Pang Tong was not in a hurry, and said slowly, "Don't be impatient, general. The reason why you let the general go to Yuyang is to appreciate the general's bravery. Otherwise, how can I rest assured that Yuyang County will be garrisoned by the general? "

Lu Bu sneered at Pang Tong's words, and snorted coldly: "Huh! Yuyang County is far away from Juyongguan, where you can't even see a ghost. Mr. Shi Yuan asked me to go there, but I really didn't have any second thoughts. ?"

Liu Ke couldn't stand it any longer, and asked, "Shi Yuan, what do you mean? Why did you let Feng go to Yuyang first?"

Seeing that Liu Ke asked a question, Pang Tong couldn't hold back, so he had to be honest.

"Your Majesty, Yuyang County seems to be insignificant, but if Wei Tibahuo is defeated tonight, he will definitely find another opportunity. Yuyang County is empty, and it is close to the interior of Youzhou and Ji County. Once Wei Tibahuo makes a surprise attack Yuyang, the consequences are disastrous."

After listening to Pang Tong's analysis, Liu Ke nodded in agreement, but still didn't understand why Pang Tong had to send Lu Bu to Yuyang.

"Shi Yuan, Yuyang County is indeed important, but you don't have to let Fengxian go to garrison it. Just send a general, isn't it enough?"

Feeling aggrieved, Lu Bu felt grateful when he saw Liu Ke kept speaking for him.

And this is exactly Liu Ke's technique of controlling the subordinates, the generals will take care of themselves, and the world will have nothing to do.

Pang Tong explained, "Your Majesty, we expect Wei Ti Bahuo to attack Yuyang, and only General Lu Bu, who is as brave and invincible as he is, can give Wei Ti Ba Huo a head-on blow! Your Majesty, please agree with Tong's proposal." .”

Liu Ke couldn't help but feel a little bit embarrassed. On the one hand, his beloved general Lu Bu, and on the other hand, his important adviser Pang Tong. He didn't know who to help.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Lu Bu said, "Your Majesty, the last general is willing to lead troops to station in Yuyang County."

"Really?" Liu Ke was overjoyed when he heard the words.

Lu Bu said, "It's hard to chase after a big man's words. Don't worry, Your Majesty, Bu will definitely guard Yuyang, but I hope Mr. Shi Yuan's prediction is correct, and Wei Ti Bahuo will really go to Yuyang."

His last sentence was addressed to Pang Tong, and the implication was, if Wei Ti Bahuo didn't come to fight Yuyang, I want you to look good!

Pang Tong is also a person who is not afraid of heaven and earth, so naturally he will not be afraid of Lu Bu's threatening words, and he smiled lightly; "General Lu, don't worry, Wei Ti Bahuo will definitely come, and when the time comes, just ask the general not to forget Tong. "

Lu Bu didn't answer any more, but after bidding farewell to Liu Ke, he turned around to assemble the army and prepared to go to Yuyang County.

And Tai Shici, Dian Wei, and Chen Dao began to prepare intensively for tonight's attack.

At night, the moon and stars were thin, and the three generals, Tai Shici, led the army to leave Juyongguan. In the darkness, several pairs of sharp eyes witnessed their departure.

In the barracks of the Guishuang Empire, Wei Tibahuo changed into a military uniform and was wiping his sword when a scout came to report him.

"I would like to inform Your Majesty that an indigenous army from Juyongguan has set out and is heading towards our barracks."

Instead of being surprised, Wei Tibahuo stood up suddenly, twisted the sword in his hand, and said with a sneer, "It's finally here, natives. Tonight, I will use your blood to make up for the humiliation of the past."

"Pass down the order, the bows of the three armies are stringed, the swords are unsheathed, and they are ready to kill the enemy!"

After saying that, Wei Ti Bahuo left his tent of the Chinese army, and he didn't know where to hide.

On the other side, Tai Shici led [-] troops and arrived not far from the Guishuang Empire's barracks. Looking at the brightly lit military tent in front of him, a trace of sarcasm flashed in Tai Shici's eyes. Immediately, he swung the green dragon halberd and shouted.

"All troops charge!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Amidst the loud shouts of killing, Tai Shici led the army into the barracks of the Guishuang Empire. After rushing in, everything turned out to be as Pang Tong expected, it was an empty camp.

It was empty, with only the light of the bonfire, and no one could be seen. Obviously, it was carefully prepared for Tai Shici and others.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Report to the general, it is an empty camp."

After a careful search, a sergeant reported to Tai Shici.

Tai Shici didn't speak. He looked at the empty camp in front of him, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously curled up.

In the next moment, torches suddenly lit up around the barracks, and the continuous soldiers of the Guishuang Empire surrounded Tai Shici and others.

The bows and crossbows were strung, and the blades were ruthless. With just one command, the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire would swarm up and devour Tai Shici and others.

At this time, Wei Ti Bahuo rode a reddish-brown war horse and slowly appeared from among the group of soldiers. He looked at Tai Shi Ci proudly, and laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, you natives, you can't think of it, this is just my trick to lure the enemy."

Tai Shici looked at the self-satisfied Vitibajo, his eyes were full of contempt, and he thought, even such a fool is worthy to be the king of a country.

However, Wei Ti Bahuo didn't know what Tai Shici was thinking. His eyes fell on Tai Shici, and he said proudly: "You native, are you willing to surrender to me? As long as you are willing to surrender, I will spare you the death penalty!"

Tai Shici smiled, pointed the green dragon halberd in his hand at Wei Ti Bahuo, and said word by word; "Barbarians, the Han people only have generals who died in battle, not cowards who bowed their knees! Kill!"

Immediately, eight thousand soldiers behind Tai Shici rushed out.

Seeing this, Weitibahuo sneered and said, "You self-defeating guy, the archer is ready, shoot the arrow!"

At this moment, accidents happened suddenly, and the arrows fell all over the sky, but they did not shoot at Tai Shici and others, but shot the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire to a large area.

Faced with this sudden change, Weitibajo still didn't know what happened, but the next second, he fell into despair.

Seeing Han Chinese troops in all directions, Dian Wei and Chen Dao rushed into the Guishuang Empire's army formation with a grinning grin, and began a one-sided ruthless massacre.

"Your Majesty, retreat quickly, we've been tricked." East found Weti Bajo who was in a daze at this time, and urged.

"No! Impossible, how could I lose again." Weiti Bahuo muttered to himself, obviously suffering from a severe blow to his mind.


Suddenly, a stray arrow hit Wetibajo's shoulder, and the severe pain woke him up. After waking up, Wetibaho saw the almost one-sided situation on the battlefield and knew something was wrong.

His legs clamped down on the horse's belly, and the horse suffered from pain, and rushed out with Weti Bajo, trying to stay away from the battlefield.

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