Seeing that their own kings had all run away, the remaining soldiers of the Guishuang Empire were even more in the mood to fight. They dropped their helmets and armor one after another, either surrendering or fleeing.

The sound of wailing, shouting for killing, and begging for mercy came one after another.Tonight, the pitch-black sky seemed to be dyed red.

"Ziyi, Ziman, you clean up the battlefield, and I will lead a small team to chase after Wei Ti Bahuo."

Chen Dao rode his horse and raised his gun, and led a small group of cavalry, chasing after Weti Bajo's escape.

Dian Wei, who stayed behind, said somewhat depressed; "I also want to go after Wei Ti Bahuo."

Tai Shici smiled and said, "Ziman, you and I have made a lot of contributions in the battle against Cao Cao, and now let the contribution be given to Uncle Zhi."

On the other side, Chen Dao chased after the horseshoe marks on the ground, and finally saw a remnant army ahead, and the leader was Wei Ti Bahuo.

Overjoyed, Chen Dao shouted loudly, "Catch Wei Ti Bahuo, reward him with a thousand gold, and make him a ten thousand householder!"

There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. When the sergeants behind Chen heard this, everyone was staring at gold stars. In their eyes, Wei Tibahuo was no longer a person, but a big walking treasury!

Under the frenzied pursuit, Vitibajo in front also sensed the arrival of the pursuers, and he was so anxious that he could only run away desperately.

As the king of a country, he deeply understands what will happen if he falls into the hands of the enemy, and the only way out is to run for his life.

Chen Dao from the rear saw that Wei Tibahuo was really good at running, and there were many remnants of the Guishuang Empire covering Wei Tibahuo. It was difficult for his sergeants to determine the whereabouts of Wei Tibahuo.

Therefore, Chen Dao came up with a plan, and only heard him yell loudly: "The one in the golden armor is Viti Bajo, catch him, don't let him run away!"

Following Chen Dao's voice, Weiti Bahuo was immediately stared at by everyone, and they all rushed towards him like crazy.

If it weren't for Wei Tibahuo's good martial arts skills, he swung his sword and killed several Han soldiers who were chasing him, he might really have become Liu Ke's prisoner.

"Damn it, I actually used my golden armor to identify it. No, this armor is too eye-catching."

Gritting his teeth, Wei Ti Bahuo took off his golden armor while running and threw it on the ground, causing Chen Dao's soldiers to rob him immediately.

"Stop them all, those who dare to loot will die! Hurry up and chase me!" Chen Dao cursed angrily, and finally stopped the soldiers from snatching the gold armor, and continued to chase towards Wei Ti Bahuo.

Inadvertently, Chen Dao caught a glimpse of Wei Tibahuo's special beard, and shouted again; "The bearded man is Wei Tibahuo, catch him!"

Wei Tibahuo, who was running for his life ahead, heard Chen Dao's words, and wished he could turn around and give him two swords.

Turning his eyes, Vetibaho raised his sword and cut off the beard and beard under his jaw, feeling very distressed.

But Chen Dao yelled again: "The one with the short beard is Weti Bajo!"

In a hurry, Waitibahoo tore off a corner of his clothes to cover his face.

It's a pity that when Wei Tibahuo was doing these movements, the speed of the war horse slowed down a lot unconsciously, and Chen Dao behind him had already caught up to him.

"Weitibahuo, where are you going, obediently follow me back to meet my king!" Chen Dao shouted sharply.

But Waitibajo seemed to have turned a deaf ear, and continued to flee forward.

When Chen Dao saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he raised his gun to kill Weti Bahuo and sat down on his horse.

At the critical moment, I saw a warrior approaching on a fast horse from a distance, with his bow and arrows out, he blocked Chen Dao's shot.

The general came up to Chen Dao, drew his sword from his waist, confronted Chen Dao, and said to Wei Ti Bahuo: "Your Majesty, hurry up, there is a team of our army not far ahead, and when you get there, Your Majesty will be safe." .”

When Wei Tibahuo heard the words, he drove his horse away, fearing that if he delayed for a while, he would die in Huangquan.

When Chen Dao saw Wei Tibahuo fleeing, he was very angry, staring at the enemy general in front of him, full of murderous intent.

"you wanna die!"

As soon as the words fell, he saw Chen Dao's gun coming out like a dragon, and a cold light suddenly appeared, and the cold point of the gun went straight to the enemy general's throat.

Faced with this tricky and fatal blow, the enemy general wanted to block with his sword, but Chen Dao's spear was too fast, and before he could react, the point of the spear pierced his throat!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After killing the enemy general, Chen Dao returned to Juyongguan angrily, with a gloomy expression all the time, and he was very brooding about the fact that he did not catch Wei Ti Bahuo.

After Liu Ke learned of this, in order to appease Chen Dao, he rewarded Chen Dao greatly, which comforted Chen Dao's depressed mood.

And Wei Ti Bahuo, who suffered a big defeat again, actually reorganized his army and prepared to fight Liu Ke to the end.

However, there were too many casualties in the Weitibajo army, from the original [-] troops to only about [-] now.

In the barracks of the Guishuang Empire that had been relocated, Weitibahuo ordered Easter to be tied up, intending to kill him to reassure the army.

The tied-up East knelt on the ground. He didn't say a word, his eyes were full of death, and there was a deep sense of disappointment in his eyes when he looked at Weti Bajo.

He already had a premonition of the fate of Vitibajo. How could a self-willed monarch, an arrogant monarch, defeat the enemy.

"Come on, kill him!"

Wei Tibahuo didn't know what was going on in East's heart, he only knew that it was because of East's bullshit schemes that he almost became Liu Ke's prisoner, and only by killing East could he relieve his hatred!

With a flash of the knife, Easter's head fell to the ground. After rolling a few times on the ground, it was taken to the wild by Weiti Bahuo and thrown away to feed the wolves.

After killing East, Waitibajo's irritated mood was relieved a little, and he sat in the big tent, thinking about what to do next.

It is definitely not advisable to attack by force, because I don't have many troops anymore.

Wei Tibahuo frowned, thinking for a long time, but still couldn't think of any good solution.

Just at this moment, he heard some noise outside the big tent, and out of curiosity, he went out to have a look, and saw an old farmer dressed as a Han being surrounded by a group of soldiers from the Guishuang Empire, commenting.

"What are you all doing? Who is this man?"

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