Waitebajo considered for a while, and finally agreed to East's plan, letting him take full responsibility for the matter.


Juyongguan, the General's Mansion, Liu Ke is drawing a map, on which there are Guishuang Empire, Parthia Empire, Roman Empire and many other foreign powers, which he drew from his memory.

Although there are still Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Ce Weiping, it does not affect Liu Ke's ambition to conquer the world, and his goal will never stop.

Liu Ke dreams that one day, the army of the Great Han will cross Asia, sweep the whole world, and surpass Genghis Khan in the future. He will become the first monarch of China through the ages!

At this moment, Tai Shici and other generals came in, and as soon as they saw Liu Ke, they couldn't wait to ask for their orders; "I implore the king to issue an order, and the last general will lead the army to raid the Guishuang Empire's barracks and capture Wei Tibahuo alive. "

Liu Ke looked up at the generals who were full of fighting spirit, and asked, "Gu also wants to capture Weti Bajo, but the time is not yet ripe, so don't go out without authorization."

Lu Bu said with some displeasure, "Your Majesty, in the eyes of the general, the so-called Guishuang Empire is just a bunch of local chickens and dogs. The general only needs [-] troops to wipe out the enemy."

"Your Majesty, I only need three thousand people." Dian Wei also said hastily.

"Fengxian, Ziman, you have done enough, so let me have this opportunity." Chen Dao said.

Liu Ke waved his hand, signaled to the generals to be quiet, and said, "Okay, don't fight for now. Come here, go and invite Shi Yuan, Feng Xiao."

A while later, Pang Tong and Guo Jia were ordered to come. When they saw the generals surrounding Liu Ke, they understood why Liu Ke called them to come.

"Shi Yuan, Feng Xiao, you generals want to lead the troops into battle, what do you think?" Liu Ke cut to the chase and asked directly.

Hearing this, Guo Jia said, "Your Majesty, according to Jia, it is not yet the right time to fight the Guishuang Empire head-on, but it is feasible to dampen their spirit."

Liu Ke nodded, thinking to himself, the military strength of the Guishuang Empire is far worse than his own, Lu Xun and Tian Yu alone can beat them, let alone his subordinates Civil and military.

Thinking of this, Liu Ke planned to let Lu Bu, Tai Shici and others lead the troops out of the city to fight, so as to wear down the overall strength of the Guishuang Empire and prepare for the decisive battle in the future.

Immediately, Liu Ke cleared his throat, and was about to issue orders, when Pang Tong who was beside him suddenly spoke.

"Wait a minute, my lord, I wonder if my lord has heard something?"

Liu Ke glanced at Pang Tong in confusion, shook his head and said, "What is Shi Yuan talking about? I don't seem to have heard anything recently."

Pang Tong spoke slowly; "Your Majesty, according to the reports from the scouts we sent out, the soldiers in the Waitibahoo barracks are slack and passive, and have no fighting spirit. "

"Isn't this a good thing? Since then, the day of our army's victory is not far away." Liu Ke was even more puzzled.

Pang Tong frowned slightly, and said, "No, my lord, the matter is by no means as simple as it appears on the surface. Tong just looked at the Guishuang Empire military camp from the top of the city, and found that there was not even any cooking smoke in the camp, and there were even birds perched there." !"

Upon hearing this, Liu Ke understood a little bit, and guessed; "There is no cooking smoke and there are birds inhabiting. Doesn't that mean that the military camp of the Guishuang Empire is an empty camp!"

"Exactly." Pang Tong nodded.

Guo Jia also said at this time: "If this is the case, there are only two possibilities. First, Wei Ti Bajo secretly withdrew his troops, but it is obviously unrealistic. Second, this is a trick used by Wei Ti Bahuo , set up an empty battalion, and lead the king to attack."

Liu Ke agreed; "Feng Xiao, what Shi Yuan said is true. It seems that our enemy is not so stupid as to be incurable."

Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Two

"Your Majesty's words are wrong." As soon as Liu Ke finished speaking, Pang Tong continued.

"Weitibahuo is indeed so stupid that he can't be cured. The empty camp plan is a false and empty strategy. It uses illusions and false preparations to confuse the opponent and make the enemy dare not act rashly."

"However, Wei Ti Bahuo played this trick as a trick to lure the enemy. It was nothing at all. After all, the art of war is cunning and pays attention to change. However, he doesn't even understand the most basic things, whether there is smoke from a kitchen, or whether a bird is circling. , What kind of empty plan is used by such a clever person."

Liu Ke said with a smile: "Shiyuan, Wei Ti Bahuo is just a monarch of a barbarian country. He has no knowledge, which is normal. There is no need to hurt him with words. Let's discuss what to do next."

Hearing Liu Ke's words, all Taishi Ci's generals cheered up and said out loudly.

"Your Majesty, the last general is willing to lead the army to fight, no matter what he thinks, he will definitely teach the head of the Vitibaho lord!"

"Your Majesty, it is better to let me fight, my big double halberd is already hungry and thirsty."

"My lord, please let me go to the battle!"

"Okay." Liu Ke stopped the generals helplessly, and said to Pang Tong; "Shi Yuan, since you saw through Viti Bajo's empty strategy, you should be the general."

With that said, Liu Ke handed over the tiger talisman in his hand to Pang Tong.

Immediately, Tai Shici and other generals all stared at Pang Tong with green eyes, their eyes were filled with hope.

Pang Tong smiled wryly, took the tiger talisman, looked at the generals, and ordered.

"Tai Shici listened to the order and ordered you to lead [-] troops to attack the Guishuang Empire's barracks tonight. The purpose is to lure the ambush army of Viti Bajo."

"No!" Tai Shici said loudly.

"Dian Wei, Chen Dao listened to the order and ordered the two of you to lead [-] troops each. After nightfall, go out together with General Tai Shici. After all the ambush troops in Wei Tibahuo are gone, lead the troops out again."

"No!" The two hurriedly cupped their fists to accept the order.

"Mr. Shi Yuan, what about me?" Lu Bu asked a little depressed. Seeing that other people had tasks, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Hahaha, General Lu, don't worry, the general is so brave, how could Tong abandon it." Pang Tong continued with a slight smile.

"Lü Bu listens to the order and orders you to lead [-] troops and immediately rush to Yuyang Group to garrison."

"What!" Lu Bu thought he would fight with Tai Shici and the others, but unexpectedly Pang Tong asked him to lead the troops to garrison Yuyang, and he was immediately dissatisfied.

"Mr. Shi Yuan, did Bu usually offend Mr.?" Lu Bu asked.

"Why did you say that, general? You haven't offended him at all."

"Then why, Mr. Shiyuan, instead of letting me fight with Ziyi and the others, let me go to Yuyang County to garrison." Lu Bu asked aggressively.

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