In the barracks, Vitibajo was frantically fighting the fire, not caring about his already hot cheeks.

"Your Majesty, you should retreat quickly. If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave." His general grabbed Weitibahuo and tried hard to persuade him.

Wei Tibahuo just woke up, looked around, under the crimson sea of ​​flames, I don't know how many soldiers of the Guishuang Empire died tragically, burnt to death, trampled to death, countless dead.

The incomparably bitter Weitibahuo finally escaped from the sea of ​​flames under the protection of his soldiers, but just after he got out of the flames, he entered the tiger's den again, and the ambush soldiers who had been waiting for a long time were watching Weitibahuo covetously.

"Damn it, I want you to die!" Wei Tibahuo pulled out the sword at his waist, and was about to rush forward to fight the Han army to the death.

"Your Majesty, there are green hills left, so I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood. You retreat quickly, and I'll stop these natives." A bearded general wearing a silver helmet and holding a spear grabbed Wei Ti Bahuo and asked him to take him away. , he roared and rushed towards the Han army formation.

His fate was obvious, thousands of weapons pierced his fragile body fiercely, his eyes widened, and he fell unwillingly into a pool of blood.

"Retract the army and return to the city." Seeing that the Guishuang Empire was dying, Wang Shuangniuba fled as much as he could, and was satisfied with his retreat and returned to Juyongguan.

On the other side, Vitibajo fled all the way, and after getting rid of the pursuers, he was able to stop for a rest.

Sitting down on the ground, Wei Ti Bahuo looked gloomy, he really couldn't figure out why he lost so badly, let people set his company on fire, and was chased and killed.

Is he in such a state of embarrassment still the all-powerful emperor of the Guishuang Empire, Wei Tibahuo?

"Your Majesty, the casualties of our army this time..."

One of them walked up to Vitibajo, hesitating to speak.

"Let's talk, I'm prepared." Weitebajo said with a sigh.

But when he heard the number of casualties, his expression changed drastically.

"Your Majesty, our army suffered a total of about [-] casualties, and lost more than half of our food and grass."

"What!" Wei Tibahuo's voice was amplified several times unconsciously, he stared in disbelief, feeling extremely aggrieved.

In just one battle, without even meeting the enemy a few times, he lost [-] warriors of the Guishuang Empire.

Calculated in this way, the [-] troops brought by Vitibajo, after deducting the losses from the siege of the previous week, plus the [-] people who died tonight, there are only about [-] people left under him.

"My condolences, Your Majesty." His subordinates consoled him.

But under such a severe blow, how can Weitibajo be able to overcome his sorrow and change.

I saw him sticking the sword into the ground, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his eyes. It was the flame of hatred, and it was the flame of unwillingness.

"I'm not willing to just lose like this. It's just a group of natives. I don't believe how powerful it is. Tonight is just a coincidence. Send the order, the army is assembled, and I want to attack Juyongguan again!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yes." Although the courtiers of Vitibajo were helpless, the emperor had orders, and as a courtier, he just had to obey.

It didn't take long for the remaining [-] Guishuang Empire troops to gather again, and after dawn, they launched a fierce attack on Juyongguan.

Lu Xun and Tian Yu on the top of the city watched calmly the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire charging below, and just shook their heads with wry smiles.

Lu Xun said, "It seems that the fire I made last night didn't burn these foreigners. It's really courting death that they dare to commit crimes."

Tian Yu agreed, "That's right, these alien races seem determined to capture Juyongguan."

"Conquer Juyongguan? Let's dream about it. The attackers must outnumber the enemy several times. Juyongguan currently has [-] defenders. Unless the Guishuang Empire has an army of more than [-], it is impossible to capture it."

Lu Xun glanced disdainfully at Weiti Bahuo, who was commanding the soldiers below to attack the city. Compared to King Liu Ke of Chu, Weiti Bahuo was like an ignorant clown.

Such a person is also worthy of being the king of a country, God is really short-sighted.

Thinking of this, Lu Xun couldn't help fantasizing about when Liu Ke would become emperor.

While I was thinking about it, a soldier suddenly came to report; "Report to the governor, General Tian, ​​that the king's army has arrived."

"Oh." Lu Xuntian Yu was overjoyed when he heard the words, Liu Ke came, which is really a good thing.

Immediately, the two hurriedly left the city to meet Liu Ke.

In the General's Mansion at Juyongguan, Liu Ke, dressed in a royal robe and crown, sat on the main seat, with Pang Tong, Guo Jia, Tai Shici, Lu Bu, Dian Wei, and Chen Dao standing on both sides.

After Lu Xun and Tian Yu arrived, they immediately bowed down and said, "My minister, Lu Xun, Tian Yu, pay homage to the king."

"The king is a thousand years old."

Liu Ke held up his hands and said, "Bo Yan, please come up, is the Guishuang Empire attacking the city?"

The two looked at each other, and Lu Xun replied, "My lord, the emperor of the Guishuang Empire, Wei Ti Bahuo, is leading an army to attack the city."

Liu Ke nodded, with a weird smile on his face, and said, "It's so good, Gu also wants to see what a hero this His Majesty the Emperor of the Guishuang Empire, who was praised by Vettia, is."

With that said, Liu Ke got up and was about to walk up the city.But when passing by Tian Yu, he suddenly saw Tian Yu secretly smiling, Liu Ke asked curiously.

"I don't know what Guorang is laughing at, can you tell me and share with Gu."

Hearing this at first, Tian Yu was startled. He realized that he had lost his composure, but he laughed lowly in front of the king. Those who didn't know thought he was laughing at Liu Ke.

Fortunately, Liu is not an indiscriminate person, and he did not blame Tian Yu, but asked gently.

Tian Yu hurriedly replied, "Your Majesty, forgive me. Yu just remembered Wei Tibahuo's distressed appearance last night, so he laughed."

Liu Ke's interest became more and more intense, and he asked, "What's the story of Weiti Bajo's embarrassment?"

"It's like this. Lord Inspector used fire last night to burn down the company of Weitibahuo. Weitibahuo fled in embarrassment, and the wind of the king disappeared."

After listening to Tian Yu's explanation, Liu Ke couldn't help laughing, showing a little more contempt for this Wei Ti Bahuo who hadn't met yet.

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