

There were screams one after another, but Wei Ti Bahuo didn't seem to see it at all, and continued to carry out this kind of mindless attack regardless of the casualties of his subordinates.

"General, aren't these alien races fools?" Tian Yu's lieutenant scratched his head and looked at the Guishuang Empire with disdain in his eyes.

Tian Yu shook his head, feeling that things were not that simple, and guessed; "No, the Guishuang Empire and others have fought all the way here, and it is definitely not something a fool can do. There may be some mystery in it."

Just at this time, Weitibahuo's eyes flashed brightly, and he hurled insults at Juyongguan.

"Hahaha, soldiers, have you seen it? This is just a native, a gutless mouse. I only know that it is different from a tortoise in a tortoise city?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Wei Ti Bahuo finished cursing, there was a burst of mocking laughter in the army of the Guishuang Empire.

Tian Yu's lieutenant general couldn't help but said angrily, "Humph! General, the last general asks for orders to lead a team of light cavalry. These aliens must pay the price they deserve for their words and deeds!"

Hearing this, Tian Yu's thoughts changed. Although he felt that there was something wrong with it, judging from the current situation, the army of the Guishuang Empire was indeed a bunch of mobs, so there was nothing to worry about.

After thinking for a moment, Tian Yu nodded, and said, "Okay, General Li, I will give five thousand light cavalry, and I will certainly frustrate the enemy's prestige."

"The last general takes the order!" The lieutenant took the order excitedly, got down from the top of the city, and immediately led five thousand Qingqi out of the city.

"Boys of different races, I am here for you, Grandpa Li, wash your neck clean, and let your neck be slaughtered!"

The lieutenant laughed wildly, waved the big knife in his hand, and went straight to the place where the big banner of Weitibahuo was.

However, after seeing the lieutenant general rushing towards him, Wei Tibahuo not only did not panic, but showed an intriguing smile on the contrary.

"Your Majesty, do you want it?" The general next to Weitibahuo asked tentatively.

Wei Tibahuo waved his hand and said with a smile; "Don't worry, I will hand over this native general to me. I want to show him that the warriors of the Guishuang Empire are not something he can provoke."

After saying that, Weitibahuo turned his wrist, the sword was concealed, and he galloped out, fighting with the lieutenant. Jump up from the horse.

"Not good! General Li is in danger."

Tian Yu who closed Juyongguan said in surprise.

But it was too late, as the cold front passed by, Lieutenant General Li's head was thrown high and fell off his horse.

"Your Majesty is mighty! Your Majesty is mighty!"

Immediately, the army of the Guishuang Empire erupted into a monstrous roar, and its momentum reached its peak for a while.

"Damn it!" Tian Yu slammed his fist on the city wall and said in a deep voice.

Just as he was about to call back the five thousand light cavalry outside the city, he found that at some point, the army of the Guishuang Empire had surrounded the five thousand light cavalry.

Weitibahuo put his sword back into its sheath, and said coldly; "Kill all these natives, let them know how powerful we are!"

With an order, the army of the Guishuang Empire immediately began a brutal massacre, and a soldier of the Guishuang Empire died under the knife of the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire.

At this point, Tian Yu finally came to his senses, he understood that there are idiots in the Guishuang Empire who don't know how to siege the city, and the real idiot is himself.

The reason why Wei Tibahuo asked his soldiers to attack the city in a suicidal manner was entirely to let Tian Yu relax his vigilance, take advantage of people's contempt, lead Tian Yu to send people out of the city to fight, and then encircle and wipe them out.

Although the price paid by this method was not small, no more than [-] soldiers of the Guishuang Empire died in the siege, but Tian Yu paid a full price of [-] elite cavalry.

"Pass down the order, strictly guard against death, no one can go out of the city to fight!"

Tian Yu, who suffered a loss once, has a long memory, and no one is allowed to go out of the city to fight without authorization.

Seeing this scene, Wei Tibahuo knew in his heart that it would be impossible to lure the snake out of the cave. In addition, it was getting late, so he simply called for gold and withdrew his troops, and set up camp ten miles away from Juyong Pass, and then attacked the city tomorrow.

On the second day, when the east was just turning gray, Weitibahuo led the army and started the real siege battle.

There are a lot of ladders and cars.A fierce offensive was launched against Juyongguan, and it was not until evening that Wei Tibahuo resignedly withdrew his troops and returned to the camp.

After a week in a row, Weitibahuo still hadn't captured the impregnable Juyongguan Pass, which inevitably made Weitibahuo a little impetuous.

After all, he has been fighting all the way, but he has been invincible. When he met such a difficult opponent as Tian Yu, he even thought in his heart, if the aborigines here are like Tian Yu, can he still win? ?

What Wei Tibahuo didn't know was that a person more terrifying than Tian Yu had already arrived at Juyongguan.

Before Lu Xun set off from Jixian County, he received news that Wei Tibahuo had launched an army to attack Juyongguan, so he immediately led the army to Juyongguan.

After a week of marching, Lu Xun's [-] troops finally reached Juyongguan.

"Lord Inspector, you've come. If you don't come, Juyongguan will not be able to hold on."

When Tian Yu saw Lu Xun, it was like seeing a relative, and said excitedly.

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