Lu Xun couldn't help joking: "Why, they are just some alien races. With Guo Ren's ability, is it possible that they are not opponents?"

"Lord Inspector, you are making fun of me again." Tian Yu smiled wryly, "If it was an ordinary foreign race, I would not worry about it, but this time, there are too many enemies, and they repeatedly attacked the city. The army has less than [-] people."

Hearing this, Lu Xun became a little curious.

"Guorang said so, the strength of the Guishuang Empire is not weak? Then why didn't Guorang send Qingqi to raid the enemy's camp?"

It's good not to mention it, when Lu Xun mentioned Qingqi, Tian Yu's face turned dark, and after telling Lu Xun what happened on the first day, he felt a little ashamed.

"So that's it. It seems that this Wei Ti Bahuo is still a smart person." Lu Xun nodded slightly, without any intention of laughing at Tian Yu, patted Tian Yu on the shoulder, and said in relief.

"Guorang doesn't need to blame himself. Even if it were me, I wouldn't have imagined that someone would be willing to use the lives of his soldiers to design the other party."

After speaking, Lu Xun took Tian Yu and walked towards the top of the city.

Glancing at the garrison of the Guishuang Empire ten miles away, Lu Xun frowned, raised the corners of his mouth, and sneered endlessly.

"I heard from Guorang that I thought Wei Tibahuo was a man who was proficient in the art of war, but I didn't think that he was just a mediocre person who only got his shape and didn't know his spirit."

Tian Yu glanced at Lu Xun with some doubts, and asked, "Why did Lord Inspector make such a statement?"

Lu Xun pointed to the Guishuang Empire military camp in the distance and explained.

"The country wants you to look carefully, the army of Vitibajo is stationed together, and the tents are only a few steps away from each other. The reason why he did this, I guess, is that there are people who help each other and form camps." thought."

Tian Yu seemed to understand, "But, doesn't this prove that Wei Ti Bahuo knows how to march and fight?"

Lu Xun shook his head and said with a smile, "No, it's a good idea to form a battalion, but Wei Ti Bahuo used the wrong timing. Guo Rang, when is it now?"

"It's autumn."

"That's right, it's autumn, not to mention that everything is dry, and the night wind is even more urgent. Under such weather conditions, Wei Ti Bahuo stupidly used the company to form a camp. Isn't this a dead end!"

After Lu Xun finished speaking, Tian Yu suddenly realized, and said in surprise, "Master Inspector meant to attack it with fire!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Exactly, I only need a little spark, and I can take advantage of the wind to burn down the Waitibajo company camp, let him understand, and give him a head-on blow!"

Between Lu Xun's pointers, the art of war was demonstrated.

"My admiration, the governor's wisdom makes me ashamed." Tian Yu sincerely praised, secretly said, Lu Xun is worthy of being a person valued by the king of Chu, and in a few words, he has already hidden a clever plan in his chest, and he can defeat the enemy with a snap of his fingers.

"Okay, please ask Guorang to summon the generals of Juyongguan. I want to promote the generals. Tonight is the day to defeat the enemy!"

"Promise!" Tian Yu stepped back and immediately summoned the generals to wait for Lu Xun's orders.

In the General's Mansion at Juyongguan, Lu Xungao sat at the top, followed by Tian Yu. Below them, there were many generals waiting for orders.

I saw Lu Xun slowly took out a command arrow, glanced at the generals below, and ordered: "Zang Ba listens to the order, order you to lead [-] troops, bring something to light the fire, and raid the Guishuang Empire barracks at midnight tonight."

"Promise." Zang Ba cupped his fists to accept the order, took the command arrow, and was about to go down to prepare when Lu Xun reminded again.

"Xuan Gao, you have to remember that after you break into the enemy's camp, you must not love to fight. You only need to set fire to the enemy's camp."

"I will understand at the end."

Afterwards, Lu Xun gave orders one after another.

"Wang Shuangniuba listened to the order and ordered you two to lead [-] troops to ambush in the northwest and southeast of the enemy camp. When General Zang Ba ignites the enemy camp, the enemy army will be in chaos. When the time comes, you should lead your troops out immediately."


"Tian Yu obeys the order."

Hearing Lu Xun calling him, Tian Yu hurriedly got up and left his seat, and said respectfully, "The last general is here."

Unexpectedly, Lu Xun stared at Tian Yu for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said, "Guorang, you and I sit at the head of Juyongguan City, how about playing chess and drinking tea?"

"Huh?" Tian Yu was a little taken aback.

Lu Xun immediately changed his expression, and said seriously, "Tian Yu, can you obey orders?"

"The last general takes orders." After realizing it, Tian Yu knew that Lu Xun was joking with him, so he laughed too.

The two used to be colleagues, so they had a good relationship. Lu Xun also admired Tian Yu's talent, so naturally he didn't put on airs as a boss to him, but instead made jokes about him as a friend.

The military orders of all parties have been issued, and for a while, intensive preparations began in Juyongguan.

At night, several groups of people quietly left Juyongguan and headed for the barracks of the Guishuang Empire.

When Zang Ba arrived outside the gate of the Guishuang Empire's barracks, he smirked and shouted, "Soldiers, follow me to charge and kill the barbarians of different races!"

Soon, there were shouts of killing everywhere, and the military camp of the Guishuang Empire was in chaos. Zang Ba took this opportunity to light the camp of the Guishuang Empire according to Lu Xun's instructions.

In an instant, the flames blazed into the sky, because it was a company battalion, and it was late autumn, and the business brigade started slowly, and the fire spread through the entire military camp almost instantly under the influence of the wind.

Waitibahoo, who was resting in the tent, was also awakened by the movement, and hurried out to check, only to see that his barracks had turned into a sea of ​​flames, and there were screams of pain everywhere.

"Hurry up to put out the fire! Hurry up to put out the fire!" Wei Tibahuo hurriedly called for people to put out the fire, regardless of other matters.

On the other side, Zang Ba had already led the people to evacuate from the military camp of the Guishuang Empire, and glanced back at the sea of ​​flames behind him.

He couldn't help but sarcastically said, "A group of foreign barbarians are also trying to compete with the Han Dynasty, and the governor can beat you so hard that you can't find Bei, not to mention the King of Chu who hasn't arrived yet."

After ridiculing, Zang Ba sent his army back to Juyongguan, but this war is far from over.

Not long after Zang Ba left the barracks of the Guishuang Empire, the other two good troops who had been ambushing for a long time rushed out immediately. Some soldiers of the Guishuang Empire who had escaped the flames died tragically in the Han army before they had time to rejoice. under the knife.

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